Montreal Escorts

We only have MERB (ourselves) to blame for what's happening to our SP market

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Nov 4, 2009
on a credible US website, if members don't submit reviews, they get bounced. And even then, the reviews have to follow a certain format.

In other words, reviews like: "I saw her, she was really sweet. Treat her well guys. She's a keeper", will get flushed out instantly, and deleted...

It has come to this..

In all honesty, we should implement that on this board. It would make things so much more efficient.

Mod 8

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Jun 7, 2007
I will not allow this thread to degrade into attacks or comments directed at any member or advertiser of this board. If someone wishes to speak in general terms that is fine. Any posts directed at any member in particular will be removed and a suspension may follow. This warning is for everyone posting in this thread.



Jun 13, 2003
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1) First of all, by writing these wonderful and informative reviews, we risk losing the chance of ever seeing that SP again. I can think of countless times where I had positively reviewed an SP and then proceeded to never get the chance to see her again, because she was so booked up by you dirty pigs. Although, I can live with that....


And then because of that, what do you think will happen?....Obviously, the price will go up everywhere. Why should the agency who has been keeping the price low, keep losing his girls?

We are doing it to ourselves.

I recently found 2 gems (one on Annonce123 and the other is an agency girl - they both have no reviews here), and as much as I hate doing this, I have held back on posting my reviews for these very reasons. Please DO NOT pm me about them. I will just delete your messages.

You gotta accept the reality that for every normal decent cool guy on this board that fuck escorts for the right reasons, there are about 10 super desperate losers that could never get sex unless they paid for it. So they overhype and worship these prostitutes as if they were princesses and queens. So many idiots are leaving half the girl's rate as a tip and offering ridiculous amounts to guarantee themselves GFE or PSE.

You got 20 year old dropout girls making 2 times more per hour than people with PhDs and paying ZERO taxes for ONE HOUR of "work"!!!! LOL

It's not the girls. It's the guys. The clients control the market and the prices. If you keep begging like desperate dogs and worshipping the hoes and pimps as if they are royalty, you will end up being bigger suckers than you already are.

Like come on guys. Relax. An hour of sex has its limit when it comes to value. It s just sex. A release of bodily fluids and stuff. Once it's over, 2 days later you can barely remember shit and need to fuck again. So chill the fuck out, man up and stop getting fleeced like morons because you're lonely or need female companionship. Get a girlfriend. Bang hookers for good sex WITHOUT getiing ripped off. Stay respectful and classy but stop treating them like you wanny marry them. 90% of the time they laugh their ass off after you leave. They fuck 4 to 10 times a day. All different guys. So stop falling in love unless you're seeing the girl for free in your and her personal life without paying.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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You gotta accept the reality that for every normal decent cool guy on this board that fuck escorts for the right reasons, there are about 10 super desperate losers that could never get sex unless they paid for it. So they overhype and worship these prostitutes as if they were princesses and queens. So many idiots are leaving half the girl`s rate as a tip and offering ridiculous amounts to guarantee themselves GFE or PSE.

You got 20 year old dropout girls making 2 times more per hour than people with PhDs and paying ZERO taxes for ONE HOUR of ``work``!!!! LOL

It`s not the girls. It`s the guys. The clients control the market and the prices. If you keep begging like desperate dogs and worshipping the hoes and pimps as if they are royalty, you will end up being bigger suckers than you already are.

Like come on guys. Relax. An hour of sex has its limit when it comes to value. It s just sex. A release of bodily fluids and stuff. Once it`s over, 2 days later you can barely remember shit and need to fuck again. So chill the fuck out, man up and stop getting fleeced like morons because you`re lonely or need female companionship. Get a girlfriend. Bang hookers for good sex WITHOUT getiing ripped off. Stay respectful and classy but stop treating them like you wanny marry them. 90% of the time they laugh their ass off after you leave. They fuck 4 to 10 times a day. All different guys. So stop falling in love unless you`re seeing the girl for free in your and her personal life without paying.

eddie, you are 100 percent correct.

Everyone can say no to upcharges and increased prices.

Several years ago, perhaps around 2003 or 2004, I had called a new agency (one that is no longer in business and did not last long). From the description of the girls, I noticed that she sounded familiar and I may have seen her from an agency that I liked and used a good bit.

I had originally called for another girl who had nice pictures and a positive review. I asked the agency owner if the girl was so and so from the agency I liked. He said she did work at that agency. He did not know her name. From the description I knew it was her. He suggested that I see both and he`d give me $20 less an hr. So I did.

They both arrived and I was right it was her. Both were very pretty. I asked the usual menu and restrictions as I always do before I handed over any money.

The girl who I saw before was silent. The other one said was an extra $60 and kissing was $40. I asked was this the total for the both of them? She said, no, it was a piece. I asked the one that I saw before if it was correct. And she said that the new agency allowed them to charge extra if they wanted. The other agency did not.

I told them I was not interested. Neither of them seemed surprised. They both gathered their belongings and left and I called an agency I knew that did not allow upcharging.

Moral of the story is you have to let walk if in these circumstances.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Again, boys, you're forgetting who is in charge here. My sense is that what is happening at Angels is a very good thing for the girls who choose to go in that direction. While I can't prove it, I'm guessing that he's letting the girls set their own rates and then he's tacking the agency charge on top. That's the only clear rationale I can see for the great variance in rates.

What very, if any, posters here realize is the point I made yesterday. The girls don't work for the agencies, the agencies work for the girls. The girls set their own hours and collect from their clients, turning the agency cut over to the driver. If a girl doesn't like that amount of work her agent is bringing in or the amount of money she's making either per day or per hour, she is free to move along. My guess is that if you asked John of Eleganza to provide contracts the girls have signed, replete with non-compete clauses, he'd have a hard time providing them.

As for the girls who have recently fled Eleganza, I've only met one of them, and repeated. She's now charging more than I personally would pay for her time, so the move has cost her at least one client. Perhaps the move will work out for her, perhaps it won't and she'll reduce her rates. That's not my concern and I certainly don't resent her move. I can only wish her well.

At one (agency) extreme, you have Tony, who (I believe) is allowing the girls to set their own rates, on the other you have Mike and Billy at Chloe's/Candyshop who are operating in the mid-range with obvious success by offering two hour sessions for as much as 33% less than you'd pay an Angel's girl. Both agencies seem to be recruiting new talent at a phenomenal rate while operating under very different economic models.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
No its not the $ side of the thing that has fucked up this, its your instant gratification quest that has.
Poor sad Tony, back where he's not wanted.

For most of us, the pay 4 play thing is a sidelight in our lives, a hobby if you will. For Poor sad Tony, monitoring merb, a place where he's been repeatedly rejected, through all his waking hours, is all he has left.

Tony isn't a girlieman. Tony isn't a manly man. Tony isn't a man at all. Tony is no more than a virtual pimple on merb's buttcheek.


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
les sp sont intelligentes,elles se font une clientele avec les agences pour ensuite devenir indy avec de bonnes reviews et parfois doubler les tarifs.Dans un monde capitaliste c'est toujours l'offre et la demande qui établit les tarifs.des qu'il y a une baisse de la demande les tarifs baissent.Rien dans nos propos ne pourra changer cette réalité.


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
We may have only ourselves to blame, but this is a review board. Nearly all of my reviews are positive, mainly because the way I see everything, there is something positive even in a bad experience. Even a bad BJTC has a happy ending, or the worst lay ever was still pretty good. There are a few ladies that I've seen whom I've never reviewed for one reason or another, and may or may not in the future. My reviews reflect my honest experience.
When it comes to the lady's specific hourly rate, isn't this a free country? If any person or business charges a higher rate than another person, it is their prerogative. If there is a higher demand for a particular good or service, the provider of that particular good or service has the right to charge what the market will bear. If the purchaser of that particular good or service can't afford or chooses not to pay that rate, he has the option of either doing without, seeking a rate closer to his liking, or paying the higher rate. It is the rule of supply and demand. I believe it holds true no matter what product or service is provided. If the particular SP is charging a higher rate because of the glowing reviews posted here, yes it is our fault, but we have created a greater demand for that particular lady. So be it. Not posting a review is the option of the consumer, but this is a review board, and, thanks to the honesty of most members, it serves that purpose well. If I can't afford or choose not to pay the higher rate, and am determined to see an SP that evening, I either do without, or pay the price.
If a lady leaves an agency for another, there a lot more reasons than we have the right to know. In a recent conversation with an agency owner about a certain lady that left, he said that it was difficult to plan because a lot of requests for her couldn't be filled because he never knew when she was going to work. In another conversation I was told that a lady changed agencies to do incall because she got tired of outcall. Understandable, because I can't say how long I'd last sitting in a car, in traffic, waiting for the phone to ring, to call me to a place that might have the ugliest, rudest jerk answer the door, in a questionable neighborhood, or answer the questions of hotel security guard, or a nosy front desk clerk.
As far as some members not posting reviews, that is their choice. I don't recall taking an oath when I joined saying that I would post reviews. I remember being told to follow the rules, and, please correct me here, there isn't anything saying that I am required to post reviews. Some reviews I've read are minimal, consisting of a few words and need a lot more information. Some are so long that they become boring after the first chapter of the novel that has been written. I don't want a standard form for a review because we all have different styles, but it mostly comes down to the answers to the questions: "Was your session good or bad?" and Would you repeat or not?".
It may be our doing, but it wouldn't be a review board, if we didn't review.
All of this is my own opinion and as I used to say in my signature, "My opinion and $2 will get you a Coke from most vending machines."(Or something like that).


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Many of you have very eloquently written great posts. Merlot and Rumples have pretty much covered it. I don't see the situation as a big deal. Girls get good reviews and they bump up their rate by $20. If rates go higher then just don't see them and they'll be forced to come back down. Many hobbyists are selfish by nature, but let's think about the girls a little. If they are so awesome we should be happy they are getting a few dollars more. Don't they deserve it? It's not easy kissing and sucking all you guys. Trying to hold them back so we can see them 3 times a year is a little bit selfish IMO.

Also as someone mentioned, there are new girls coming in all the time, starting at the bottom rate. In Montreal, we will not run out of lower rate GFE girls, don't worry.


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
this is an interruption from your regularly scheduled banter ...

i'm thinking of the power of a site/community/group of likeminded ppl... youtube has it's challenges, i'm thinking of having some fun and putting forth a challenge to all merbites to book 1 SP over the course of a month and see who can get more mileage out of her. you guys seem bored and are turning to this long standing issue for more chatter.

back to your old program...

we know vets will withhold a glowing revu and if they ever decide to post one it's only because they've had their fill or the SP's outputting low mileage. so again, not all gems are discovered immediately and again it's par for the course.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Such a board is to share reviews-- we have complained repeatedly in cycles over years that there's not enough reviews.
But we need to write them without the hyperbolic OMG she is the greatest thing since sliced bread style that has become too common.
Also number ratings need to be realistic-- the average Montreal SP reviewed on this board has face-body of 8... this is not reflective of reality! GND looks should never be 8!! Your average Mtl SP is probably a 5-6 in looks..
And finally, as many have said: DONT PAY HIGHER RATES !


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
It's not easy kissing and sucking all you guys. Trying to hold them back so we can see them 3 times a year is a little bit selfish IMO.

Hear, hear! I agree. And we remember more fondly those gems we lost before we lost interest in their sparkle.

For the ripest apple is the soonest rotten,
And the warmest love is the soonest cold.


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
... for an 18-22 year old girl what more is there to think about?
Boob-jobs, liposuction, 10 more guys to fuck...:noidea:


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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Also number ratings need to be realistic-- the average Montreal SP reviewed on this board has face-body of 8... this is not reflective of reality! GND looks should never be 8!! Your average Mtl SP is probably a 5-6 in looks..

I totally agree with you, Hormone and this is precisely the reason why I don't write (local) reviews anymore.


Jun 13, 2003
Visit site
Also number ratings need to be realistic-- the average Montreal SP reviewed on this board has face-body of 8... this is not reflective of reality! GND looks should never be 8!! Your average Mtl SP is probably a 5-6 in looks..
And finally, as many have said: DONT PAY HIGHER RATES !

Well said. Guilty of it myself but it depends on value too. At 120 or 140, I will be "nice" if girl gives a great service. But what I hate is girl next door types who charge 180 and up LOL Guys overrate them because they allow themselves to get "charmed" by a sweet personality or great attitude. I will make efforts in 2012 to be really objective. 5 on 10 does not mean ugly. It just means average.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I will make efforts in 2012 to be really objective. 5 on 10 does not mean ugly. It just means average.

You already write very detailed and informative reviews, so there's no need for numbers in my opinion.
If someone's average people should just write "average" instead of trying to give a number.

Me, I'll try to sound less like a raving fanatic, but it's hard to be objective about passionate stuff :)
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