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We only have MERB (ourselves) to blame for what's happening to our SP market

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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello CS,

You seem to love to refer to Canbest and other events that happened many years ago. Well Canbest self destructed and that is exactly what the moderators of this board are here to keep from happening again. Maybe it is time to wake up and move into the present and leave the past behind where it belongs. You call MERB "politically correct". What exactly do you mean? Are you unhappy because we have rules and actually take the time to enforce those rules? Would you prefer a more "wild west" atmosphere? I think there is enough evidence elsewhere to show that that simply does not work. Life has rules, CS, and so does MERB. Maybe it is time you accept that. I always find it amusing that the ones who complain the loudest are those who have the most problems following them. If you have something to suggest to make this community better than it is, please feel free to share it with the rest of us. There have been many suggestions from members that have been implemented on MERB to make it a better place for everyone to post and spend some of their valuable time. We always look at every suggestion that members may have. It is easy to bitch and complain. Maybe you should try being a bit more constructive for a change if you actually have something constructive to suggest.

You also seem to be saying that this thread has degenerated. I see nothing of the sort but I do see a free exchange of ideas and points of view. I am glad you find it so amusing. Many members probably get some amusement from your posts also. I know that I do.

Mod 8

I'll admit to only reading a few pages of this thread. My reaction is twofold. One extreme satisfaction in knowing that the old saying still applies that "you reap what you sow". The other being amusement that a thread can degenerate without my help all together.

Another old saying is "divide and conquer". This is exactly what's occurred. In the original days of Canbest the clients would argue, but at least supported one another when it came to reviews. It was recognized that the need to be critical was a responsibility you shared with other posters. The general need for secrecy of one's identity was part of the quality control process. In the end the need for mutual support part of the experience. While I would imagine that at least one or two agency owners and/or SPs did end up posting, it was the exception rather than the rule. The constant petty fighting of egos was less apparent AND THE MODERATOR PRETTY MUCH STAYED OUT OF THINGS. How was this accomplished? The agencies knew very little of our identities, they rarely if ever posted. The SPs almost never posted, there was not as much b/c gossiping. What the agencies have learned is to get into the thick of things, allow our own egos to keep us fighting and debating, use b/c to create & promote rumors, etc....etc...etc.. Clients would never have mentioned posting or on what board to an SP/agency.

It's sad that the top hit on the phrase "Canbest" now promotes glazing materials for buildings....LOL

The reason I stopped writing reviews: It became more trouble than it was worth. Someone on this board always had a vested interest in some agency and/or SP. Any negative comment was immediately called into question by another, thus resulting in a personal attack of some type. I can remember being threatened b/c by another poster if I wrote a negative review about a particular popular SP.

But I do want to congratulate Moderator 8 here for creating such a Politically Correct Board.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
I am glad you find it so amusing. Many members probably get some amusement from your posts also. I know that I do.

Mod 8

Two things: 1) I was updating the post you quoted exactly when you posted your response, so you may want to quote the updated version (corrected for clarity & grammar). Unfortunately like Lincoln, I'm self-taught and don't posess some folks elite education. I wouldn't want to spell "holocaust" wrong again. 2) It's good to know you're amused by my posts. I think I'm quite boring, so it's good to know I can entertain you. I'll keep trying to post exactly within your rules both written and implied.

Thanks again, here's the definition of "Polictically Correct" from a source on the internet:

Meriam Webster:
: conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated

Now that I've clarified things, let's not let this valuable discussion get sidetracked!!! It's my suggestion that all posters should write full, concise and truthful reviews to help all the newbies.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
As of now there will be no more reviews coming from me.
Mod 8 please ask Fred to delete all my reviews

Geeeeeez Cloudsurf,

Are you kidding? Tell me you're not going to let some argument deprive the entire board of your contributions. C'mon man, I'm sure you're big enough to brush off a difference of opinion no matter how harsh or intense. I can understand you posting the way you want, but not letting someone goad you into irrationality.

Iggy contributes plenty....starting with his handle in red.

And the relevance on the subject of reviews of anyone who has never posted a review...the...let's see...hmmm...ACTUAL PURPOSE OF THIS BOARD????? :confused: :noidea:

Let me add...there are two ways to destroy a board:

1. Undermine the credibility of reviewers/stop reviews.

2. Use the board to make connections with valuable reviewers then promote and hoard an underground pipeline with those members and contribute nothing on reviews publicly.

In this case see #2.

I gladly DESTROY with pleasure the livelyhood of someone who doesn't deserve it.

This attitude sounds a lot more like malicious intent than responsible criticism. There's no value in anyone who seems bent on revenge.

I can fully understand anyone not wanting to jeopardize a girl's livelihood, when they think the problem was temporary. Escorting is a peculiar job and chemistry will always play a part, want it or not. But it cannot be used as an excuse for lousy dates over and over :nono:.

That's important. There are two general reasons why there might be a bad meeting. She's a poor-bad escort, he's a poor-bad client. Generally, I don't question negative reviews unless they are obviously way over the top. But I have often wondered how often the way the client may have failed his obligation to be clean and decent, or may have pushed too hard against her limitations created the bad outcome. I almost never see a client admit he may have done something or failed to do something that affected the outcome. I don't think a client has to do that necessarily, but I like to rely on a pattern of good or bad reviews by multiple clients to avoid the chances of either improper favoritism or a bias against.

Personnaly I feel more sympathy toward escorts because they are people I’ve met and been intimate with, while people on the board are unknown strangers. So when in doubt I will tend to go more easy on the ladies.

I find it hard to be too critical right after an encounter for the same reason. A little time...a little distance...the head clears...the review becomes more rational.

I'm amazed at the timidity of some of my fellow whoremongers. Afraid of having their presumably anonymous handles flamed by other anonymous entities; afraid of hurting the business of someone who just ripped you off; afraid of offending some pimp by telling the truth about one of the latter's employees.

As I've said before, we are here to rent pussy - not be one.

LOL! Yeah, it's funny how easy it can be to feel an irrational attachment to an escort and have the impulse to protect her. The single experience itself can be pure bliss. But no matter how marvelous...she was still just a rental serving or running a BUSINESS. Awful or great changes nothing.




New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I find it hard to be too critical right after an encounter for the same reason. A little time...a little distance...the head clears...the review becomes more rational.

That's true! My best reviews were certainly written while still under the influence. I'm learning to control myself.

LOL! Yeah, it's funny how easy it can be to feel an irrational attachment to an escort and have the impulse to protect her. The single experience itself can be pure bliss. But no matter how marvelous...she was still just a rental. Awful or great changes nothing.

We have this kind of irrational attachment for everything we pay to enjoy: favorite music bands, sports team, etc. Rented sex is just as valid as anything else. Our own flesh is just a rental after all and the end of the lease gets closer everyday. I'll take all the bliss I can get :smile:.


Jun 13, 2003
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This attitude sounds a lot more like malicious intent than responsible criticism. There's no value in anyone who seems bent on revenge.


Since you quoted me. Of course it's malicious intent for extreme cases. I have posted hundreds of reviews on Canbest, Merb, Merc..... I just give my opinions and never really had to "destroy" someone. A negative review does enough damage especially when concurred upon by other reliable and veteran hobbyists. If however, an agency or provider had malicious intent; I will have malicious intent. Eye for an eye as they say and there is nothing wrong with that as sometimes there is just cause to be ruthless and malicious.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Case in point

A few years ago, I had a so-so date which I reviewed here. A few days later, I received a PM from a well-known and respected reviewer. He said he had met her as well, but had not deemed necessary to publish a review. He said he felt a little sheepish. Gee, thanks...

Even the agency owner thanked me for my comments.

I still am not convinced we should be too hard on the reviewers who only do "positive", and here is why:

  • This is a free board, both in not having to pay to be a member and not being restricted to any particular review format (and I like it this way). Ideally, posting both types of comments is the most helpful and will bolster the reviewer's credibility.
  • Only positive reviews is better than no reviews at all. Sometimes it may bring up questions about motivations.
  • Same goes for only negative ones.
So if an "only positive" guy steers you right by his reviewing, what is the problem? In the meantime, there are plenty of leeches who only read our reviews and won't post any of their own, positive OR negative. They are only profiting from the board.

The guy in my story didn't need to post all these other positive reviews which helped me, after all. I'd rather have my glass half full than empty.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
A few years ago, I had a so-so date which I reviewed here. A few days later, I received a PM from a well-known and respected reviewer. He said he had met her as well, but had not deemed necessary to publish a review. He said he felt a little sheepish. Gee, thanks...

I received PM from different people saying they agree with me on 2 of my reviews (one positive, one mixed). It's nice of them to say so, but I'm not sure why they did'nt just say it on the thread, especially when it's positive.


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
personally, i'd love to know which reviews are based on an encounter where the agency and girl know the merbite's handle ... that would tell me whether service had a positive slant and the girl was coached to be on her "best" behavior.

a bit of a pipe dream but aren't we dealing in dreams, fantasies and wishlist items here on merb anyway... so why not put it out there. :)


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
...So if an "only positive" guy steers you right by his reviewing, what is the problem?...

for me there's no problem per se ... it's more a "disappointment" or let down or sorts that someone who takes the time to post reviews cannot bring themselves to post about negative experiences. sometimes it can diminish the value of that merbite's reviews knowing they will just about never say anything bad. but like you said,

...Only positive reviews is better than no reviews at all. ...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I still am not convinced we should be too hard on the reviewers who only do "positive", and here is why:

So if an "only positive" guy steers you right by his reviewing, what is the problem? In the meantime, there are plenty of leeches who only read our reviews and won't post any of their own, positive OR negative. They are only profiting from the board.

The guy in my story didn't need to post all these other positive reviews which helped me, after all. I'd rather have my glass half full than empty.

Hello Sapman,

There's nothing wrong with a member who does only positive reviews, unless he knows an escort who is a strong likelihood to be a poor-bad encounter for anyone. There are so many elements that might make an encounter be sub-standard that I can't blame a client for being unwilling to put what is essentially a brand of poor quality on an escort. Just one of those elements is natural chemistry or a total lack of it. But when an escort is just plain bad I do see a clear responsibility to report it to spare the members from likely losses of hundreds of dollars.

Regarding leeches, yes there may be many. Still I can understand this if it's about total anonymity and the wish to keep it that way to protect personal identity or just avoid the confrontations that arise. Just being lazy or selfish is another matter that is far less excusable if at all.

But the worst is brazenly posting about hiding information...and the absolute insult to the contributing membership in using this board to direct others toward a backdoor pipeline of information. Mod8 has said there is no rule that requires one to review. However, when blatantly using this board as a tool to publish encouragement for others to use the backdoor, and consequently not make reviews, then there should be punitive action. This is not only leeching, but diminishing the board. There's a huge difference between asking for private clarity or further detail on a well reviewed lady, and saying you're keeping secret information no one knows about.

personally, i'd love to know which reviews are based on an encounter where the agency and girl know the merbite's handle ... that would tell me whether service had a positive slant and the girl was coached to be on her "best" behavior.

a bit of a pipe dream but aren't we dealing in dreams, fantasies and wishlist items here on merb anyway... so why not put it out there. :)

Agreed. When the escort knows the client is a likely reviewer it can't avoid distorting the performance.

I gladly DESTROY with pleasure the livelyhood of someone who doesn't deserve it.

I just give my opinions and never really had to "destroy" someone. A negative review does enough damage especially when concurred upon by other reliable and veteran hobbyists. If however, an agency or provider had malicious intent; I will have malicious intent. Eye for an eye as they say and there is nothing wrong with that as sometimes there is just cause to be ruthless and malicious.

Your original wording suggests something way beyond an opinion, more like vendetta, which would contain gross bias that makes the review unreliable at best.

It would be interesting to read an example scenario of what would be considered "malicious intent", and how you would know it was. Unless you were being robbed directly, grossly deceived, or blackmailed, I don't see how failure to provide service, presupposing what you may be referring to, is malicious if it's about a compatibility problem or a choice on her part not to provide more liberal services.




Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
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wow, u guys are still here chatting? I forget about this thread for 4 or 5 days, only to come back and realize that I have a novel's worth of reading to do just to catch up...


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
wow, u guys are still here chatting? I forget about this thread for 4 or 5 days, only to come back and realize that I have a novel's worth of reading to do just to catch up...

Like Mickey mouse in the sorcerer's apprentice. You fell asleep and the magic merbites kept pouring more opinions in your thread:lol:.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005

Du choc des idées jaillit la lumière

Light emerges from the clash of ideas


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I have no problem with guys who post only positive reviews. I just know better than to place any credence in their words.

I do have a problem with those who write none at all and communicate only by back-channel. They are leeches who suck the life-blood out of the board.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
I post both kinds

As far as I`ve seen, the following posters have not written negative reviews....only the odd negative comments just like I have: Merlot, Sapman, JoeT,Touch,JustforFun,DocH,SK, Benxxx and more....

Raven @ GOF
Penelope @ Devilish
Naomie @ Devilish

if I have posted more positive reviews lately, the answer is simple: I don`t "sample" as much as used to. I find ladies I like and repeat with them a lot more. Even when I look to meet someone "new" these days, it`s mostly someone "new to me" but who has already been reviewed. I have tried a couple of times to meet the very newer ones that show promise, but some of you guys are machines :D! I always seem to get beat to the punch LOL.

Please note that I have met two of the girls listed above after these reviews were posted, and in both cases had an amazing time :thumb:. On both occasions a long time had elapsed.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
[if I have posted more positive reviews lately, the answer is simple: I don't "sample" as much as used to. I find ladies I like and repeat with them a lot more. Even when I look to meet someone "new" these days, it's mostly someone "new to me" but who has already been reviewed. I have tried a couple of times to meet the very newer ones that show promise, but some of you guys are machines :D! I always seem to get beat to the punch LOL.

I agree whole heartedly with the above. And have done the same for the most part.
BTW sapman thanks for being fair and understanding in your posts .


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello Merlot
Its because of idiotic statements like the ones from rumples that I`ve lost the desire to write reviews.
As far as I`ve seen, the following posters have not written negative reviews....only the odd negative comments just like I have.
Merlot, Sapman, JoeT,Touch,JustforFun,DocH,SK, Benxxx and more....

Hello Cloudsurf,

Obviously the two of you don't respect each other. I don't know why you would let someone you don't respect have such an impact on your mode of writing, or choice to write at all.

I've been very fortunate in my meetings with the ladies for a long time. The worst I can say is they provided the usual options, but were a bit mechanical or too professional. I've been fortunate because I rely on reviewers like you who go through the effort of supplying very good details and further advice, or I read corroborating reviews that show a consistency. So like Sapman I have cut down on the risk. I have also largely given up on HDHs who, with some wonderful exceptions, tend to think the simple fact of being with them is a fair balance with a very mediocre and usually too brief physical experience. The Best GFE and Best Agency polls have also been helpful in pointing to the right direction.

If one pays attention the the right people and the facts, instead of letting their nether regions run their mind, they do well.

Maybe the label of "Negative Review" is inappropriate and/or misleading except in rare cases. In all my hobbying years I've had maybe 5 pretty negative experiences. One or two were bad entirely. The few truly regrettable meetings were mostly about a very poor use of the time, though one experience was infamous, and the lady became an epic subject creating a lot of bitterness on this board. Generally I've had little or no cause to write a so-called negative review except to provide information on some aspects that were lacking. All I would like to see in others is a fair critical notice where it is due...not a negative review per se, or a vengeful destruction, just truthfulness.

Cloud, as for the personal criticism, I suggest you fit it into the regard or lack of you have for each person, maybe take a little advice from members you do respect and dismiss those you don't. I would never give the latter the credibility that changing my preferred ways would give them. Members have piled on me for criticizing a few ladies, agencies, and clients. I read it, make my points, then just be myself.


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Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
sapman, i flipped back to your retro look at Penelope and wondered if you dislike it when a girl knows you, your handle and comments how she didn`t like something you posted either about her or the session with her.

* personally, i hate that and think it`s not the way to go for an SP, let the community flesh out the inaccuracies via posts from different merbites ... even if info is totally wrong or a flat out lie, there will be other merbites posting reviews to clarify the false info... just look at Tara @ GOF`s thread regarding kissing + DFK) ... looking thru the thread, you get a clear sense of what standard service acronyms will be and what falls into the YMMV service bucket if you book Tara
* reviews make this board what it is and merbites should post about their experiences as they see it ... hopefully there`s plenty of reality in their posts plus some constructive criticism that`ll help us all enjoy better hobbying experiences ( full disclosure of impending ass kissing AKA a pat on the back for a fucking great job and consistent effort: THE MODS KEEP THIS BOARD IN FCUKING PRISTINE SHAPE ).


Jun 13, 2003
Visit site
Your original wording suggests something way beyond an opinion, more like vendetta, which would contain gross bias that makes the review unreliable at best.
It would be interesting to read an example scenario of what would be considered ``malicious intent``, and how you would know it was. Unless you were being robbed directly, grossly deceived, or blackmailed, I don`t see how failure to provide service, presupposing what you may be referring to, is malicious if it`s about a compatibility problem or a choice on her part not to provide more liberal services.



Merlot, can you please stop talking nonsense and going off-topic. This is the sex business. Don`t talk about about your own experiences or issues and then try to pass them on me. We`re all different guys on these boards whether it`s looks, age, background, ethnicity, income......

If you`ve had issues with liberal services or compatibility issues, speak for yourself instead of talking nonsense. Not accusing, just saying. If you tell girls or agency operators you are Merlot prior to booking an appointment then you are just dumb.

Let`s backtrack a little bit here. One poster said he would never post a negative review because he was worried about the livelyhood of a girl regardless of how bad the experience was personally to him.

I countered by saying that I have no issues with destroying the business of a girl if it is warranted.

Take an example. The infamous 1975 De Maissoneuve west girls. Hundreds of merbites have been roobbed blind by this operation who has been advertising fake pics and great GFE services for years. Everyone who knows the scene in Montreal is aware this place is bullshit. They deserve to be destroyed and shut down for all the lies over the years.

As for myself Merlot. I was one of the first members in the history of MERB and all other boards. Those that have been around these boards for the last 10 years know that I have one of the best reputations in the business as far as making OBJECTIVE and HONEST reviews. And I`m still in my 30`s by the way.

Man, I`ve had more GFE and positive YMMV than I can even remember after the hundreds I have been with over the years.

Even after getting great GFE from a good looking girl, I still post negative reviews sometimes because in some instances the girl does it all but she just sucks at it. (bad , can`t ride well during cowgirl......)

On the other hand, I have given countless positive reviews to well deserving girls without the need for discounts or favours like some douchebags on these boards.

I`ve befriended, partied with and was fortunate enough to see or date a few escorts in their personal lives over the last 10 years without the need to shill for them or promote them or ask them for money or free sexual favours.

So the conclusion is the following: Guys should not be afraid to speak freely about their encounters.

Don`t reveal your handle to agencies or indies. Like this you don`t have to worry about them calling you out if that`s your concern. Then you can speak honestly and without worry.

If you think every girl you see is a 10 on 10. Then I`m sorry but you have no credibility as a serious reviewer and should be ignored by other hobbyists.

This is the sex business. The girls make 120, 150, 200 an hour TAX FREE..... Average guys makes that for a FULL 8 HOURS WORK AFTER TAXES.

Some girls deserve to be rich because they are amongst the best at what they do. Some girls do not deserve it. Case closed.

Therefore, the least we can all do is to be credible and honest with our reviews. The average normal guys who need sex will at least not regret spending their hard earned limited money if we filter out the good from the bad.

Also, one review is not important. But when you see multiple negative or positive reviews, it should be taken seriously. But we will never know if guys don t post negatives.
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