Montreal Escorts

xxxtase, new talents = pricy, Just what make up the price these day????

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forever newbi

Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
First all, I could not figur out how to post in the agency review section, so please mods, move this post if you feel it fit better there, thanks.

It is sure that xxxtase got quit a few new girls lately, something must working out for them after a long dry spell with very few new comers...

But raise the price right after their first week???

I got say that for new comers they are good, yet I have seen good starters turn sour real fast.

Right now XXXtase is among the highest priced in town with not one , but two girl at 220/hrs.

I don't mind pay more for good service but what is good service???

I have seen girls at 180 but pay her 200 anyway since I really enjoy my time with her, but that was because I know it worth that much.

Best service I had was not from any 220/hr, fact is my all time worth service was from a sp now change 220/hr.

I welcome agencies share their reason for price hike, alway good to hear the other side of story.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Actually this subject belongs in the Lounge and that is where I have moved it to.



Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Just saw the $220 rate on Megan and her sister Alexia. Julia is now at $200 as well. The agencies raise the rate because they want more money and so do the girls. I don't blame them. What can we do? The only thing is don't see the $220 girls and if enough guys do that the price will go back to at least $200. Angel Escorts and Queen of Spades have rates higher than $200. I have never seen any of those girls because I can find great choices for less. I would make an exception, but it would take a pretty special girl for me to break this rule.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
Visit site
I used to see XXXtase girls regularly, but I have stopped for a solid 2-3 years. These price increases will not help me go back to them...

XXXClusive Agency

Supporting Member
Nov 29, 2013
Reverdy a pas mal repondu a la question , nous ne faison pas plus d argent $ quand nous montons un prix nous en donnons simplement plus a la fille et quand je décide de le faire c est qu il y a de bonne raison . Je suis pret a donner plus d explication au telephone avec n importe qui qui voudrait en savoir plus a ce sujet !!

Nylonlover we just recruit about 10 new ladies on the last 2 weeks and we will have many more comming :p im not worry im sur you will call me back :p
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I would make an exception, but it would take a pretty special girl for me to break this rule.
I can assure you MA that I have found the girl that will make you break that rule.
I`m actually tempted to write the most positive review of my life.

Xxxtase was number 3 or 4 on my list of favourite agencies, but with the return of Alexia they are number 1 again.

PS the girl I`m refering too is not Alexia, even if she is still one of my all time favourites
I will leave a hint...she is the prettiest escort I`v ever seen....prettier than Mykaela, June or Venus.


Jul 23, 2006
I much pereffer dealing with xxtase and pay a little more because they have always been honest and puncual with me and I am sure with the most members..we don't complain about some agencies prices prices wich goes up to $260 with average service and no big deal cusomer service .in my book xxxtase has a wonderful profesional reputation ..give him a little chance thes girls are looking for a job I am sure some agencies offer them more money so xxxtase is just trying to be competitve .I still think xxxtase is the best agency in town and I am very glad he has many new talents and they all look very pretty.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The Toronto market is able to support higher prices. First the population is much larger there, second people there on average earn a higher pay there then the people in Montreal do, and the taxes are lower there. Prices are determined by what the market is willing to pay and it is clear that there are enough people willing to pay that price otherwise the agencies would have no choice but to lower the price. I doubt this is really aimed at the average joe but more at the guy that is well off. There more then enough well off men in Toronto for the outcall market. As for Montreal prices are lower as the market cannot support those prices. Look at stripclubs... dances prices in Toronto are $20 vs $10/$15 in Montreal. Anyways that is another story. It is a free market system and if one cannot afford it the choice is obvious... either increase your income or reduce using outcall services or even cut if off all together. If the SPs can make enough money at $220/hr then so be it. Again as before I doubt this service is aimed at the average joe.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
they make more in toronto, but its a lot more expensive to live there, so really the amount is relative

even to go to toronto for awhile to work but live in montreal is it that much worth it?, to pack up leave family friends and your home for a month or months at a time? i could see if u were making double but it isnt, plus with the higher rate im sure the agency is getting more u would have to assume, so at 180 if an agency takes 80, id think at 250 an agency takes at least 125, so ud only really be making an extra 25 dollars give or take, doesnt really seem all that worth it unless u planned on moving to toronto anyways

XXXClusive Agency

Supporting Member
Nov 29, 2013
so at 180 if an agency takes 80, id think at 250 an agency takes at least 125, so ud only really be making an extra 25 dollars give or take, doesnt really seem all that worth it unless u planned on moving to toronto anyways

alot of merb agency who charge 180 give 110-120 to the ladies ( Asservissante, Eleganza , girlsonfire , angel )... 60$ ( drivers fee 25 ) + ( Booker 10-15) ...Still 20 max 30 for the agency( if you have a partner its 10 or 15 ) ....if the ladies rates is 200....still 20-30 for the agency ...if the ladies is 220 still again 20-30 for the agency !!!!

The only reason when we charge more is because we give more at the ladies that it that alll .... i hope this is now clear for you :))))
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Apr 22, 2011
It is what the market will bear, I know that some ladies that work for the more expensive places also work for regular price places to hedge their bets.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Some of you may not realize that a few of the prettier and more popular girls set their own price as a condition of joining an agency..... or even leaving a good paying job like dancing or porno, to become an escort.

BTW nice job of hiring new talent Martin, but please replace Megan`s "librarian " picture and show her in a bikini. She is hot enough to grace the cover of the SI swimsuit edition.


Jan 12, 2011
reverdy said:
...She was telling me that when she's in Toronto there is less haggling over the money (for instance, clients trying to get away with not paying the agreed rate), and she has (so far) never had to deal with clients who are completely drunk or high on coke, as can be the case from time to time in Montreal.

What an accusation to make that Montrealers are drunk and high on coke as opposed to goody goody Tdot(what a stupid name). What proof do you have to back this up? For someone who needs so much proof when a sp is accused of being on drugs you seem to make a pretty general accusation of an entire city based on one sp. No one in T snot does coke or ever gets drunk maybe things like that happen in Montreal but not there. You should change your name to retardy!
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New Member
Jun 29, 2010
It is clear that agencies are getting greedier .....give more to the girls is a bad explanation...cut the custumers and prices will york is new york ,alberta, ontario are what they are ,montreal ,quebec can afford only to be fair and reasonable or business will's getting out of hand for the bulk of local hobbyists who provide agencies' bread and butter.outsiders might say mtl is not expensive,true ....but they are not frequent repeat business
i have made it a point to let certain agencies know. I have several friends and we have decided to drop agencies that are jumping prices like gasoline. No matter how beautiful,competent a girl might be, the market is so competitive theat it makes room for us to go with other more reasonable agencies. Inncalls with so many private announcers has proven to be very pleasant and le3ss costly as you repeat visits. You very well know that a satisfied repeat costumer is important.....i am a businessman.......and as you loose some of those it is next to impossible to get them back... So you go ahead raise, raise, raise..... Remember you cannot count on only a few guys with big bucks, nor with the average joe with a few bucks............ Guys let's share our views
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