Lilly Lombard said:"this board ... (is) more like the National Enquirer of escortism"
Lilly Lombard said:I believe everyone who sees an escort should get tested often. I believe that every escorts who sees clients should get tested often.
Please, do not act like irresponsibly, get tested often! For men, most sti are now detectable with a urine sample. They will only use the Q-Tips if you tested positive. HIV is a blood sample.
You leave quite a few unanswered questions, Giselle. You made a very serious charge against this woman, a charge now proven false. With no proof of the charge, why would you make such an accusation?fksociety said:My decision to post about it was not easy. I knew that there would be much ado about nothing either pro or against FKS but I did it our of real concern for the public: first the women in my group, secondly the members and last but not least, the general public.
rumpleforeskiin said:You leave quite a few unanswered questions, Giselle. You made a very serious charge against this woman, a charge now proven false. With no proof of the charge, why would you make such an accusation?
I'm not a lawyer and I don't know all the facts behind this case, but my sense is that Lilly could file a pretty good libel case against you. I wonder if she's consulted counsel?
Let's stop this now before it grows out of proportion. As you stated, you don't know the facts, plus this is not to be a gossiping board. Wrong color. I had multiple email exchanges with Lilly and FKS, and although it may have looked like it from the outside at first, there was no cheap shot taken at anyone. Giselle's intentions were good and she never named anyone, not even to your truly. It's all of us readers who did assume who it was all about.Daringly said:Now i don't know the facts and perhaps no one does except for Lilly and fks. However it does appear that there was some kind of falling out between the two parties and fks took a cheap shot at her.
curious said:This all began with an ambiguous notice on the FKS member site that was repeated here. It was inevitable that a statement of that type would lead to speculation here and elsewhere. It was not the right way to handle the situation, if, in fact, there ever really was a situation in the first place.
curious said:This all began with an ambiguous notice on the FKS member site that was repeated here. It was inevitable that a statement of that type would lead to speculation here and elsewhere. It was not the right way to handle the situation, if, in fact, there ever really was a situation in the first place.
Lilly Lombard said:That all this story is BS or not, it just helped reminding everyone to get tested. I think that it is a good thing.
I confess not having read halfway through this thread neither have I payed much attention to the heated discussions on the other board regarding this whole issue. What hits me first from the seminal post is the vagueness of the language: "may be" and "some sort of STD" say as much on the eventuality of one of their members being infected by a STD than these would say about the same member having a bad hair day.Mod 7 said:I recently alerted FKS Members on our private board that there was the possibility that a recently departed independent (she has not advertised with us regularly in the last two months), may be experiencing some sort of STD. I did not name the lady's name because I feel it is a matter the lady in question should clarify and resolve herself
"but in her case the accusation was totally false" suggests that, contrary to the said member, Melanie Cherie was wrongfully suspected. Notice how from complete uncertainty, we're asked to jump to a state of relative certainty. Notice also the use of the word "accusation", as if being infected by STD would qualify as crime.Mod 7 said:A few years back, my then partner Melanie Cherie faced a similar situation but in her case the accusation was totally false. She resolved the issue by faxing her test results to the moderator. This is the responsible thing to do!
Here instillating fear or lumping the issue into generalities. No facts yet.Mod 7 said:While I am worried by the possible consequences, I also mentioned on my post that as grown ups partaking in a hobby that has certain risks, I hoped we were all very aware that the more GFE services one asks for, the chances to catch a disease increased so it should come as no surprise to anyone that it has happened.
It could happen, and I am sure it does happen on a continuous basis with unprotected services but no one ever thinks of reporting the incidents and warning clients.
And, eviedently, the disclaimer.Mod 7 said:I feel that there is no blame to point at French kiss. I have asked that all ladies currently advertising on both sites get tested which they have done and so far, everyone is in good health!
Here blaming the clients.Mod 7 said:I trust that all of you will take care and get tested soon to avoid unpleasant surprises and hope that we all think twice before asking for riskier services next time around.
You're welcome.Mod 7 said:Thank you for your time, FKS Management.
Mod 7 said:Let's stop this now before it grows out of proportion. As you stated, you don't know the facts, plus this is not to be a gossiping board. Wrong color. I had multiple email exchanges with Lilly and FKS, and although it may have looked like it from the outside at first, there was no cheap shot taken at anyone. Giselle's intentions were good and she never named anyone, not even to your truly. It's all of us readers who did assume who it was all about.
I will probably close this thread later tonight.
Ziggy Montana said:Either a matter of FKS management's inability to express itself correctly, either a case of calculated misinformation.
I'm not Sherlock Holmes, and I don't play him on TV, but my instincts tell me that both of you lads are on to something. This whole thing has a foul aroma.Maxima said:I must disagree with you here. The "recently departed independent" (the number of inquiring PM from customers to LL proved that she was the suspect from day 1) would not have a chance to clear her name if not for your action, your credibility and the ability to use merb as a medium. Gisele's spin to turn her notice into a noble action is pure BS.
You are a good samaritan, and this community as well as LL will remember it.
Without disclosing details of the exchanges Giselle and I had recently, all I can say is that people should stop assuming things. To use your own words, Lilly was suspected from day 1. That's exactly it: suspected. I'm glad I could make a difference and help clear her reputation.Maxima said:I must disagree with you here. The "recently departed independent" (the number of inquiring PM from customers to LL proved that she was the suspect from day 1) would not have a chance to clear her name if not for your action, your credibility and the ability to use merb as a medium. Gisele's spin to turn her notice into a noble action is pure BS.
Mod 7 said:...To use Giselle's own words in one of her email to me, "the message about being tested was the real, important one to pay attention to". Lilly got tested, all FKS girls got tested...