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What is a good reason to cancel an appointment last minute ?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
There is no overboard...
It is the lady's decision, so whatever she feels is right is the right level of screening.

It is overboard with CAF in Alberta, large amount of escorts there want a CAF handle and references, if you give a bad review many will not see you, hence no bad reviews.
To screen someone is their call, a MERB handle should stop the screening process. Wanting to know what you do for a living, where you work, home ph number etc. is overboard, IMO.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Just curious, why would a Merb handle be enough and that valuable.
You can get a Merb handle in under 2 minutes, all you need is a phone, Email address and Internet access, and supposedly you are anonymous, and if that is not the case, then should you have a Merb handle?

Well it depend honestly on the person itself. If i give my merb handle, i consider this is enough of a screening process in MY case. I am well known on the board, been there for a while(2009), i have been to industry parties and met several indy and agency girls in social time there. and if she REALLY want to go deeper she can even browse my post history.

Most peoples here know me, be it the members, the indies, the agencies. And i know very well i don't please all peoples be it simply by some of my post and opinions, but you can't please everybody... thats life lol. My merb handle assure i am genuine, not a fake call, not a psycho, i always pay well and her security is assure fully. That should be enough to screen me. Of course if she want a couple more infos as my nationality or age, im fine to provide them. But obviously a merb handle from febuary 2017 with 3 post should not be enough....

But personally even tough i am not secretive with my hobby life, i wouldn't be comfortable giving my real full name to everybody left and right. Be it just to avoid prank calls(yeah it happened once) and other stuff like that.

There is no overboard...
It is the lady's decision, so whatever she feels is right is the right level of screening.

And my decision to see someone else... Overboard meant overboard for me.

It is overboard with CAF in Alberta, large amount of escorts there want a CAF handle and references, if you give a bad review many will not see you, hence no bad reviews.

Kinda kill the purpose of a review board.... Of course when your a long time member you start reading between the lines and you get "smarter" toward the business, and i totally understand some clients may be assholes and give bad reviews on undeserved things, but i consider its important to have genuine reviews and a negative one should not be seen as "bad" but more on a work sheet on how to improve...

If a girl is jealous, she's not professional. No need to put your head in the sand, we already know that we exchange a lot of clients.

And if your more an agency guy, are you expecting the agency booker to give you a ref? lol
Yes, they do.

You're right. I guess i was just speaking of personal situation. At one time i was seeing somebody more than others, but still saw some agency girls here and there and at one point i had the impression she was pissed that i did, seeing someone else than her. Maybe cause she was giving me a real good deal, and an awesome service each time... i dunno.

As for agencies im sure some of them here would have no problem doing so, but some others... not so much lol. Really a case by case.

In any case, in the end as someone said yes everybody is free to decide on how to do there business, escorts and clients alike. If i would try to see an indy and she would ask for infos and references, i would give her my merb handle and tell her she can verify either by the number or handle at some very good agencies i use if she want. If thats good enough, thats all cool, if not... well ill probably just try to see someone else. :) I am not gonna provide my full name, adresse, workplace or homephone line simply and im not sending any pictures of myself either ... for MY security and comfort reasons.
Aug 25, 2008
I read one review where the reviewer said that an indy asked for a photo of him before seeing him. He had no problem with that, but what do you guys and girls think?

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I read one review where the reviewer said that an indy asked for a photo of him before seeing him. He had no problem with that, but what do you guys and girls think?

I personally have a general rule that I won't ever require something I'm not comfortable providing myself. I don't send face pictures (a few lucky ones received one but in general I don't), so I don't ask for face pictures either.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just curious, why would a Merb handle be enough and that valuable.
You can get a Merb handle in under 2 minutes, all you need is a phone, Email address and Internet access, and supposedly you are anonymous, and if that is not the case, then should you have a Merb handle?

Never though I would have to explain this. The handle that is acceptable would not be a new one, someone with history.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Sam if you go that route.... in history there has been serial killers that where living next door to someone and those persons never suspected them. The Green River Killer Gary Ridgvay was working everyday with peoples in a compagny and nobody suspected him. There is no "100% full proof" ways ...

But in the case of safety for merb providers, a merb handle with an history, a person well known by it and such is just as safe and probably more than simply having 1 or 2 other providers saying "he is cool"

The best "protection" for an SP is having someone know where she is and if possible someone close she could call help for. An Outcall in an hotel seem the safest of the 3 option since its usually full of peoples and all, an incall can be good if there is another provider sharing a room or somebody close and all. An outcall to a private residence is probably the least safe of the 3 but at least you can always text a friend the adresse once you get there and mention "if you have not heard of me in xx time, call me"

Now that cover the safety aspect of the thing. Does providers screens for more than this... maybe. In wich case things may be a bit different.

And Sam i wouldn't say time is an only factor... there some guys wich been here for years and they have 30 posts, i have no idea who they are and wouldn't be able to tell anything on them. On the other side if i was booking for an indy i would have no problem booking her with guys like Doc or Sol Tee Nutz cause even if i don't know them much personally, they have a review history and i know there "safe"


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I am also guilty of this. Three times in this hobby. One was the girl I wanted to see decided to be available so I cancelled an hour before and it was a dinner engagement with Serina of the Courtesans. This was in May of 2007. Once I made a rendezvous three months in advance but I forgot all about it because I moved back to Montreal for the summer and an old civie flame came back into my life. This was also in 2007. The girl I left in the cold was Michelle Luv. Then summer of 2008 I ended the rendezvous with the girl and gave her $40 because I didn't find her attractive. Forgot her name and the agency she worked for but I remember many called her the Energizer Bunny. I remember basing on reviews in here where some of you guys gave her an 8/9 in looks but to me it was a half of a notch down.


May 5, 2012
I cancelled only once recently due to a family matter. I booked with an indy 3 hours prior but a few minutes later, a problem came up and I immediately texted her again to say sorry because I wouldn't be able to meet her that night.

But if I am already at the door (I am an incall guy), I've never cancelled. Sometimes the girls were not as advertised (usually too old for my taste), sometimes I was too horny :D. Recently, I booked an afternoon session with an indy that I've already seen a few times. I showed up on time and there was no text, no call, no cancellation from her part. Because it was during traffic time, and I had some times to kill so I decided to wait for a while (while reading a book). Times 30 minutes later she texted me back saying sorry, she couldn't use her phone. At the same time, I saw a guy walking out of the building and drove off. Probably a coincidence, probably not but I was too horny and decided to go in anyways. The worst part is that kind of situation happened to me twice and both times I went in. Haizzz I should not sell myself so low.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
I once cancelled last minute, and told the SP that I had been seeing for 2 yrs, I didn't feel up to it. She laughed and told me to get my ass over there or else. Sometimes we just don't have a choice..


Active Member
Feb 8, 2009
If the SP is a guy.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
A good reason to cancel an appointment at the last minute:

-getting a bad case of diarrhea which isn't going away.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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I cancelled once at the last minute, I was in a snowstorm and ended up having an accident. I called and let her know what happened and although she was annoyed she said she understood. Once the report was finished I called her back and said if you're still up for it I am close by and would still love to see you ( this was the first time and it was from an ad in annonces123) . She agreed and we became friends and I still see her on a regular basis.


Apr 27, 2016
That sucks. To be honest the only way to be sure to avoid ruining a night is to limit your 1st session to 1 hr. It loses $ upfront but also prevents BS like that if it's a problem.


Aug 4, 2015
Where I live, some good agencies are downtown on fairly busy streets. The city isn't that big so there's always a chance of running into someone I know. I can totally imagine having to cancel in the last 30 seconds because I run into someone right before buzzing the door to the agency! I always think of any alibi beforehand in case I run into someone or am seen. The doors to the agencies are unmarked so I can always say "no I was going into store X".

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I hate a date for this morning/lunchtime. Woke up, checked to see if I got confirmation.

"Hi, first nice day in a while so I won't come at noon I'm gonna ride my bike instead".

Ugh. Not a good reason. Told him he could have gone ride his bike at 1pm instead. some people....

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Yes. I know. lol

Plus he literally said it was the first nice day in weeks when truth is we had some really nice days not so long ago for him to go biking. That's just dumb I don't believe him. Blacklisted !
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