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A lady with a kid in a stroller asked me for a hand out...................What to do.


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Jun 1, 2003
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woman on crutches

I just finished my evening classes in McGill tonight and started walking on Sherbrooke West towards Atwater. Forgot what the cross street was, but a chubby lady in crutches, maybe early to mid forties was standing at the corner as if she was trying to cross the street. As I walked beside her while waiting for the light to change, she said to me that one of her crutch is broken and if I could help her. I kindly agreed and started to look at the crutches and asked her where it is broken. I looked at both of them and they seem to be o.k. She then asked me to just grab her right arm, which I did. When the light changed to green, I started to walk her to the other side of the street. Thats when she said "Don't pull me, I'am going to fall!". I was confused, so I asked her what she wanted me to do. Thats when she changed her story and started telling me that she finished her course in McGill and her ride got cancelled and she didn't have any money on her for a cab etc...then she proceeded to tell me how cruel people are when she asked for help, how people rejected her plea for help and that she's been trying to find someone to help her since 2 hours ago etc...I found it very strange that a student would have no school bags and no books on her. I mean she wasn't even carrying anything. She told me she lives in Ville St-Laurent and if I can lend her money for a cab and that she would pay me back. I made up an excuse that I'am a student and all my money went to tuition and rent. I mean if it would seem real enough, I wouldn't have mind helping. I asked her what street she lived on and she didn't answer me. Most likely it's a scam since I'am quite sure if a transportation would be cancelled, the company would find alternative rather that leaving someone stranded. Just wondering if anyone else ran into her and how you dealt with her.
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Oct 16, 2004
6' under
Sherbrooke West towards Atwater. Forgot what the cross street was, but a chubby lady in crutches,
i use sherbrooke in the centreville area nearly everyday. i see her all the time. she "begs" between atwater & mansfield.

was she wearing her red hat?
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Jun 1, 2003
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Yes, the cross street could've been Mansfield. She was a lady with greying curly hair. She was wearing a light blue colour (waist lenght) winter jacket. Some sort of black pants and white sneekers. It's possible it might be the same person, if my physical descriptions fits yours. Probably different clothing, different stories, probably put the crutches away sometimes. Probably doesn't work on the same location all the time either since people will recognize her.
Oh btw, a few weeks ago, I was walking East from Atwater on St-Catherine street. I was walking on the left side of the street. They're doing constructions, on the building where the old cinema used to be (that construction has been going on for decades!, are they trying to restore the building or take it down???:confused:). Anyway, under the construction shelter, there's all these Inuits sitting there. I guess for the shelter. As I walked passed an Inuit woman sitting there, a young guy, no older that mid twenties was walking towards her from the opposite direction. He just leaned over and handed the Inuit woman a roll of $20s and walked away without saying a word. I don't know how many bills are there, but it seems like maybe five $20s. I said to my female companion, "Did you see that? , are young people that generous these days?". In my mind I was saying, "Maybe sexual favours?" , How can that be? I mean that Inuit woman was old (can't tell the age, but living on the street can take a toll on your appearance), no teeth (atleast not much left), and looks like she haven't taken a shower in ages!!!. :eek:
Maybe the young guy was really being generous?

GTA refugee

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Feb 29, 2008
The young guy could have fell for the Inuit womans hard luck story............I need medicine................I need to pay my rent.................I need to get home to see my family. When I was yonger, I was more trusting and gave more hand outs, but these days I am not as generous to a hard luck story.
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Oct 16, 2004
6' under
my view of the homeless street beggars comes from growing up in one of the poorest sections of the city i'm from:

i never give money. why? it will never change or improve their situation, and i don't work hard for my money so a homeless person can buy booze or drugs. we have no idea what they spend it on, and i don't need to buy my own conscience. instead i'll give them leftover food i'm carrying [from a resto or my fridge] or simply set it down in the area i know homeless people hang out. if they really want to improve their own life's situation, there are many constructive things they could do.

more people are willing to help you when they see you helping yourself...

i could write a comprehensive dissertation on the homeless, but i don't work for free.


New Member
Nov 16, 2009

If you see someone hungry, then he or she need's food, not money.

If you have to give something, give them food, not cash.
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