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A Language Question..If you not mind.

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Apr 20, 2004
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metoo4 said:
...and the MERB board waste a lot of storage/bandwith with the sterile discussions raised by some peoples who's only goal in this topic are to raise shit instead of just ignoring something that isn't a problem if left ignored.

I agree.
Just ignore marzingerz. He wants attention, don't give it to him. Just leave him be under the rock where he is deserved to be. To reply an English post, he has to read it which means a capitulation from his part. You can "ignore" him as a if he doesn't exist but he can not ignore you because he needs you. He needs to read your English posts to reply to them.


New Member
Oct 5, 2005
English, French, Spanish or whatever language... there will always be a-holes. Whether or not a person can speak one, two or many languages, respect should be universal.

If somebody asks for a translation or asks if you can respond in a manner they can understand, and you are capable, I don't see what the issue is. It's about helping each other out.

If they demand you speak or respond a certain language, then f-them I say. If a post is in French and you have a troll spouting nonsense about "speak English or you're idiots", then they should be ignored.

On a side note, anyone who chooses to be ignorant or confrontational, be it about language or culture or anything else really, they are only depriving themselves from becoming a better person.

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
metoo4 said:
Here's where your analogy is irrelevent: in a football team, a member just standing in the middle of the field, trying to play golf, that would impair the team's ability to win. In MERB, a poster posting in French doesn't change ANYTHING to anybody's life, won't cause MERB to go belly-up and won't drive anybody away, unless some other peoples try to provoke reactions and start fights.

metoo -- not that actual logic should interfere with your reasoning or anything, but if I'm reading you correctly, one could draw from your line of argumentation that you think the following --> I could reply to every threadstarter in Swahili or Esperanto and it would not change ANYTHING in anybody's life and it would not hurt merb or its advertisers... So if we all acted like what's his name (the guy that reads all the english posts and replies in french) and each of us posted replies that could not be understood by the person asking the question and we all did so in the language of our choosing, this would be fine with you.

Imagine how you would feel if you asked a question (in French let's say) and you only got replies in Chinese. Would that be good for you? for Merb? for Merb advertisers? uh --- duhhhh ---- I don' think so....

This is a question of human decency and I think the "team player" analogy makes perfect sense. No, it's not a "sports" team --- but I don't think that was EB's exact point.

Let me ask you a question.... If I come over to your place every night while you are asleep and piss on the side on your house, does that have any effect on you, or your life, on your earning potential? Not really... But how does knowing that I'm doing it make you feel?


PS: French translation available upon request.


Active Member
May 3, 2006
Montreal - Sin city of the North
Good day to all / Bonjour a tous,

What was the question again? Quelle etait la question deja ?

Ha yes, Smuler asked if this was an english or french board, and did say that he did not want to start a war !!!
Ha oui, Smuler a demande si ce forum etait anglais ou francais, et a preciser qu'il ne voulait pas commencer une guerre !!!

Well to answer the original question, in my humble opinion, this board is primarly english with french input from it's members.
Donc pour repondre a la question original, et ceci n'est que mon humble opinion, la plupart des contributions sont en anglais avec certaines contribution des membres en francais.

My small contribution for today / Ma petite contribution pour aujourd'hui

(Glad my nickmame is the same in both languages/ Content que mon surmon soit le meme dans les deux langues)

smuler said:
Greetings everyone...I have been using this board ( contributing reports and other information ) for a couple of years now.

I am US based, but am amazed by the city/ the vibe/ the ladies !!!

I come to Montreal at least once a year, and was lucky enough to find this great forum to use as a reference guide for my trips ( I thank all members who contribute )

I mean this question with all respect intended...

Is this an English speaking board ? I do use the language tools on the internet to try to translate the French language into English, but it loses a lot in the translation...

I love all languages...

But I would like to hear what others have to say about this.

Remember- I did not post this to start a war..that is not my intention

Best Regards



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Ben Dover said:
metoo Let me ask you a question.... If I come over to your place every night while you are asleep and piss on the side on your house, does that have any effect on you, or your life, on your earning potential? Not really... But how does knowing that I'm doing it make you feel? BD
PS: French translation available upon request.

That is one clever retort! metoo4, we are coming to piss on your car too- I am sure you won't mind a little bit of my urine of the side of your car because it really has no effect on you, your life, or your earnings, and 2 years from now you probably won't even be able to smell it.:D
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Apr 20, 2004
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EagerBeaver said:
That is one clever retort! metoo4, we are coming to piss on your car too- I am sure you won't mind a little bit of my urine of the side of your car because it really has no effect on you, your life, or your earnings, and 2 years from now you probably won't even be able to smell it.:D

This is too kinky for me. There is already a thread on golden shower and watersport in the Fetish section. Team play and courtesy demand that you post in the right place. :D


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
eastender said:

This new concept of brotherhood when applied to Ollie and EB is hard to grasp. Yes there is hope.

Hello all,

There's a new maxim developing here: "Mazingerz makes the strangest bedfellows." Look at all who the people who share the same view about him and it's like cats and dogs and chickens and pigs and cows and horses and sheep all doing it together. And for your information, I'm the stallion...lol. When you get Korbel, Techman, BD, LeGuy, OK, JAG and others on the same side you have a very strange stew, and all because of Mazingerz. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"...yikes.

metoo4 said:
EB, I do not agree with mazingerz's way of doing but, let get something totally clear: you or anybody else don't have any rights to demand from anybody to translate any posts in any language. On what grounds would you dare demanding this? Some are saying it and I agree, this is pure arrogance.

Mazingerz only post in french, even to english posters. I agree it's not very nice but, by doing so, he acknowledge he won't be understood by a vast group of peoples and, as far as I know, he never complained about peoples not understanding him. Until he does, and he never will, all you peoples have no ground to stand on. As I said before, IGNORE!
Hello Metoo4,

I have to agree with you partially. There is no good cause to ban Mazingerz at all. The rest of us have been much harsher on him than he has been on all of us combined. Though he has been rude, arrogant, anglophobic, and as stubborn as the most immature child, he has not used the type of personal attacks that would warrant a ban. Yes, he has been infuriatingly stubborn. But, he can write in French in response to English for eternity if he wishes and there would still be no cause to ban him. Myself, I read him many times and never gave it a second thought. That was until I realized why he was doing it. It amounts to unnecessary, almost manic bad manners; especially since he did use English at one time without any reservations. And still he shouldn't have to write in English if he doesn't want to and without any disciplinary action. What he should do is drop the deeply hypocritical Anglophobia and the silly pouting attitude.

Finally, if he doesn't like communicating in English then he should stop responding to it at all. Otherwise it's obvious from his views the intent is no less than a deliberate slap of disrespect to uni-lingual Anglos. As for all of us who don't like his position ...again ...why give this rude person so much damn copy????


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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
EagerBeaver said:
You had a good suggestion, only problem is that mazingerz and metoo4 think it is very arrogant. So the question is, do they like you now?
So, English is your main language and you don't know the difference between "asking" and "demanding". No point in explaining I guess!

And I did say so, we like JAG just as she is!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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metoo4 said:
So, English is your main language and you don't know the difference between "asking" and "demanding".

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about or what this distinction refers to or is supposed to refer to. Whatsoever. I suspect very strongly that you did not follow or see the thread that spawned this thread.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Ben Dover said:
Let me ask you a question.... If I come over to your place every night while you are asleep and piss on the side on your house, does that have any effect on you, or your life, on your earning potential? Not really... But how does knowing that I'm doing it make you feel?
EagerBeaver said:
That is one clever retort! metoo4, we are coming to piss on your car too- I am sure you won't mind a little bit of my urine of the side of your car because it really has no effect on you, your life, or your earnings, and 2 years from now you probably won't even be able to smell it.:D
And here's maturity to the rescue! Let's get into a real pissing contest! And my dad is stronger than yours! And if you don't stop, I'll tell your mom...

Again EB, no relevance to the subject and no possible analogy either. Piss stink and is unhygienic so yes, it does affect me: yes it will affect my earnings since I visit customers with my car, yes catching diseases isn't really appealing and yes, the trauma of sticking my hands in someone's piss on the door handle of my car (which I can't avoid by a few mouse clicks) will last my lifetime. And I forgot! This actually ILLEGAL and you could get charged!

Now EB, explain to us again, how will putting somebody on your "ignore" list affect your life again? Oh! Got it! One less chance to claim your superiority on anybody you don't agree with.

Ben Dover said:
Imagine how you would feel if you asked a question (in French let's say) and you only got replies in Chinese. Would that be good for you? for Merb? for Merb advertisers? uh --- duhhhh ---- I don' think so....
Honestly? I just could not care less! Why?
1- If EVERYBODY would reply in Chinese (that's not a language by the way), the chances are I would be on a Chinese board I wouldn't be able to read it from the get-go so, I wouldn't be present on that board, therefore not posting any question.
2- On a bilingual/multilingual board, I would still have hope to get a reply in a language I can understand so, there would be no harm in IGNORING the posts I don't understand while I wait for those I do understand. I would not DEMAND to have those post I don't understand to be translated since I understand it's anybody's right to express themselves in the language they choose and the only loss is mine for not making an effort to understand. All I could do is maybe ASK if somebody could translate and, if I get no positive replies, I would have to accept and move-on to a board I can understand 100%.
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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
EagerBeaver said:
I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about or what this distinction refers to or is supposed to refer to. Whatsoever. I suspect very strongly that you did not follow or see the thread that spawned this thread.
Again EB seeing and understanding only what he want.

I'm done.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I'm still amazed how many people just can't get the difference between simple respect and a language problem. When mazingerz replies in French to unilingual English posters, he may as well be posting in Mandarin or Arabic. The person seeking the information, advice or help can't hope to understand what was written. It's rude and disrespectful, and when it is done deliberately it is insulting.

If you are unwilling to post something that the person will understand, just don't post. If you can't post in the same language but have something useful to share, the person making the reply should be the one using the translator before posting or at the very least add a line asking for someone to translate for them. If not, he really isn't interesting in helping out at all in the first place.

It is a totally different thing in a discussion thread that has a large number of posts in both languages and often multiple discussions going on at the same time. Similar to this one where people are turning this into a language problem when it is actually nothing of the sort.

I have not seen anyone insisting that mazingerz post only in English. But you have to ask why he continues to post such replies on the board. He obviously has no interest in helping out. He is just interested in pissing people off.

It's a question of respect for fellow merbites, many of them have shared so much on this board that without them MERB would not be the important resource that it is for all hobbyists, English and French alike.

And if anyone doubts this, you just have to turn to the blue channel to see what happens when the best members of a board decide to leave.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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metoo4 said:
Again EB seeing and understanding only what he want.

I'm done.

I saw and understood posts in a thread ("Joelle of XXXtase") that spawned this thread and those posts by Special K and mazingerz were deleted by the Mods after I complained to them and posted in that thread (possibly others complained as well, I am not sure). Since you are so extremely well informed about these posts please inform the MERB readership EXACTLY what it was that I was commenting on. Thank you. Because I specifically was commenting on posts made by Special K and mazingerz in that thread which were deleted by the Mods when I made the comment that you so ignorantly responded to.

There can be no higher form of ignorance than jumping in on a discussion when you don't even know what it is about.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Certain Ironies

Techman said:
I'm still amazed how many people just can't get the difference between simple respect and a language problem. When mazingerz replies in French to unilingual English posters, he may as well be posting in Mandarin or Arabic. The person seeking the information, advice or help can't hope to understand what was written. It's rude and disrespectful, and when it is done deliberately it is insulting.

If you are unwilling to post something that the person will understand, just don't post. If you can't post in the same language but have something useful to share, the person making the reply should be the one using the translator before posting or at the very least add a line asking for someone to translate for them. If not, he really isn't interesting in helping out at all in the first place.

It is a totally different thing in a discussion thread that has a large number of posts in both languages and often multiple discussions going on at the same time. Similar to this one where people are turning this into a language problem when it is actually nothing of the sort.

I have not seen anyone insisting that mazingerz post only in English. But you have to ask why he continues to post such replies on the board. He obviously has no interest in helping out. He is just interested in pissing people off.

It's a question of respect for fellow merbites, many of them have shared so much on this board that without them MERB would not be the important resource that it is for all hobbyists, English and French alike.

And if anyone doubts this, you just have to turn to the blue channel to see what happens when the best members of a board decide to leave.


There are certain ironies in the issue under discussion and certain assumptions that do not hold.

Let's not assume that every post in English is made by a unilingual poster who has absolutely no ability to decipher a reply made in French. Also let's not assume that the knowledge or content of the party replying in French is so unique or exclusive that makes them the only conveyor of its wisdom or power.:eek: On the rare chance that the knowledge is so unique then everyone will benefit not only from the knowledge but will gladly translate.

To constantly reply in the other language suggests that the party in question has and is more than willing to improve their English reading skills. If they choose to reply in another language then perhaps they lack confidence in their written English or are exercising their democratic right to self - parody.:rolleyes: From a brief review of the situation perhaps the poster is only interested in helping on his own terms. Like asking someone for directions on the street only to have them sing them for you in a poor Celine Dion imitation. It certainly would not be a music issue - perhaps comedy.


Sep 19, 2005
I don't agree with Mazingerz's opinions, but kudos to him for stepping out from this thread on time and showing, by doing so, a lot of maturity and intelligence that some members here obviously lack.

Also, I wonder who made this thread deteriorate, as usual, into a free Mazingerz bashing compaign :cool: We never saw people getting banned from MERB because they were insisting on posting in some language, though many members were banned in the past because they kept obcessively attacking others and starting flame wars out of the blue.

You should really get over your Mazingerz-mania. As far as I know, I never saw Mazingerz bashing any of you in the french threads, he does not seem even to care about you, so just give the guy a break and stop crying like little babies.

Big big sigh.
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