Seriously? You should be despaired to write such a comment and pretend to be a proud Canadian.
You should be very sad that the carbon tax will be scraped by Carney.
You lost 90% of your arguments promoting RabbitHair.
And your remaining 10% was PM Trudeau that you hated calling in woke, castro, and other nonsens expressions.
RabbitHair committed a big mistake refusing to get his Secret Security Clearance to be able to continue propagating his lies. In fact he used the same tactic as the Dumb president.
Carney was Trudeau's economic advisor for 5 years, look at Trudeau's record under 9 years of Liberal policies, a housing crisis, record food bank usage, doubled down on debt. Carney is Trudeau 2.0 but on steroids.
Carney is taking ideas from Poilievre's playbook like scrapping the carbon tax and scrapping the capital gains hike and the only reason he is doing is to get elected. But his plan is to put a new hidden carbon tax that is higher.
^^^^ Behold, it says it on his website. Carbon Tax Carney is sneaky. He says it all, read between the lines. He will add restrictions and implement environmental charges directly to industries and imports from countries that got no climate change reduction policies in place which as you know the extra costs will be passed on to the customer. His website also states he has no plans to remove restrictions and surcharges for climate change. It is indeed sneaky. You also raved about the carbon tax rebate, another trick used by Trudeau to dupe people. Carbon Tax Carney is just playing with words and renaming things and applying the carbon tax in a different way to trick people to get elected.
You also mention about the security clearance, why does Trudeau not release the names of the MPs involved in foreign interference?
But this thread is about 25% tariffs on American tourists, so I will not hijack this thread any further.