Millions of people suffering how exactly?When millions of people suffer and die, philosophical theories are very far away.
- Measures: Same for Vaccinated and Non Vaccinated
- Transmission: Again same for both
- Hospitalization: Non Vaccinated more at risk, but Vaccinated catching up
- Privileges: The passport made sure that only Vaccinated have access to it.
This situation is not is not the doing of the Non Vaccinated. They are not the ones moving around, going out to clubs, etc... So stop trying to make it so. It is simply illogical and has no real grounds.
Do you Know how many Millions died to protect our Freedoms? The ones that they are preparing us to step on and shatter. The issue of personal freedom stands even if this vaccine is efficient, but the fact it has failed so miserably makes it even more critical.
Do you know how many have survived COVID?
Confirmed: 739,293
Deaths: 11,940
Recovered: 577,427
Percentage from Recovered: 98%
Percentage from Total: 98.35%
What are you really talking about man? You want us to loose our rights for that?!?!!?
Personally, I Had COVID 3 times, my EX wife had it 2 times. I cannot find one good reason why I need the Vaccine, or any of at least the 95% that have survived and recovered from COVID. I would even go further and state that forcing Vaccination for a Virus, which its permanent existence is almost a certainty, can be considered a Criminal Act, as it will strip as from adaptability, and natural immunity, which is how we evolved.
The Vaccine passport's existence was based on the notion that the Vaccinated were safer in terms of spreading the Virus (reduced spreading). This last wave have proved them wrong, and now that passport is used as "the stick and the Carrot". This shows that their calculation and assumptions were wrong. They were wrong since the beginning when they Claimed 70 percent was needed for herd immunity, it went up to 75, 90, and now they want 100 percent. Again, why would they be right? Now, They are assuming that for this Vaccine to be effective, it needs to be repeated, I think they are saying 4 times a year. Giving their history of predictions, starting by saying that Masks were not necessary, and then making them mandatory, we can assume that they know shit.
Loosing our rights for such clownish management is not something we should be willing to accept.
Finally, philosophy has its place in anything and everything