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2013 Official Major League Baseball Thread.


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Jun 20, 2003
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Frankly i say let the "Cap'n" get fully healthy for the stretch run in the dog days :thumb: Same with the other injured Yanks, only come back when 110%.... until then Cashman will work his wonders, as is the norm.

In Cashman we trust, some are saying that he has taken the early lead for the Executive of the year award, if the Yankees make the playoffs with this "B" roster team he should win this award hands down.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
In Cashman we trust, some are saying that he has taken the early lead for the Executive of the year award, if the Yankees make the playoffs with this "B" roster team he should win this award hands down.
He sure should, given this collection of stiffs, has-beens and outright bums. Unfortunately, the chances of this team making the playoffs is roughly the same as the chances of the Marlins drafting my Aunt Berniece in the first round of the 2013 draft.

When you consider the amount of luck this team has had: 2 games against the butt-end of the Cleveland rotation, a gift win on a dropped fly ball, a gift win on a walk and wild pitch, they should be 11-3.


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Oct 3, 2008
Nice to see Phil Hughes back to his old self tonight in the boogie down. Would of rather seen David Phelps get 2 starts until Phil was ready but oh well, it is very encouraging to see PH throw well tonight. Meanwhile local boy Pat Corbin is pitching well for the D'backs.


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Oct 3, 2008
Stop talking about what you had in past years lol... btw, very nice to see one of them "stiffs" (or is he a "bum", sure aint a has-been), Carl Crawford, ripping it up in LA for Donnie Baseball. :nod: Oh what could of, should of and wasnt in beanie town! :lol:

I love Carl the Truth, thanks in LARGE part to him, the red sox missed the playoffs the last 2 years, think about it :confused: ;)

He sure should, given this collection of stiffs, has-beens and outright bums..


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I love Carl the Truth, thanks in LARGE part to him, the red sox missed the playoffs the last 2 years, think about it :confused: ;)
Crawford is a great player and it's nice to see him getting back to form. Certainly the pressure of the huge contract got to him in Beantown. I'd hardly blame him for the problems of the last two years. If I had to place the blame, I'd put it first on the shoulders of the starting pitchers, then on Bobby V, then on injuries.

Cherington has done a great job getting what some call the best pitching prospect now in the minor leagues in Allen Webster and another great arm in Rubby de la Rosa while, at the same time, jettisoning some $250 M in contracts. Cashman must be green with envy, "How'd he do that? Jeter, anyone? Teixeira, anyone? A-Rod, anyone? Sabathia, anyone?"


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Feb 9, 2004
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Crawford is a great player and it's nice to see him getting back to form. Certainly the pressure of the huge contract got to him in Beantown. I'd hardly blame him for the problems of the last two years. If I had to place the blame, I'd put it first on the shoulders of the starting pitchers, then on Bobby V, then on injuries.

Cherington has done a great job getting what some call the best pitching prospect now in the minor leagues in Allen Webster and another great arm in Rubby de la Rosa while, at the same time, jettisoning some $250 M in contracts. Cashman must be green with envy, "How'd he do that? Jeter, anyone? Teixeira, anyone? A-Rod, anyone? Sabathia, anyone?"

I will give you Arod; the others are not dead weight, even though you hit the drums and sing their demise every chance you get. Can't you come up any new material?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
If you think for one second that Cashman, if he could, wouldn't jettison the contracts of Teixeira and Jeter in a New York minute, I really want some of what you're smoking. Hell, you wouldn't even have to give him prospects. Just take those hideous contracts.


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Oct 3, 2008
As past history shows, it is very likely you WILL NOT be posting in here past the All-Star break, :wave: so prove me wrong when your misfits fail like the last 2 AWESOME seaons!

The rEd sOx best get a huge lead on the Empire while they can, cause once the Yanks Big Boys get back its (in true "chow-DUH" talk) "ovah" :nod:
Cherington has done a great job getting what some call the best pitching prospect now in the minor leagues in Allen Webster and another great arm in Rubby de la Rosa while, at the same time, jettisoning some $250 M in contracts. Cashman must be green with envy, "How'd he do that? Jeter, anyone? Teixeira, anyone? A-Rod, anyone? Sabathia, anyone?"


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Do you really think that the "Jeter Brand" is worth it to the Yanks to just "jettison" one of the greats OF all time? C'mon rUmps, your redsoX blinders are seriously in the way of rational thinking. :lol: And besides it is not like he has 10 yrs at 25 mil left on his contract, give "yur" head a shake. ;)

If you think for one second that Cashman, if he could, wouldn't jettison the contracts of Teixeira and Jeter in a New York minute, I really want some of what you're smoking. Hell, you wouldn't even have to give him prospects. Just take those hideous contracts.


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Feb 9, 2004
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If you think for one second that Cashman, if he could, wouldn't jettison the contracts of Teixeira and Jeter in a New York minute, I really want some of what you're smoking. Hell, you wouldn't even have to give him prospects. Just take those hideous contracts.

I am quoting you Mr. Rumps because what you are saying is not reality. I am not doing this to stalk you. I find your hate of the Yankees so blind that you cannot be a bit objective. Let's look at each player you mentioned:

Teixeira: Teixeira is 33 years old. The last year of his contract is 2016 when he is 36. He was traded to the Yankees in 2008 and signed an 8-year contract, and he has put up the following numbers in the 4 years he has played so far with the NY Yankees:

135 HR, 425 RBI, .263 BA. His WAR has ranged from 3.0 to 5.1, with last years WAR at 3.6. His OPS has ranged from .807 to .948, with last years being .807. Last year he played the least amount of games- 124 because of injury. I would say Teixeira has been very productive for the Yankees. He probably has at least 3 more productive years left.

Derek Jeter: Jeter at 37 and 38 last year played 159 games, batted .316, and hit 15 HR's. Any team would take that type of production from a 25 year old.

Jeter's contract is 3 years for 51 million ending in 2013. He has an option for $8 million in 2014. So you are telling everyone for $8 to 9.5 million, which is an option, Do you think Cashman is losing sleep? Cashman can refuse to negotiate beyond 2014 and Jeter would decide whether 2014 is his last year or he could go shopping for a new team. If he goes shopping he would fill a mentor, backup, roll for not much money. If Cashman keeps Jeter around, it would be for a backup roll. Jeter's injury probably has sealed his fate for hoping for any extension beyond 2014. So again I ask you, what is so hideous about Jeter's contract? Do you see how biased you are?

If you said Arod's contract was hideous, I would agree with you. But Jeter? or Teixeira? I say take off your blinders.



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Teixeira's OPS has declined for four straight years. It was, as you note, .807 last year. He is now a below average first baseman making over $20 M per year, which he will continue to do for several years. He is, in short, an economic millstone around the Yankees' neck.

Derek Jeter is finished. Yes, he had a .791 ops last year, after years of .743 and .710 before that. He could be expected, were he healthy, to revert to the mean, as players almost always do. His defense cost the Yankees 15 runs, or two games in the standings, last year. Coming off a broken ankle, he will get few infield hits and will be even more of a lawn ornament than previously. He is, in short, washed up, while still drawing a hefty paycheck.

Teixeira, Jeter, and A-Rod are the reasons the Yankees are playing such notables as Brennan Boesch, Vernon Wells and Francisco Cervelli on a daily basis.

Their 8-6 record is a fraud, shortly to be exposed. They are averaging 3.5 runs per game when not playing Cleveland. Absent the two games in Cleveland and discounting the three runs that scored on a dropped fly ball, the Yankees, despite some fine pitching at the outset, have been outscored by 9 runs.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Oh, rumps, you just don't want admit you are building a Federal case out of a jaywalking infraction.

ter has an optional year with the Yankees in 2014. 2013 will be half over by the time he comes back, if he comes back. With Jeter you are barking up the wrong tree.

His signing of his op
tional year will cost the Yankees the price of a middle of the road veteran.

As for
Teixeira, 2013 will be out for at least another 2 weeks, if not more. He has 3 more years after 2013. I bet you he could still average 30 HR's per season in 2014 to 2016. He had 24 HR's in 2012 playing 123 games. It's a good number. And his OPS in 2012 is still a good number considering he had an injury during the year.

Also, i
n 2016, he will be 36, not 40. It gives the Yankees the ability to evaluate him in 2016 at 36.


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Andy Pettitte is proving a pitcher does not have to have blazing speed if he has excellent control and a good selection of breaking balls. Pettitte pitched 7 1/3 innings, allowed 6 hits and 3 runs on 90 pitches. He is now 3-0, with an ERA of 2.01. At his present pace, he could be a 40-year-old 20-game winner. It's a long season, but it's possible.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Yea he pitched great minus one bad pitch which Bautisa crushed. Who was that guy chirping in this thread that no way the Yanks could replace any of the hr's they lost in the offseason :confused: They only lead the AL in hr's as of today and only the Braves have hit more. This w/o Granderson and Tex who will be back soon.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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I guess the Hafner and the Wells have fit right into the Yankee way of medicinal homering, perfected by ARod. Hahaha. BTW, I thought pitching was supposed to be Toronto's strong point this season. So far, they suck!!


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Feb 9, 2004
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I guess the Hafner and the Wells have fit right into the Yankee way of medicinal homering, perfected by ARod. Hahaha. BTW, I thought pitching was supposed to be Toronto's strong point this season. So far, they suck!!

Blue Jays have an excellent line-up, and their pitching and the team will come around. So they started the season with a slump. Many teams have done so and finished with a good or great record.

And come on K. You're letting your rumps School of No Objectivity training show its colors. Yankees have 25 HR's (3rd in Majors) and your beloved Red Sox have 14 HR's (19th in Majors). How can you objectively make a sarcastic statement like medicinal homering like you did?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Andy Pettitte is proving a pitcher does not have to have blazing speed if he has excellent control and a good selection of breaking balls. Pettitte pitched 7 1/3 innings, allowed 6 hits and 3 runs on 90 pitches. He is now 3-0, with an ERA of 2.01. At his present pace, he could be a 40-year-old 20-game winner. It's a long season, but it's possible.
Tough to win 20 games when you make 17 starts.

As for Teixeira, 2013 will be out for at least another 2 weeks, if not more. He has 3 more years after 2013. I bet you he could still average 30 HR's per season in 2014 to 2016. He had 24 HR's in 2012 playing 123 games. It's a good number. And his OPS in 2012 is still a good number considering he had an injury during the year.
As you can see, your method of (trying) to make yourself impossible to quote is easily circumvented.

Actually, .807 OPS was 10th among AL first basemen in 2012, slightly less than average and actually quite miserable for a man making $23 million per year. His 23 HR was a good number, yes indeed, for a second line player making 1/5th of what Teixeira was paid. And the idea that Mr. Millstone can average 30 pops per year as he declines further is nothing short of laughable.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Tough to win 20 games when you make 17 starts.

Gee, rumps, Pettitte has had 3 starts in the 15 games the Yankees have played. He is starting every fifth game. If you do simple math, he could get 32 starts. Where do you come up with 17? I know. It's your practice of taking every cheap shot you can when it comes to the NY Yankees.

As you can see, your method of (trying) to make yourself impossible to quote is easily circumvented.

Actually, .807 OPS was 10th among AL first basemen in 2012, slightly less than average and actually quite miserable for a man making $23 million per year. His 23 HR was a good number, yes indeed, for a second line player making 1/5th of what Teixeira was paid. And the idea that Mr. Millstone can average 30 pops per year as he declines further is nothing short of laughable.

Teixeira played 123 games in 2012. He missed 1/4 of the season. His 23 HR's could have been 30 if he was completely healthy and played 155 games.

Your statement that 23 HR's for a second line player making 1/5th of what Teixeira is making is silly. Look at Nick Swisher. He hit 24 HR's in 2012 in 158 games. His 2013 salary is 11 Million, half (not 1/5) of Teixeira. By the way, Teixeira and Swisher are about the same age, Swisher being 7 months younger.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Gee, rumps, Pettitte has had 3 starts in the 15 games the Yankees have played. He is starting every fifth game. If you do simple math, he could get 32 starts. Where do you come up with 17?
Actually, he's already missed one start, having been pushed back from last Monday. The last time Pettitte did not spend significant time on the DL was 2009. He's now 40. I can add 2+2, can you?

Teixeira played 123 games in 2012. He missed 1/4 of the season. His 23 HR's could have been 30 if he was completely healthy and played 155 games.
And my Aunt Margaret could have hit 40 if... Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda...the oldest fraternity in the world.

Your statement that 23 HR's for a second line player making 1/5th of what Teixeira is making is silly. Look at Nick Swisher. He hit 24 HR's in 2012 in 158 games. His 2013 salary is 11 Million, half (not 1/5) of Teixeira. By the way, Teixeira and Swisher are about the same age, Swisher being 7 months younger.
Ah, the power of selective evidence. Edwin Encarnacion hit almost twice as many HRs last years as the corpse of Teixeira and earned 1/6 of what Teixeira got. Josh Willingham hit 50% more HRs and was paid 1/3.
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