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  1. N

    Car talk / need inspiration to buy a new car

    Max, that's funny. I was just looking at the Passat. What does "TDI" stand for?
  2. N

    Car talk / need inspiration to buy a new car

    Hey fellow Merbites, So my present car is over 9 yrs old, and although I love it, it is starting to have problems and I don't feel like investing in it. I want a new car, but really have no clue, as there is nothing out there that really grabs my attention. THe only one that looks amazing to my...
  3. N

    How will the college closures affect Montreal's Hobbyland & Tourism?

    thx for your vote of confidence LOL
  4. N

    Should I tip an SP?

    yes sir, bien dit Lovelegs!
  5. N

    The art of nylon/hosiery (SP's and agencies plz wake up!)

    Nope.... those are fishnets. Hate them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. N

    How will the college closures affect Montreal's Hobbyland & Tourism?

    As a hobbyist, I hope students end up paying more... That only means one thing.....even more chicks on annonce123. Yes, i'm a dirty pig!
  7. N

    Logging in to MERB

    I have been experiencing this for easily 6 weeks or more... Perhaps our board is infiltrated.
  8. N

    What is the HIGHEST you would pay to be with your favorite pornstar?

    What do you mean, are u saying that Angel Dark can be had at 220/hr?
  9. N

    What is the HIGHEST you would pay to be with your favorite pornstar?

    I have been contemplating this, since I really wanna bang Angel Dark. I think she is so damn hot. What a sick body! What a gorgeous face! Her price is $1600/hr (2hours at 3k), available in LA and London. I've read many reviews that her service is...
  10. N

    W5 CTV special last night on Sex Trade in York, north of Toronto

    Watching the highly professional Sandy Rinaldo almost breakdown says it all.....
  11. N

    Is the best TV police drama ever-made, The Shield?

    I have never seen this show, but I have had a few buddies tell me that this is must-see TV. Can anyone confirm that?
  12. N

    xxxtase, new talents = pricy, Just what make up the price these day????

    hahaha, ok. You seem so certain :) I had some of the most memorable experiences with your girls.
  13. N

    xxxtase, new talents = pricy, Just what make up the price these day????

    I used to see XXXtase girls regularly, but I have stopped for a solid 2-3 years. These price increases will not help me go back to them...
  14. N

    We only have MERB (ourselves) to blame for what's happening to our SP market

    wow, u guys are still here chatting? I forget about this thread for 4 or 5 days, only to come back and realize that I have a novel's worth of reading to do just to catch up...
  15. N

    We only have MERB (ourselves) to blame for what's happening to our SP market

    LOL, I tend to write my reviews as i'm SOG'ing with the SP still here !
  16. N

    We only have MERB (ourselves) to blame for what's happening to our SP market

    Gentlemen, please read post #24 by Mod 8 before proceeding any further.
  17. N

    Nominations for Best Reviewer of 2011

    Wow thx guys. I just saw this thread.
  18. N

    We only have MERB (ourselves) to blame for what's happening to our SP market

    Well said Merlot. Also, I agree with you fully that boards like this have indeed made me save in the long-run (as I already alluded to). But, it doesn't mean that we should just keel over and take it up the isles. A few members have stated that a quick solution is to not support these hikes...
  19. N

    We only have MERB (ourselves) to blame for what's happening to our SP market

    on a credible US website, if members don't submit reviews, they get bounced. And even then, the reviews have to follow a certain format. In other words, reviews like: "I saw her, she was really sweet. Treat her well guys. She's a keeper", will get flushed out instantly, and deleted... It has...
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