In regards to Massage parlors: Mention or suggestion of extensive or full menu, using the term GFE, using the term "Open Minded", using the term "Options", none of these will be tolerated in a review. Do not ask which girl or what salon offers extras such as LFK/DFK or BJ or DATY or FS or include such details in a massage review. Any suggestions, hints or descriptions of the possibility that any massage parlors, in any posts, offer the same services as Incalls or Outcalls will also not be tolerated. It is illegal to provide such services in massage establishments and discretion is required in order to avoid causing problems for salons and the girls. Try and read between the lines. For more detailed information you should send a PM to the poster and ask him to reply via PM. ( 1 @ 2 months suspension for a first offense, permanent ban for second offense ). There will be zero tolerance by the Mods regarding this rule.
I'M not sure this reason is still valid, Mod20. Providing any sex service is not illegal anymore and this certainly includes handjobs as much as any other service. What's illegal is to buy the services, including, again, handjobs. Legality is not an issue, at least anymore. Also, LE tolerance may have varied with the services offered in the past, but I don't think it does anymore.
HOWEVER, I think it's a good board policy for a totally different reason. Many masseuses chose this line of work partly because it gives them more freedom to choose the services they provide on the spot. Many among them do not like these services to be talked about on boards. We need to respect that in order 1 to prevent the pressure on them for services they don't want to provide on the spot and 2 to prevent pressure on other masseuses based on emulation.