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A 3rd, 4th, 5th wave, maybe?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2003
Can we just let this second wave really start or pass before starting to think too much ahead?
Live the present... as much as you can...



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
The US is still in its first wave which will undoubtedly last until a vaccine will be available, so no there will never be a third wave in the US they made sure of that by totally miss managing the first one to last forever until there is a cure.
Quebec after screwing up royally managed to control the first wave, but now is into the second which also looks as if it will last until there is a cure or vaccine.
I don’t see a third wave, by spring there will be a vaccine and by summer probably quite a few so by this time next year I think this virus will no longer be the threat it is today.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Chicago just announced that they will shut down for 30 days. I don’t understand what the end game is. This disease is seeded in the community. It’s not going away. Thank God that the mortality rate is so low. So what’s the point? We lock down for 30 days and reopen and the disease spikes again. What is accomplished? You buy some time for pharma To deliver that vaccine and for other treatment drugs. So far, we haven’t shut down a hospital anywhere in the USA. The soothsayer, Cuomo, didn’t need the hospital ship or the auxiliary beds that were set up (unfortunately, he should have sent the institutionalized to these places but instead he sent them back to the nursing homes which was a death sentence).

What is the end game? To sound the death knell for the remaining restaurants and bars and other small businesses that have thus far survived the mismanagement of the big cities? I guess you can make more people reliant on the government dole to survive? I don’t get it.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Third wave, the first wave is still here.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

According to the graphics:

According to the number of cases the USA would be in 3rd wave, which would be the most important.

According to the number of deaths the USA would be in 3rd wave, the 1st was the most important.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Extremely low. 2 in 10,000 if you’re under 50.

Maybe the BLM ANTIFA and the entire left needs to stop looting, rioting, and celebrating and stay inside? But the lure of a free TV is worth risking those odds I guess?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
What is the end game? To sound the death knell for the remaining restaurants and bars and other small businesses that have thus far survived the mismanagement of the big cities? I guess you can make more people reliant on the government dole to survive? I don’t get it.
The end game is an Orwellian society.


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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
No. The disease is pretty benign until you get over 70 where it is fatal about 5% of the time. (I’m not sure if that is current. The lethality is dropping due to better treatment etc.). My question is what is the mortality of the flu to people over 70? We need to do our base lining. Covid is twice as lethal as the flu but the flu kills 1 in 10,000 under 50. This is complicated because Covid is more contagious. What is the end game? At first it was so that we did not overload the hospitals. We never did. Now we are going to hole up again for 30 days? Did we learn what happened in Europe? How about Germany? When the 30 days are up we go outside and the disease spikes. The only benefit is that you drive people into the poor house. That’s where the cost benefit analysis comes in. But you’re from Canada and you’re a big government guy. Yes the government is going to save everyone. We all need bigger government. Look at Quebec. The death rate per million is greater than in the USA and the rest of Canada...Hey, wait a minute. Is the little effeminate guy that likes to dress in black face trying to kill the Quebec Separatists? Is this a maniacal plan? Oh the blood is on his hands! Canada needs to get the bloody murderer Trudeau! Oh where are the memes! Trudeau is a bloody murderer!!!!! He dresses in black face and he’s murdered everyone!!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
People have to understand that covid-19 is political. The politicians turned this into about politics. Nowhere in history was the healthy ever punished with the weak/sick. With the same logic we should live in lockdown for life because the flu has similar effects to those who are old or weak. The flu is just as contagious as covid-19 is. People got to wake up this is a scamdemic.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Look at Quebec. The death rate per million is greater than in the USA and the rest of Canada...Hey, wait a minute. Is the little effeminate guy that likes to dress in black face trying to kill the Quebec Separatists? Is this a maniacal plan? Oh the blood is on his hands! Canada needs to get the bloody murderer Trudeau! Oh where are the memes! Trudeau is a bloody murderer!!!!! He dresses in black face and he’s murdered everyone!!!!!!
Hungry you obviously don’t live here in Quebec. Trudeau is not trying to kill Separatists he is a closet Separatist, when someone addressed him here in Quebec in English he reminded them that they are in Quebec and answered back in French.
Now the only other explanation is that he is a brown nose asshole trying to insure some French Canadian votes in the next election but personally I think he is both.

He is also a devout admirer of Castro.

It is far easier to hate the big Orange ego maniac than to look in your backyard and realize that Quebec’s death rate is worse than the US besides how many “Likes” are you going to get with bitching about guys like JT or Legault or Aruda.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^^ Up 2 The current measures are far worse than the virus for our future wellbeing.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Don’t worry Cloudy because Biden has most likely won the election and he is poised to implement his plan. What is he going to do? He’s going to ask the Governors to mandate wearing a face mask. Oh, and he is establishing a task force. This ought to do it. My roof was leaking so I established a task force and we talked about it for 3 months (“...Are we talking about redistricting or are we talking about reapportionment? If we’re talking about redistricting...”). Oh boy. Don’t worry. Biden is going to establish a task force!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Hungry you obviously don’t live here in Quebec. Trudeau is not trying to kill Separatists he is a closet Separatist, when someone addressed him here in Quebec in English he reminded them that they are in Quebec and answered back in French.
Now the only other explanation is that he is a brown nose asshole trying to insure some French Canadian votes in the next election but personally I think he is both.

He is also a devout admirer of Castro.

It is far easier to hate the big Orange ego maniac than to look in your backyard and realize that Quebec’s death rate is worse than the US besides how many “Likes” are you going to get with bitching about guys like JT or Legault or Aruda.
Sorry Fradi. I was grasping at straws. The mob needs a scape goat and I thought the guy that was caught twice dressing in black face would be a nice local scape goat to vent against for a change.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Sorry Fradi. I was grasping at straws. The mob needs a scape goat and I thought the guy that was caught twice dressing in black face would be a nice local scape goat to vent against for a change.
No, Quebecers prefer to blame Trump for everything that is obvious.
Besides there is enough racism to go around in Quebec.
We have our fair share of cop issues as well, and it seems we don’t need guided instructions from the US or Trump on how to fuck up on controlling the virus, we have it down pat.
Perhaps once we have a vaccine and they open the borders we can all have a beer and get back to important issues like who will be SP of the year and focus on usual arguments of Indys versus agency.
For now both sides need our intelligent contributions on how to solve this pandemic as they don’t seem to know shit.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Perhaps once we have a vaccine and they open the borders we can all have a beer and get back to important issues like who will be SP of the year and focus on usual arguments of Indys versus agency.

I hope
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
..i hope too.....i miss like you NORMAL life and seeing --reviewing sps....BUT even with the vaccine it will take still a while to go back to normal life......mais ce sera au moins un important pas en avant...:).
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