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  1. D

    Here's The Average Number Of Sexual Partners A Person Has In A Lifetime

    Who can actually count that high ? :boom:
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    Hillary Clinton's been getting away with unethical, illegal behavior for 40 year

    All that being said Trump isn't a better choice, he was simply the OTHER choice. How the U.S. electorate could only come up with the choice of Dumb and Dumber is beyond me. Surely with over 300 million Americans there has to be someone who fits the bill of being President better than these two...
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    Charles Manson died

    He was a disgusting human being and I use the term human loosely, he should have been put to death a long time ago. He wanted to be a musician and had zero talent and this is what led to him going to this house and killing Sharon Tate and the others. Good ridance, I hope seriously he suffered in...
  4. D

    Etiquette when it comes to... turning away

    If she is really the one in the pics and I'm not really into her face, I will stay. Then it's my fault. I would not turn and walk away ! Fair is fair. I remember going to an incall one time and when I said to the girl , you aren't the girl in the ad, she replied "I never put my own pictures in...
  5. D

    Etiquette when it comes to... turning away

    I have turned away at the door on several occasions and NO, I never gave the SP any compensation. I try to be careful before going to see someone who advertises. An obvious question like, are your pictures genuine ? If the answer is yes, it's me 100% and I show up and it's not even close, why...
  6. D

    SP agencies SPIKE their rates!

    The market will take whatever the market will bear. These days there are younger women entering the trade and based on their age and looks they feel that charging higher rates is perfectly acceptable. Hey, if guys are willing to pay the rates demanded then that will be the going rate. Sometimes...
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    Shots on Goal - Men's Health Question

    I don't understand why MSOG is an issue with some guys. Personally I like the time spent with the girl and would rather connect and see her multiple times. MSOG, who cares, I have been with women who I can get to cum 5-6 times in a one hour session and others who cum once, I don't see it as...
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    Investment recommendation for dummies

    This is the business I am in. I have been an investment advisor for over 25 years. Anyone investing should be well informed and today more than ever should be questioning what fees are being charged and why. Depending on the amount of your portfolio you should have balance and the investments...
  9. D

    Who has the best selfie and general discussion of selfie thread

    I'll have to vote for Julia Sky, she is stunning and Brittany comes in a close second. It would be an idea if members could comment on the selfies in that forum, I believe it would then give immediate feedback to the ladies and perhaps even encourage them to post more often.
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    Probably a new scammer ! Be careful

    If no one fell for it they wouldn't keep advertising.
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    Probably a new scammer ! Be careful

    I saw this ad on 123 yesterday and thought ok, I'll send an e-mail and see what the deal is. I received a reply today which I have copied below. As far as I'm concerned this is a scam but I'll leave it up to you to make up your own minds...
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    SP agencies SPIKE their rates!

    If you don't like the price being charged by an agency or an independent there is always an option. There are SP's offering their services for cheaper rates too, and agencies that are cheaper. Sometimes it is possible to find a gem and continue to see her at a reasonable rate then again...
  13. D

    What do you do for Halloween ?

    I always decorate outside of my place and have plenty of treats on hand for the kids. Yesterday I had over 100 show up at my door and many of them complimented me on the decorations. I always ensure that I give them the quality treats and make sure that they are individually wrapped ( some of...
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    Is a Pat/Cupping The Derriere Part of the GFE?

    When I read this reply I couldn't believe what you said. R E S P E C T ! I would have thought you were raised to respect everyone, women, men, children. "You couldn't care less" ? I hope I never have the opportunity to meet you. Everyone deserves respect, whether they are sex workers makes...
  15. D

    Post your 2017 TSL

    Just one, Julia Sky ! That girl simply has piqued my interest from the first day she appeared here. I think part of the reason I haven't seen her yet is that I'm afraid she'll be too wild for me. But yes, before this year is out TDL
  16. D

    How is a woman 5'9"a spinner?

    Oh I'm sure you could spin like a top Alyssa Roze lol
  17. D

    Best way to shave?

    a gel shaving cream
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    How is a woman 5'9"a spinner?

    The term "spinner" applies to a woman, no matter how tall who can actually "Spin " ;)
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    R.I.P. Gord Downie

    RIP Gord. So sad to see someone of his stature pass away so young, he will be sadly missed by so many.
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    Who has the best selfie and general discussion of selfie thread

    It would be an idea for the MODS to allow posting comments in the selfie forum. We should be able to give feedback to the poster immediately not through this thread. BTW, Julia, Amazing pic today ;)
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