Hello Sapman,sapman99 said:The focus has remained: its’ primarily a discussion forum about the escort scene in Montréal. Many other peripheral topics are posted here, but that is the main reason why it exists. Reviews, discussion, advertising.
The site does originate in Toronto, Canada. An officially bilingual country. Technically, they have to give French language customer service to the French clientele that requests it… But I surmise that would only apply to the billable services it provides, such as advertising and supporting memberships.
In any case, this is more about where we want to see the board go. We can stick to the old ways and only post in English or evolve. The board may have started up mostly if not all English, but new members have joined, new discussions have started, and revenue must be generated from those pesky French posts.
Recently I reviewed a provider in French, because I felt like it. She had just gotten a rash of English reviews in any case. Later on I reviewed her again in English, but a totally different text.
I agree that a direct reply (to a direct question to the individual) in French to a question from a poster known to be unilingual English raises eyebrows. But say the poster wants to contribute to the thread “at large” in French, I say let him. I may or may not agree with posting like this (it always depends on the circumstances at the time and what is being said), but if we take away that freedom… What is next?
I really enjoy the francophone presence on MERB. Without disrespect for the English membership, I do post in French occasionally, and will not translate myself at all times. To be fair, I would have to translate all my English posts to French. Scary…
Power to those who can interact on the board in the two languages. To the ones who cannot, it is still an excellent tool for research and interaction in either one.
If a unilingual person (of either language) is so curious about a post they cannot understand, its’ up to them to copy it over to a translation robot and get at least the gist of it.
I tend to be very enamored of everything French and French-Canadian. When I am in Montreal I try to speak to people in their language as much as I can or je demande s'ils parleront l'anglais s'il vous plaît. Shouldn't we all try to be as accommodating as we can just for respect sake. So it's very disappointing to see that in a culture I admire there are people who insist on being stubbornly clannish.
Actually, I did try to translate the post by Mazingerz with freetranslation and it was very poor compared to that by CaptRenault. I also tried sending emails to my Montreal friend with a corresponding English version to see if the messages matched. He said the French in freetranslation was very poor. So unless someone knows where to find and accurate free translator this idea seesm impractical.
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