I know this is going to sound argumentative and I don`t really mean it to be that way so just cut me the slightest bit of slack here.

The sp does not
have to prove her case however it is in her best interest to do so sometimes. She is the professional, she is the one selling the service and the one who must make what she is selling appealing to the buyer. In the old days products came with a ``Goodhousekeeping Seal of Approval`` today its a best before date and a warning label. The point is the onus in these matters is always on the sellor. It may suck, it may be distasteful but that`s the way it is and its not going to change.
I wouldn`t count on it either but I would want to know. I`m sorry but I do take some comfort in knowing that Lilly has a clear test as do the sp`s currently at FKS. This information came from here , I find it helpful and they will both get my business as a result. If that makes me a bad person or naive so be it.
It would be wonderful if the industry could eventually get to a place where escorts could openly post a notice saying they were taking a month off while they cleared up a little clamydia problem and that they would again be seeing customers when they tested clean. There is no need for reputations to be ruined - that is the fault of the customer base.
Rely on Merb instead of a check up ? No I agree with you. But it is a very useful input as you don`t rely on it exclusively. So I say this whole thing as been a hell of a lot more useful than the dozen `s will cause everything from a plaque of locusts to pestilence. God those were useless and misinforming threads.
How many people chose to get tested now instead of putting it off for a few months? This is a bad thing? Not in my books.
I initially had some problems with editing etc here. I think the Board, Mod 7, Lilly and Giselle have all done wonderful jobs here. This is one of the few instances where at the end of it people know pretty much what the current situation is. How many times can you say that ?
I say do the opposite of what t76 is suggesting, get it in the open, out from under the rock, talk about the ``elephant in the room``.....what ever cliche you want to use.
Thanks for your time.