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  1. D

    What to tell a girl when she ask how your skills can be so good in bed...

    I really believe that it's pretty presumptuous to believe that just because you've been seeing escorts that you're great in bed. Stop and think for a moment, maybe all the escorts have been faking when you've been with them, ( it happens ) lol and maybe, just maybe you're awful in bed. I really...
  2. D

    MERB using public WiFi access

    Funny enough but McDonalds doesn't have the same restrictions as Tim's
  3. D

    Hottest SP that you ever banged.

    This is really subjective, we all have our preferences. If there was one who really turned my crank it was Christine, MT in a small place downtown (I forget the name ) with her it was more about attitude and less about looks or body. Never had FS with her but wow, every moment was worth reliving.
  4. D

    Female Teachers That Have Been Caught Sleeping with Students

    I had an experience in HS with one of my teachers. I believe she was 23 and I was 16-17 at the time. She invited me over to her place on a Friday evening and as inexperienced as I was she fucked me for hours. I found out from a school friend that he had fucked her along with several others at...
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    Underage Escort

    I'll answer a couple of questions. First, I didn't dodge one as someone said, the response from the text I said came back and clearly identified the young woman as 16. I don't ever fuck children ! I would never go down that road and even as I get older have a problem with the young 18 yr olds. I...
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    Underage Escort

    I recently read an article regarding women in prostitution. Apparently 80% of women who are or have been in the business as an SP admit to having started at an age less than 18 .
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    Underage Escort

    Screw it, I'm going to start charging the SP's, perhaps that will slip through the cracks lol
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    Underage Escort

    I wasn't sure whether or not to post this but felt that my fellow members would deal with it in the right manner. Last Friday as I usually do I was going through the ads on 123 and as my ATF wasn't available I was looking for something new. I saw an ad and sent off a text asking for more...
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    Asking girls for BBFS

    The amount of information available on the internet is so plentiful, you would think before asking such a stupid question he would at the very least inform himself.
  10. D

    Bonne fête montréal

    $40,000,000. for last nights party ? As a city we should be ashamed. So many homeless people without a bed or food and we light up a bridge ? How many of us have done damage to our cars on the awful streets of Montreal, take this money and make us proud of our streets ! What a waste of money...
  11. D

    Homely vs Enhanced?

    I much prefer natural boobs, hair, lips, etc to anything fake. Just my opinion but guys, get real !
  12. D

    Plasirs Rebels question regarding a recent meeting

    This is the schedule from their web page as of this morning https://www.plaisirsrebels.com/horaire-quebec to me they are OUT Of BUSINESS
  13. D

    Eugenie Bouchard

    I'm glad she made the comment about Sharapova. She is right, a cheater should not be welcomed back into the sport ! Let's not forget that Sharapova is Russian first and the biggest cheaters in sports when it comes to doping are.....................The Russians ! The fact that she beat Sharapova...
  14. D

    Plasirs Rebels question regarding a recent meeting

    Looks like they are gone for good. No updates on the web page and no answers to texts or phone calls. Also one of the two lines has been disconnected. They used to be a good option, sadly no more.
  15. D

    Chester Brown:" Paying for it"

    I would suggest that the guy having sex with his wife 10 times a week is NOT seeing an SP to satisfy his needs. If my wife (when I was married ) was actually putting out on a regular basis I would have never ventured down the road into this hobby. As for the pool, I have a pool, if you owned one...
  16. D

    What is a good reason to cancel an appointment last minute ?

    I cancelled once at the last minute, I was in a snowstorm and ended up having an accident. I called and let her know what happened and although she was annoyed she said she understood. Once the report was finished I called her back and said if you're still up for it I am close by and would still...
  17. D

    Is it me or is there a lot of troll accounts in escort ads?

    I have over the years used all the popular pages that the SP's advertise on. Yes it is often hit or miss but every now and then you find a gem and it renews my confidence in the SP's who take the time to advertise. I do try and verify on MERB and Tineye when I see one that appeals to me and...
  18. D

    They gave it a name.

    Obviously this story is gaining more traction as evidenced by the article in todays JDM http://www.journaldemontreal.com/2017/05/01/le-stealthing-une-tendance-sexuelle-inquietante
  19. D

    Chester Brown:" Paying for it"

    For many years I was married to a woman I fell madly in love with. We had a wonderful relationship and great sex . Then she got pregnant !!!! I suffered through 9 months where she refused to allow me to touch her :( Subsequently 18 months after that, another pregnancy and another 9 months dry ...
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    They gave it a name.

    Pun intended : Better safe than sorry ;) I would rather an SP who is careful than someone (and they are out there ) who says, "Don't worry I'm clean, you can fuck me without a condom if you like, for $20. more !" Try putting yourself in the girls place, she's paranoid, not because of the...
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