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  1. F


    Hospitalizations for novel coronavirus treatment increased by 105 with 419 patients checking in for treatment and 314 being discharged. There are now 3,300 people in hospital with infections and 282 of those are in intensive care ward, an increase of seven from 24 hours ago. Of the new patients...
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    Le net serait de 3 ou 4 nouveaux car 43 rentrée et 40 sorties, et non pas 21 cumulatifs Pourquoi? Les opérations sont annulées par faute de lit dans les soins intensif et non dans les hôpitaux. Ce qui est logique puisque les personnes subissant une opération sont automatiquement transférées aux...
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    The Time for Transparency About COVID-19 Origins is Now | Opinion ( That is scary, what was labeled a conspiracy theory at the beginning, is progressing towards becoming the reality. Combined with that facts that Vaccine are being made Mandatory, as it was predicted by many, before its...
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    Tu as raison sur ce point. Je l’ai corrigé car je voulais utiliser le total pour montrer a quel point c’est négligeable. Donc, au lieu d’aller chercher les gros ratios dans les petits segments, mieux voir les ratios dans leurs totalités, ça donne une meilleure perception de la réalité. Les...
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    Le vaccin est efficace a quoi exactement? Son efficacité pour arrêter la Pandémie? La situation démontre sans aucun doute que ce vaccin a échoué. Offrir de la protection? Il semble améliorer tes chances, mais il y’a quand même pas mal de Vacciné dans les hôpitaux, donc son succès est débattable...
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    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Freedom of choice is a cause. From what I could understand, She is not anti vaccine, but anti vaccine mandate. Unfortunately, most of the major media are in the Vaccine mandate tunnel, and as such focus on those people and twist their messages. You can call her a foul, or whatever you want, but...
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    The press conference of Legault is a complete joke. This guy claims that the Vaccinated have sacrificed?? What exactly? They had a passport and were enjoying life, while we were almost quarantined, and some lost their jobs. The Vaccine itself is not supposed to be a sacrifice but a solution. He...
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    C’est du n’importe quoi cette comparaison avec le Tabac. Fumer est un acte volontaire, rien ne t’oblige. De plus, les taxes sont en fonction de l’essentialité. Tout ce qui est essentiel n’est pas taxable contrairement aux produits non essentiels. Le virus est contracté involontairement. C’est...
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    Bye bye Cinema, Bars, StripClubs or others... vaccinated or not ! Im laughing HARD !

    Like saying a killer is free to kill but he will go to jail. When there is a punishment to making a choice, it is considered a crime. He is labeling us as criminals, and so is everyone supporting these decisions. This man....
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    Bye bye Cinema, Bars, StripClubs or others... vaccinated or not ! Im laughing HARD !

    Yes, sadly today I feel ashamed with such a leader. This is not who we are. This man needs to leave this office, he is unfit. He wants to show that he is a strong leader, and is blaming 10 percent of the population. This is just absurd. Lets see how he is going to make us pay that fine.
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    My brother never had it too. He is 35, he was with us when we caught it, took care of my mom, is very active socially. Not vaccinated though. Half of my staff got it lately, and 90 percent of them are vaccinated. I am certain that the counting that was being done is under representative of the...
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    The first time was at the very beginning of the wave. This was the longest and the most tiresome. The last one was in December, with the vaccination wave in schools. I tested positive on the first, the second i just assumed since it had almost similar symptoms than the first. The last one we all...
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    Millions of people suffering how exactly? - Measures: Same for Vaccinated and Non Vaccinated - Transmission: Again same for both - Hospitalization: Non Vaccinated more at risk, but Vaccinated catching up - Privileges: The passport made sure that only Vaccinated have access to it. This situation...
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    The respiratory is sometimes necessary when there are complications. Plus since the Vaccine is so succesful, why would the vaccinated need to be hospitalized? Most of us are not anti vaccine, we are anti forcing us vaccine. This vaccine in particular has failed miserably. For arguments sake...
  15. F

    Conspiracy theories

    Of all the conspiracy theories out there, these guys are the worst. They do not even have an intelligent argument that you can take seriously. The shape shifting reptilians, as silly as it is, has some creativity to it. The flat earth theory is just silly and blank.
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    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    The real question is how long till you need the fourth shot ;).It is like drinking Vodka, the effect wanes, then you need to take more. The more you take, the less the effect stays, so the more you need to take. No one knows yet, that is why the mandates and the forcing are repulsive, and a...
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    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    So, if we are to understand correctly, with only 15 percent non vaccinated, our situation is worst than when we were 100 percent not vaccinated? This has become a circus, if you so concerned, try to influence that clown to increase capacity instead of shrinking it. Bring back the personnel, let...
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    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    It is not part of the objective that you listen or hear the other side. The video's whole purpose is to ridicule the logic of anyone that rejects this vaccine. First they talk about vaccines in general, notice the "you think vaccines do not work" which is unrelated, and then ridicule their logic...
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    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    No worries i do not get really offended, i respect everyone's opinion. I am not sure where you get the 98 percent, but hey whatever, i mean you guys the pro mandates are know it all. History does show that sometimes less than 2 percent were right while 99 percent were wrong. So again meaningless...
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    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    So in other words, you believe that every single medical professional in this world is saying that we all need the Vaccine? You start presenting whatever point by ridiculing me. In the Medical community, there are professionals that believe this, some of whom were so extreme that they stopped...
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