Montreal Escorts

A Language Question..If you not mind.

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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
sapman99 said:
The focus has remained: its’ primarily a discussion forum about the escort scene in Montréal. Many other peripheral topics are posted here, but that is the main reason why it exists. Reviews, discussion, advertising.

The site does originate in Toronto, Canada. An officially bilingual country. Technically, they have to give French language customer service to the French clientele that requests it… But I surmise that would only apply to the billable services it provides, such as advertising and supporting memberships.

In any case, this is more about where we want to see the board go. We can stick to the old ways and only post in English or evolve. The board may have started up mostly if not all English, but new members have joined, new discussions have started, and revenue must be generated from those pesky French posts ;).

Recently I reviewed a provider in French, because I felt like it. She had just gotten a rash of English reviews in any case. Later on I reviewed her again in English, but a totally different text.

I agree that a direct reply (to a direct question to the individual) in French to a question from a poster known to be unilingual English raises eyebrows. But say the poster wants to contribute to the thread “at large” in French, I say let him. I may or may not agree with posting like this (it always depends on the circumstances at the time and what is being said), but if we take away that freedom… What is next?

I really enjoy the francophone presence on MERB. Without disrespect for the English membership, I do post in French occasionally, and will not translate myself at all times. To be fair, I would have to translate all my English posts to French. Scary…

Power to those who can interact on the board in the two languages. To the ones who cannot, it is still an excellent tool for research and interaction in either one.

If a unilingual person (of either language) is so curious about a post they cannot understand, its’ up to them to copy it over to a translation robot and get at least the gist of it.
Hello Sapman,

I tend to be very enamored of everything French and French-Canadian. When I am in Montreal I try to speak to people in their language as much as I can or je demande s'ils parleront l'anglais s'il vous plaît. Shouldn't we all try to be as accommodating as we can just for respect sake. So it's very disappointing to see that in a culture I admire there are people who insist on being stubbornly clannish.

Actually, I did try to translate the post by Mazingerz with freetranslation and it was very poor compared to that by CaptRenault. I also tried sending emails to my Montreal friend with a corresponding English version to see if the messages matched. He said the French in freetranslation was very poor. So unless someone knows where to find and accurate free translator this idea seesm impractical.


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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Elvis said:
Toujours aussi borné, ce bon vieux Techman! ;)

Ce que tu dis n'a tout simplement pas de sens. Il est temps que tu sortes de ton ghetto mental des années 70.

Si moi, je pose une question au Forum en français et qu'un type me répond gentiment en anglais, parce que c'est sa langue maternelle, est-ce que j'aurais le culot et le manque de savoir-vivre de lui dire qu'il me "manque de respect"??? Et bien, non, car je suis un VRAI gentleman et je lui dirai même un beau gros merci en anglais. Le savoir-vivre va dans les deux sens.

Ce Forum est bilingue, c'est inscrit dans la Charte du forum, nous vivons dans un pays libre et les gens peuvent écrire et répondre dans la langue de leur choix.

J'ai essentiellement cessé d'écrire en anglais sur ce Forum depuis que l'orang-outan de 6'4" qui sévit sur ce forum et qui se pense au-dessus de la charte de ce forum a essayé de m'imposer sa langue. Laissons donc les gens libres de parler la langue qu'ils veulent, on se fout du reste.

Quant à nos amis unilingues américains, on pourrait peut-être leur dire qu'un petit cours de français, ça coûte à peu près le coût d'un "out-call"...

I live in a 1970's mental ghetto because I consider all languages equal? Because I expect a bit of respect from people? Because I think that it would be nice to see people provide information in the language it is requested in? Damn! Good thing I'm not asking for something important like help from 911!

Do you not realize that a unilingual American would never reply to your French question in English because he DOES NOT UNDERSTAND FRENCH in the first place!!! How could he reply???

Perhaps the unilingual French minorty of North America may also find it useful to take a course in English. I'm sure that they could find one paid for the the Canadian givernment and it wouldn't even cost them a cent.

It seems that some people still do not, or refuse to, get the point. Either they are too thick headed or just unable to understand the concept of respect. No one is saying that the board should be unilingual English. Or that no one should be free to post in French.


Could you please let your petty insecurities go for a couple of minutes and actually try to understand what people are asking for! If you can't comprehend this simple little thing, how do you even find your way home from work at the end of the day? No one is trying to wipe French from MERB.

How about keep replying in French to English threads and I will start replying to every damn French thread on the board in English only and refuse to see reason. Would that make you understand what people are asking for?



Sep 19, 2005
Elvis said:
Toujours aussi borné, ce bon vieux Techman! ;)

Ce que tu dis n'a tout simplement pas de sens. Il est temps que tu sortes de ton ghetto mental des années 70.

Il ne s'agit pas d'être borné ou pas. Le mot clé ici est "constantly". Je présume que la majorité des membres ici ont l'esprit assez ouvert pour tolérer un membre par ci ou par là répondre en une langue différente. Ce qui pose problème ce sont les membres qui utilisent le site pour faire passer en douceur leurs convictions politiques. Mazingerz est loin d'être l'exception. Il y a d'autres membres qui s'éclipsent pendant des mois pour revenir nous faire un serment sur les dangers de voter Obama, please give us a break and go preach elsewhere!


Apr 20, 2004
Visit site
Maxima said:
As far as I can remember this has always been the case on Merb. I can not recall any poster here who deliberately scorn the language of other people (be it French or English) until the joining of one particular individual who deliberately played the language superiority / inferiority cards.
You should remember that it is not against board rules to post / reply in French in an English discussion / thread / question ..and vice versa. However when you are known as a bilingual individual and when unilingual Americans asked you nicely to explain in English you refused to do so on the ground of languages superiority / inferiority .... then you didn't really care about the harmony of the Board, did you?

mazingerz said:
C'est heureusement pas le cas de tout le monde mais il reste encore un nombre d'anglophones qui se croient le centre de l'univers et qui ne peuvent pas supporter qu'on s'adresse à eux dans une langue différente de la leur. Ils considère comme un manque de respect si on "ose" ne pas parler leur langue, comme si c'était la seule langue valable au monde.

Leur sentiment de supériorité et leur arrogeance, je n'en ai que faire. Chacun ici est libre de parler en utilisant la langue de son choix. Moi je ne suis pas quelqu'un de fermé d'esprit. Je suis ouvert à d'autres cultures et d'autres langues. Mais les anglophones eux, ils sont entièrement fermés d'esprit, se croient supérieur aux autres et il faudrait que tout le monde parlent leur langue en leur précense en signe de soumission. Mais moi je ne suis pas un mouton soumis et je vais m'adresser dans la langue que je veux. Je suis ici chez moi et je vais utiliser ma langue et non pas celle qu'on voudrait m'imposer. Quand je suis à l'étranger, si je suis capable, je vais utiliser la langue du coin que je visite. Mais je ne ferai pas semblant de ne pas être capable juste pour démontrer ma supériorité.

Les pires, ce sont les américains. Ils sont bien bon pour dire aux autres pays comment vivre et quel doit être leur régime politique, leur langue, etc.. Ils feraient mieux de s'occuper de leurs affaires d'ailleurs au lieu d'essayer de se prendre pour les maîtres du monde car leur économie tombe en ruine


I rest my case!


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Clannish? Moi?

Korbel said:
When I am in Montreal I try to speak to people in their language as much as I can or je demande s'ils parleront l'anglais s'il vous plaît....

...So it's very disappointing to see that in a culture I admire there are people who insist on being stubbornly clannish.
Korbel, not having met you yet but having read you, I know you are the type to behave exactly as you say when in Montréal and your attitude is to be praised. A little goodwill and empathy go a long way abroad, I found out alone in Romania a few months back with my very basic mastery of that language :eek:.

As long as people ask for translations and someone (doesn't have to be the original poster) is willing to do the work on a volunteer basis this is fine. From and to either language. But to basically enforce a "language law" either board wide or "per thread" sounds like a loss of freedom. This is why I object in the very first place.

It has nothing to do with being clannish for me. More like, international. I know some other hobbyists who are making efforts to understand and speak French for all kinds of reasons, not the least to relate to the girls better. I would be willing to bet a few beers the girls will react better to a good basic French with a heavy English accent than my native variety. More exotic, and it shows you are making an effort to relate :cool:.

I feel less clannish because my knowledge of English has taken me a lot of places and allowed me to meet a lot of great people, some of the membership here included. But if the board starts having language restrictions, that would be clannish indeed...


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
That's what I'm talking 'bout

Techman said:
Perhaps the unilingual French minorty of North America may also find it useful to take a course in English. I'm sure that they could find one paid for the the Canadian givernment and it wouldn't even cost them a cent.
Do the French have the unique ability to learn the country's other official language or the obligation? I am not trying to say, Techman, that English is a useless language. But if you thought you did not apply a value scale to languages, look again...


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
mazingerz said:
C'est heureusement pas le cas de tout le monde mais il reste encore un nombre d'anglophones qui se croient le centre de l'univers et qui ne peuvent pas supporter qu'on s'adresse à eux dans une langue différente de la leur. Ils considère comme un manque de respect si on "ose" ne pas parler leur langue, comme si c'était la seule langue valable au monde.

Leur sentiment de supériorité et leur arrogeance, je n'en ai que faire. Chacun ici est libre de parler en utilisant la langue de son choix. Moi je ne suis pas quelqu'un de fermé d'esprit. Je suis ouvert à d'autres cultures et d'autres langues. Mais les anglophones eux, ils sont entièrement fermés d'esprit, se croient supérieur aux autres et il faudrait que tout le monde parlent leur langue en leur précense en signe de soumission. Mais moi je ne suis pas un mouton soumis et je vais m'adresser dans la langue que je veux. Je suis ici chez moi et je vais utiliser ma langue et non pas celle qu'on voudrait m'imposer. Quand je suis à l'étranger, si je suis capable, je vais utiliser la langue du coin que je visite. Mais je ne ferai pas semblant de ne pas être capable juste pour démontrer ma supériorité.

Les pires, ce sont les américains. Ils sont bien bon pour dire aux autres pays comment vivre et quel doit être leur régime politique, leur langue, etc.. Ils feraient mieux de s'occuper de leurs affaires d'ailleurs au lieu d'essayer de se prendre pour les maîtres du monde car leur économie tombe en ruine

Mazingerz, I never knew that pretending that you could not do something is an example of superiority. If it was, I'm certain that you must be a great superior being. If anything it is an example of ignorance. Something you should know a lot about as you are proving yourself to be one of the most ignorant individuals I have ever had the misfortune to come across. Not only do you insult the English posters on the board but now you are insulting Americans in general with your xenophobic attitude. What you accuse Americans of doing is exactly what the Quebec government does to every immigrant that enters Quebec. They tell them what politics they should follow and what language they should speak. Maybe Quebec should also give people the freedom to work, live and speak whatever language they damn well please.

No one is trying to impose anything on you. All anyone has asked for is a bit of respect which seems to be something you are either incapable of understanding or unwilling to give.

Sapman, no one here has called for a 'language law' on the board. What people have asked for is that rules already in place in reference to respectful posting be followed. Constantly posting replies in French, often as the first reply in a thread, to unilingual English posters shows a lack of respect which is in violation of the rules. It has nothing to do with language and everything to do with respect. I would also go as far as calling it an incentive to start a flame war which often follows as a result of such posts. All he has to do is stop posting in those threads. His posts there are useless anyways. But he refuses to do so! Another show of his lack of respect.



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
sapman99 said:
Do the French have the unique ability to learn the country's other official language or the obligation? I am not trying to say, Techman, that English is a useless language. But if you thought you did not apply a value scale to languages, look again...

Did it ever occur to you that I posted that in sarcastic reply to Elvis idea that Americans should take French lessons? Maybe it should have.

People can speak whatever fucking language they want and no one has the right to tell someone else what language they can speak, or work in, or live in. Except here in Quebec, thanks to the use of the notwithstanding clause in the Canadian Constitution. A Constitution that Quebec refuses to accept or sign. But are more than happy to use the parts of it that suit their purpose. So typical.



Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Ok I see

:eek: Maybe I skipped over the "also". Oh well... But still, you amped it up again, and your use of the word minority (and yes that is what they are) is just fuel on the fire my friend. The day everyone French here is fully functional in English, adieu Français, mark my words.

For good or for bad, the people of Canada who choose to live most of their lives in French are the ones keeping it alive. I am so world and convenience oriented, I never question myself when using English over French like many of them do. But in the end, I benefit from the efforts of such people that enable the French language to survive here, and it can never do it as a second language, exactly because of the English ocean surrounding it. No half measures needed here. You want it to survive or sink...


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Wow.. I originated this thread at noon..went bike riding, then to a BBQ for Labor Day ...
Happy Labor day everyone !!!

My original intent was to point out that I ( because I do not speak French ) , could not follow some of the posts regarding subjects that interested me..

These posts started out in English , but once anyone commented in French, it seemed to continue the replies in French..

As stated , I know not to look in the Quebec City forum for 2 reasons, I do not speak French, plus I have never been to QC..

Back to Montreal...

If I see that the thread started out in French, I move on...

I do not care about it, because I do not understand politics involved on my part..

As far as people stating that Americans are pushy, it was not my intent to be pushy..I was just pointing out something that I have been noticing for a while now..that's all..nothing more

PS- I always ask if the lady coming to my room speaks decent English..enough so that SHE can be comfortable..

If she is not comfortable, the session will go nowhere

Best Regards


PS- thanks to Montreal Monk for translating for me in a PM last time I asked for help...


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Ils se croient encore et toujours supérieurs à nous et n'acceptent pas qu'on ne se laisse plus dominer

Maybe we should move this discussion to the fetish forum! Domination and submission.:cool:

Sapman, I speak French from the time I start work in the morning to the time I finish in the afternoon. I do this because my clients are 90% unilingual French. French is spoken in many countries all over the world and it is in no danger of vanishing as a language. Will it survive as a language here in Quebec in the long term, yes I believe it will. But I doubt that it will survive as the dominant language here no matter what laws are put in force to protect it. And that is really the point isn't it? Not survival, but dominance. Survival of the culture is not enough, it has to be the dominant culture here in Quebec.

But as you say, we are a very small pond in a very big sea of English North America. More people speak Spanish in the US than speak French in Canada. I would guess that in 20 years or so, French will no longer even be the second most spoken language in Canada. And when that much for official bilingualism.

Forcing immigrants to speak French or to work in French does not make them French. They will always speak their own language at home and teach it to their children along with their own culture. Immigrants have a higher birthrate while our birthrate is down and that alone will eventually spell the end for French dominance in Quebec.

Instead of fighting to establish their own little enclave in North America which will eventually fail anyways, and burning bridges with the rest of Canada, the French should be looking at ways to work together with everyone else to ensure the survival of our language and culture.

Just as Quebec tries to assimilate immigrants into it's culture so will Quebec eventually be assimilated by the much larger North American culture. It's only a matter of time. As they say...resistance is futile.



New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Maurice Richard

mazingerz said:
Non, Monsieur. La plupart des pays ont des lois sur leur langue officielle et exigent qu'on sache la parler pour travailler. Ce qui dérange ici, c'est qu'on ne se laisse plus piler sur les pieds comme au début du 20e siècle et qu'on ne laisse pas les anglophones afficher juste en anglais quand plus de 80% de la population parle français. Nous devons avoir des lois pour protéger notre patrimoine car si nous n'obligeons pas les anglophones à afficher en français, ils ne le feront pas. Ils se croient encore et toujours supérieurs à nous et n'acceptent pas qu'on ne se laisse plus dominer. Le fait qu'ils ont échoués dans leur tentative de nous assimiler écœurent leur incroyable égo.

Regardez comment les acadiens ont eu et ont encore de la misère à faire reconnaître leurs droits dans une province officiellement bilingue. Il n'y a rien à faire avec eux, pour qu'ils nous respectent, on doit les obliger à le faire


Soyons serieux. Parlons de Maurice Richard et des Canadiens.

La succession de Maurice Richard a mis ses objet "memorabilia" en encan (compagnie pure laine). Les plus offrants ........................ des E.U.

Pauline Marois chante le chanson de patrimoine mais elle a des bras courtes.Quebec Inc aussi.

Le gouvernement de Canada ont mis l'argent sur la table pour plusieurs items.

Molson voulait vendre les Canadiens. Les grands parleurs - le Senateur, Power Corp, Quebecor, Bombardier, et plusieurs d'autres membres de Quebec Inc voulait/pouvait pas les acheter.

Mais ti-George des ............................ E.U. a eu une aubaine.

Be serious. Let's talk about Maurice Richard and the Montreal Canadiens.

When the Maurice Richard Estate mandated a Quebec company to auction his hockey memorabilia the vast majority of leading bidders were ........

Pauline Marois sings the patrimoine song but has very short arms as does Quebec Inc.

The Canadian Gouvernment puts money on the table and the key items stay in Canada.

Molson wishes to sell the Montreal Canadiens. Does the Senator or any of the leading Quebec companies step-up with the dollars. No. Little George from the USA winds up with a bargain.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
mazingerz said:
Regardez comment les acadiens ont eu et ont encore de la misère à faire reconnaître leurs droits dans une province officiellement bilingue. Il n'y a rien à faire avec eux, pour qu'ils nous respectent, on doit les obliger à le faire

Et les Franco-Ontariens eux? La plupart que je connais parlent aussi bien le francais que n'importe quel Quebecois & parlent le francais regulierement...ils allent a l'ecole francais (ecole catholique), ecrivent leurs examens provinciaux en francais (ou en anglais s'ils le preferent), ont leur propre chaine de television et plusieurs chaines de radio francophone, fetent la St-Jean Baptiste aussi fort qu'au je pourrais en rajouter. Meme au Manitoba c'est comme ca au sud de Winnipeg dans la region de St-Boniface, etc.

C'est pas juste au Quebec qu'il y a des Canadiens-Francais et ou ils peuvent parler regulierement le francais, apprendre & pouvoir travailler et communiquer dans leur langue. Il y en a partout ailleurs dans le restant du Canada & notre langue et culture y est pour rester.


Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
EagerBeaver said:
By Dee's logic it is totally understandable why Nazi Germany, which felt it had gotten a raw deal in the Treaty of Versailles, invaded Poland, Czechoslavakia, etc. in World War II. Basically we can see why they invaded all of the rest of Europe.........we can now understand the Nazis' behavior.............thank you for letting me see the light on this...........

No problem, always pleased to help.

Your hyperbole helps to demonstrate my point... merci mille fois... there is a difference between "understanding why" and "agreeing that it is right".. if we acted on only what we "knew" was right and ignored the "why" the world would be in even a far worse position then it is....

Germany didn't start WWII to be gratuitously rude, it started it for the reason you stated... so as you state it's "understandable" but that is not to suggest that it was "right".

As for mazingerz I would suggest that his intention isn't to be gratuitously rude, but that he acts as he does for the reasons I suggested.

Now are his (presumed on my behalf) thoughts correct? I don't know... and it's a tougher and more nuanced question then yours about the start of WWII ... I expect my opinion would be closer to yours then that of
mazingerz, but personally I have refused to engage my mind in the debate... why? I fear that I would not agree with the Quebecois .. I would feel frustrated... and I would lose my love of the French language, the Quebec people and their culture... and for me, it isn't worth it... so (with 2 exceptions) over a couple of decades I have refused to argue politics with them... I've ended up loving them and, I think I can say, them me. My life has been immeasurably enriched.

Frankly I'm saddned by mazingerz's recent "Americans think they know everything" posts. I had been holding my breath hoping that nothing would be posted that would excite such a reaction... and I hadn't seen anything that should have.



Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Question pour Mazingerz

Une jolie demoiselle Anglophone vous demande l’heure. Sachant qu'elle est unilingue, vous répondez en quelle langue ?

I was asking Mazingerz what language he would answer in if an attractive woman asked him for the time of day.

Simplement curieux.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
gallantca said:
Une jolie demoiselle Anglophone vous demande l’heure. Sachant qu'elle est unilingue, vous répondez en quelle langue ?

I was asking Mazingerz what language he would answer in if an attractive woman asked him for the time of day.

Simplement curieux.
Hello Gallantca,

Mazingerz is obviously a closed-minded bitter Anglophobe. Why bother?


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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Elvis said:
J'ai essentiellement cessé d'écrire en anglais sur ce Forum depuis que l'orang-outan de 6'4" qui sévit sur ce forum et qui se pense au-dessus de la charte de ce forum a essayé de m'imposer sa langue. Laissons donc les gens libres de parler la langue qu'ils veulent, on se fout du reste.
Hello Elvis,

So because one person was out of line you made a choice that creates difficulty between you and uni-lingual people who respect you but can't understand French. Why should you allow this person such influence? Wouldn't it be better just to ignore him and avoid creating unnecessary difficulties with the respectful people on the board? Oublier cet Orang-Outan arrogant.


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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
juzt_a_girl said:
4ième. Au juste Mazingerz, tu parles Mandarin (1ère langue la plus parlée)?

Et je supposait, en effet, que tu avais des bases espagnoles. L'Amérique du Sud est la destination préférée des Québécois qui ne daigneraient pas passer quelques vacances dans une province voisine - l'essence est trop chère (et tant qu'à aller dans un 'autre pays', aussi bien aller où il fait chaud) :rolleyes:


Just to add something here...

Most Widely Spoken Languages
in the World

Language Approx. number of speakers

1. Chinese (Mandarin) 1,075,000,000
2. English 514,000,000
3. Hindustani 496,000,000
4. Spanish 425,000,000
5. Russian 275,000,000
6. Arabic 256,000,000
7. Bengali 215,000,000
8. Portuguese 194,000,000
9. Malay-Indonesian 176,000,000
10. French 129,000,000
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
bobody1965 said:
Just as Quebec tries to assimilate immigrants into it's culture so will Quebec eventually be assimilated by the much larger North American culture. It's only a matter of time. As they say...resistance is futile.


Tient le justicier qui débarque....permet moi de voir une similitude dans tes propos avec l'extrait suivant :extrait du Missiskoui Standard, publié à Frelighsburg dans les Eastern Townships (Cantons-de-l'Est), en juin 1838:

"C'est une folie aux Canadiens français de lutter contre leur destinée. Il est impossible qu'une poignée de Français, à l'extrémité nord-est, puisse s'élever au rang de nation, contre le génie entreprenant d'une race qui a déjà couvert presque tout ce continent. C'est plus que de la folie. Depuis 1791, jusqu'à l'année dernière, les Français ont travaillé à conjurer leur sort; quoiqu'ils possédaient toutes les facilités législatives à cette fin, ils n'ont pu réussir. Ils ont opprimé la race anglo-saxonne résidante dans cette province, et ils se sont efforcés d'en éloigner ceux qui voulaient y venir. Et quel a été le résultat de tout cela? Ils ont failli. Le pouvoir légal qu'ils possédaient n'était pas proportionné à la fin; et lorsque, de désespoir, ils ont eu recours à la force pour accomplir leur désir favori, la race anglo-saxonne, semblable au boa constrictor, s'est entortillée autour d'eux, les a pressés de toutes parts, et les a écrasés...( fin de la citation )

Franchement mon vieux ; est-ce ton propre reflet que tu ne peut accepter, pour toi passer ta vie comme francophone ( p.c.q. contre toute attente et hônnetement je commence à en douter ) tu te sent diminuer et enfin le soir sur merb tu a l'impression de te grandir en t'éloignant de tes semblables en parlant anglais en faisant énormément de "quebec bashing" ( approuvé et adulé par plein de merbites)....Il y a maintenant longtemps que je lis absolument toutes tes interventions et évidemment je ne te comprend pas mais là avec "toute résistance est futile" je craint de mieux saisir ton attitude vis-à-vis tes compatriotes. Songe s'y bien ; essayer d'être ce que l'on est pas a rarement donné quoi que ce soit à quiconque.

Pour une fois répliquera tu dans "notre" langue ( je parle ici de nous deux seulement ) ?

Hello bobody1965,

If Techman can quote the Borg, I will quote Lawrence of Arabia..."nothing is written". It's always been tragic that les Anglais got hold of Canada in 1763. Worst that anyone should hope to wipe out all French culture there. It's an ugly thing when resentment or bitterness motivates such a terrible yearning. And this bitterness between the English and French in Canada is ugly indeed.

Vive les Francais.



Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
C'est le ras-le-bol-total

Techman said:
Sapman, I speak French from the time I start work in the morning to the time I finish in the afternoon.
Montre-nous ça on attend
Techman said:
  • Will it survive as a language here in Quebec in the long term, yes I believe it will.
  • But I doubt that it will survive as the dominant language here no matter what laws are put in force to protect it. And that is really the point isn't it? Not survival, but dominance. Survival of the culture is not enough, it has to be the dominant culture here in Quebec.
  • But as you say, we are a very small pond in a very big sea of English North America. More people speak Spanish in the US than speak French in Canada. I would guess that in 20 years or so, French will no longer even be the second most spoken language in Canada. And when that much for official bilingualism.
  • Forcing immigrants to speak French or to work in French does not make them French. They will always speak their own language at home and teach it to their children along with their own culture. Immigrants have a higher birthrate while our birthrate is down and that alone will eventually spell the end for French dominance in Quebec
C'est impossible dans cet entourage anglo de penser que le français survivra ici comme une deuxième langue. Pour prospérer le français doit être la langue première de la majorité des Québécois.

Mais dans tes énoncés suivants tu dis que de toute façon notre chien est mort. M'en vas te dire que tout le monde est plus méchant accoté au pied du mur. On dirait des fois que tu nous dis que un, on est des nazis et que deux, on se bat pour rien, notre langue et foutue, aussi bien se ranger à la majorité, that's it.

Il n'y a personne qui force les immigrants à parler français. Il veulent venir au Québec, où la langue première est le français. Il ne peuvent aller ailleurs au Canda sans soit un test anglais ou un enrollement dans un cours de toute façon. Arrête je t'en prie de nous faire passer pour les Nazis de la langue, tu es toujours en train de "twister" les affaires sans égard au arguments et point de vue des autres, bulldozer hors de contrôle et aux idées ultra-fixes. J'aimerais ça peut-être aller prendre une bière et un roteux avec toi et parler de ça, mais va falloir que tu promettes d'écouter aussi...

Et je me permets de ressortir mon expérience de 15 ans comme francophone en Ontario. Crois-moi quand je te dis que notre minorité linguistique est 100 fois mieux traitée ici qu'ailleurs au Canada. Et ne vas pas me dire que c'est un argument invalide, faut ben baser nos services et réglements sur le reste du monde, non? Pourquoi pas commencer par nos voisins...
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