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A few words from FKS Society about recent events

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Mod 7

Retired Moderator
Jan 12, 2007
Maxima said:
I hear you... But how come Lilly was the only one who had to provide a written proof of her negative result... :confused: The other FKS girls, Gisele included, got face value?
My last words in this subject.
Correction: She never had to provide a written proof, but since she was the suspected one it was the best way for her to clear her name. Remember, I'm only acting as a trustee here, I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. If other SPs want to provide me with their test results, I will testify on what I see. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Apr 20, 2004
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Mod 7 said:
Correction: She never had to provide a written proof, but since she was the suspected one it was the best way for her to clear her name. Remember, I'm only acting as a trustee here, I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. If other SPs want to provide me with their test results, I will testify on what I see. Nothing more, nothing less.


Mod 7, you misread my post. I did not say that you forced LL to do anything (on the contrary, you did helped her by acting as a trustee). My point was that she was the only one who (forced by Gisele misinformation) had to provide a negative result as proof to clear her name while Gisele just has to announce, at face value, that she and the other FKS girls got tested. Gisele's attempt to paint herself as a good person who acted for the well being of LL and the hobbying community was simply BS.
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Apr 20, 2004
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traveller_76 said:
... And as I said when I first spoke about this, why does the escort have prove that she is STD-free, while the client does not have to prove he in fact was infected, reveal his name, his personal information to be believed? If you want to be safe in this business the best thing you can do is educate yourself about what is safe. I wouldn't count on she's-got-an-std threads to save my life...
Why did an SP (Gisele) post the STD rumor on FKS web site? Was it not because of Gisele's misinformation that LL had to prove that she is STD-free?
Mod7 brought this subject here to provide LL a medium to clear her name. Without Mod7 action, Gisele would be able to do heavy damage to LL reputation. Without Mod7 action and the use of Merb as a medium, how do you think LL can clear her name? and I'm sure that regardless of how hard she tries to prove her std-free health bill, doubt would always linger due to the false rumour started by FKS management.
Why blaming Merb for Gisele's action?
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May 26, 2004
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Tested clean

Any sp or client can test clean on Mon, see a client or a sp, or even worse a SO and go bareback and not be clean by Thursday so test results even a couple of days old are false security.

The choices that make sense are either go for safer services and get tested regularly or go for less safer services and get tested more regularly. Don't trust what the sp says-ever. Most of them don't know they have something for days. Do you expect to get the truth from them?

If this doesn't make you comfortable you don't belong playing on this field.

Rex Kramer

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Nov 28, 2004
traveller_76 said:
And as I said when I first spoke about this, why does the escort have prove that she is STD-free, while the client does not have to prove he in fact was infected, reveal his name, his personal information to be believed?
In an ideal world I would agree with you that the same standards should be applied to both SPs and hobbysts, but to say that the escort business is far from ideal is a great understatement. The reality as I see it is that no SP can afford to be stigmatized with any STD, even a curable one. To admit to having even a curable STD in the past is professional suicide in this business.
traveller_76 said:
If you want to be safe in this business the best thing you can do is educate yourself about what is safe.
It will never be safe in this business. Period. You can reduce the risk significantly by taking appropriate actions, but can never eliminate the inherent risks associated with this hobby. I just don't understand why people are in such self denial on the risk. It is like driving, 45,000 people die each year in U.S. in vehicle related accidents either in cars or as pedestrians, and there ain't nothing you can do to elimininate that death toll. Sad, yes. Avoidable? No.


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My Last Two Cents

I have no time to accuse anyone just because I got up on the wrong side of my bed. My life is full of positive things and I enjoy surrounding myself with like-minded people, especially females.

For the record, I have always liked Lilly and was sad that she had to go through what she went through thanks to your assumptions and suspicions.

I believe that if we had a misunderstanding or miscommunication, it has been worked out as Lilly knows that I only had the best intentions at heart regarding everyone involved.

I also understand that there will always be some posters who will spin my rare posts whichever way they want. Nothing I can do about it!

But those who know me, and I have been around for seven years now, know I do not harm anyone's reputation out of spite or any other lowly, evil reason.

The fact remains that someone had an STD and now all the ladies have been tested and know they are clean. I do take this matter very seriously as the reputation of French kiss is also at stake.

Ultimately, the intention of my posts on this matter was to raise awareness which I hope I have accomplished even in a small way.

Clients are ultimately responsible for their health if they request some unprotected services. Do not forget that!!!

Lastly, breaking the news of the STD on the FKS' private forum was not easy to do and although I knew that by doing so it would turn into a thankless deed, I went ahead because I felt an ethical obligation to do so.

Evidently, you each can believe what you wish. I know I did the right thing if perhaps not in the most eloquent manner.

Merci and enjoy the beautiful day, Giselle, FKS Management.


Mar 26, 2004
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Equanimity said:
I know this is going to sound argumentative and I don`t really mean it to be that way so just cut me the slightest bit of slack here.;) The sp does not have to prove her case however it is in her best interest to do so sometimes. She is the professional, she is the one selling the service and the one who must make what she is selling appealing to the buyer. In the old days products came with a ``Goodhousekeeping Seal of Approval`` today its a best before date and a warning label. The point is the onus in these matters is always on the sellor. It may suck, it may be distasteful but that`s the way it is and its not going to change.

I wouldn`t count on it either but I would want to know. I`m sorry but I do take some comfort in knowing that Lilly has a clear test as do the sp`s currently at FKS. This information came from here , I find it helpful and they will both get my business as a result. If that makes me a bad person or naive so be it.

It would be wonderful if the industry could eventually get to a place where escorts could openly post a notice saying they were taking a month off while they cleared up a little clamydia problem and that they would again be seeing customers when they tested clean. There is no need for reputations to be ruined - that is the fault of the customer base.

Rely on Merb instead of a check up ? No I agree with you. But it is a very useful input as you don`t rely on it exclusively. So I say this whole thing as been a hell of a lot more useful than the dozen `s will cause everything from a plaque of locusts to pestilence. God those were useless and misinforming threads.

How many people chose to get tested now instead of putting it off for a few months? This is a bad thing? Not in my books.

I initially had some problems with editing etc here. I think the Board, Mod 7, Lilly and Giselle have all done wonderful jobs here. This is one of the few instances where at the end of it people know pretty much what the current situation is. How many times can you say that ?

I say do the opposite of what t76 is suggesting, get it in the open, out from under the rock, talk about the ``elephant in the room``.....what ever cliche you want to use.

Thanks for your time.

The voice of reason!

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Equanimity said:
Hell, I'll put this in a more psitive frame....I, and I'm speaking only for myself of course, will pay a premium for any sp who will show me clear test results from the last 4 to 6 weeks. As I have said before I would/will book both Lilly and any FKS lady right now because I know they all have recently tested clean.

Ben là!! If it's that way, I will post them monthly on my website! :p


Apr 20, 2004
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traveller_76 said:
I'm not blaiming Merb though I guess it could be perceived that way. My point is that personal information revealed on these boards usually can't be demonstrated to be true so why allow it when it comes to such a sensitive issue? ...t76

I know I'm not too smart. Why did you not blaming FKS? Gisele started the rumor, did she not? So do you approve that such STD speculation be posted in an agency web site or a web site like FKS as a notice to their customers / members about one of their own associates?:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Would such a "sensitive" rumor be tolerated because it was started by an SP about another SP (or competitor)? No customer was involved in starting this rumor so no need to bring "customers" in your equation.
Don't you think that the following "justification" would give excuses to future rumors about STD? Don't you think that anybody can use the same "ethical" excuse to post any STD rumor about anybodyelse...and ruin reputation? Yeah right, "breaking the news of STD" with not an ounce of proof! Since when it is an "ethical obligation" to spread false rumor?
fksociety said:
...Lastly, breaking the news of the STD on the FKS' private forum was not easy to do and although I knew that by doing so it would turn into a thankless deed, I went ahead because I felt an ethical obligation to do so.

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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Maxima said:
I know I'm not too smart.
Oh quit fetching for compliments. :p
Maxima said:
Why did you not blaming FKS? Gisele started the rumor, did she not?
I'm sure T_76 has a far more intelligent response than mine but, Mods being the ones here with the authority and not agency owners (just opened myself for sarcasm here), it was Mod 7 who ultimately allowed the rumour to make it to the public domain.


Apr 20, 2004
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Ziggy Montana said:
... I'm sure T_76 has a far more intelligent response than mine but, Mods being the ones here with the authority and not agency owners (just opened myself for sarcasm here), it was Mod 7 who ultimately allowed the rumour to make it to the public domain.

FKS has its own targeted clientele. That clientele is their public.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Maxima said:
FKS has its own targeted clientele. That clientele is their public.
Please elaborate for my comprehension (I'm also not smart, being told repeatedly since this morning :D )


Apr 20, 2004
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Ziggy Montana said:
Please elaborate for my comprehension (I'm also not smart, being told repeatedly since this morning :D )

FKS wibe site is ditected to a clientele who can afford their prices but it sure is a public domain to me.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Ziggy Montana said:
Haven't seen this situation occur here in a while. When moderation is not to our liking we say it, when it's the opposite, congratulations are in order, done.

I have to agree with that. The mods have been doing a great job lately and the board is getting back to where it should be...interesting topics, good discussions and great reviews. The mods deserve our thanks and appreciation for doing a thankless job.

FKS has its own targeted clientele. That clientele is their public.

Maybe so, but their clientel surely crosses over to other agencies. This makes it a possible threat for the entire hobby community not to mention anyone else they become sexually involved with. A little health scare isn't exactly a bad thing if it encourages people to get themselves tested.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Maxima said:
FKS wibe site is ditected to a clientele who can afford their prices but it sure is a public domain to me.
OK clear enough. The difference I see (which doesn't serve in any way to defend T_76's statements) would be similar to the difference between - say - a OEM website (which mission statement is to make their products appealing to consumers) and a consumer's review site (which would normally have no affiliation with the OEM producing, branding or distributing the products that are being independently reviewed)


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Maxima said:
At the expense of the wronged SP who had to clear her name?
As a general statement, yes, by hinting at a specific person without proofs, certainly not.


Apr 20, 2004
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traveller_76 said:
... I don't know Gizelle and to tell you the truth I was not aware that this information was first posted on the FKS website. But whatever the actual situation is, I'm not speaking to it. I'm talking about the more general phenomena of escorts now having to (or being pressured into because they risk being 'socially excluded' otherwise) disclose personal medical information to defend themselves against people claiming on public boards that they have an STD... t76

Then I agree with you wholeheartly.


Apr 20, 2004
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traveller_76 said:
....It's simply to say you have as much of a responsibility in this as escorts.


But regarding spreading STD rumor, the responsibility should not be limited to SP and clients. All accusers, be they virgins, agency owners, police officers, priests, imam, rabbi, goddess, etc, must provide proof and be held accountable for their acts.
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