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1st booking in the day or a few down the line?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
Here's a question for everyone SP's as well.

Do you prefer being the first one booked during that day or do you think it's better to be the2nd or 3rd down the line?

I know this would depend on the person but would an SP be more into it after a few warm ups before seeing you or when you are the first one out of the gate.

I also wonder if the first client ends up setting the mood for the rest of the day.


I love women a bit too much
Sep 23, 2011
For me I prefer to be the first booking of the day, as I am a morning or noon encounter guy it's often the case. I don't mind warming up the girl for her future encounters :eyebrows: I don't like to think I am the 4th or 5th guy she see in the same day, it's a mood killer for me if I am thinking of what there was in her mouth like an hour ago before I kiss her :nono:


Jul 9, 2014
It is better to be the first, but sometimes, when you are too horny, your brain dont work anymore and that's ok.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
For me I prefer to be the first booking of the day, as I am a morning or noon encounter guy it's often the case. I don't mind warming up the girl for her future encounters :eyebrows: I don't like to think I am the 4th or 5th guy she see in the same day, it's a mood killer for me if I am thinking of what there was in her mouth like an hour ago before I kiss her :nono:

I agree with you about not wanting to be the 4th or 5th guy in line, i would also thin they wouldn't be that into it after seeing a few people before you.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
1st if possible
2nd is ok
3d is the max i would think of

Everything beyond that i would feel to not get a total satisfaction as she could be tired, not in the mood anymore, maybe even too much on alchool?

In any case i know with my absolute favorite girl not only can i be the first but i can be the only one on that day, wich is awesome and make it more special.


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
Visit site
Always like to be the first one in. I don't need someone else to warm up the girl for me as I will warm her up myself.

I don't like the taste of latex whan I go for daty or dried cum on her breast because she missed a spot.

A bad encounter with the client before can make the girl on edge or in a less than giving mood.

Also I don't like the girl under the influence of anything and the later the night gets the more of that likely happening for the girls who like to party.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2010
In my head
"First" is a relative term.
First booking does not mean being the first one of the day.
SPs have private lives, including sex lives. Something to keep in mind.

But I see from the postings on this thread that there are advantages either way, first or last.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
"First" is a relative term.
First booking does not mean being the first one of the day.
SPs have private lives, including sex lives. Something to keep in mind.

Yeah, but do you think they will fuck relentlessly somebody if they know they are gonna see 4-5 guys in a day? Would you eat a meal at 4 pm if you know your going to the restaurant at 5 or 6...? No matter how "impersonal" they consider there "work" , a vagina can only take so much at some point.. i don't think that much girls have sex before going to work... Not saying they all don't, but i don't think a girl working at 4 pm has had a huge ammount of sex before working.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2010
In my head
Yeah, but do you think they will fuck relentlessly somebody if they know they are gonna see 4-5 guys in a day? Would you eat a meal at 4 pm if you know your going to the restaurant at 5 or 6...? No matter how "impersonal" they consider there "work" , a vagina can only take so much at some point.. i don't think that much girls have sex before going to work... Not saying they all don't, but i don't think a girl working at 4 pm has had a huge ammount of sex before working.

The point is NOT that they have a huge amount of sex before their shift. The point is that you may not be the *first*. :D

And let's just say that I have heard (from reliable informants) that sex does occasionally occur before a first booking. Some of these ladies are very sexual beings and will not pass up the chance to have sex with someone they want before going out and having sex with guys they must do.
I know there is this "first booking" idea out there. I simply wanted to say that first is relative. Sorry to burst the firsters' bubble.


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
^He's right, though yes I'm sure it doesn't always happen.
But if I'm in bed with someone I spent the night with, I'm going to try and get in one more romp before I have to head off and get ready. Truthfully I'm single and this is wishful thinking, though it's happened after a date or two :p

I do know that would probably put a brighter smile on my face and make me in a better mood for anyone else I see that day :)

I think there's a difference with agencies and indy's though: back in my agency days I didn't have much of a say in how many guys I saw that day, so it could be a lot, and I can understand why being the 5-6 guy might feel uncomfortable. But a lot of indy girls, myself included, will only see 1-2 men maximum a day, so you're almost guaranteed to be the first of the day, no matter what time it is.
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Lily from Montreal

Same here, when I have demands for '' earliest possible to be the first'',I am like,hum,no matter the time you will be the first (!)so pick the time you prefer...
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