Montreal Escorts

Advance Booking Schedules RANT


Nov 12, 2011
Is it just me or have most agencies gotten VERY lazy about posting advance booking schedules. I like to plan my appointments days if not a week in advance but it is getting harder and harder. There are only a few agencies left that post reliable schedules. THEY GET MY BUSINESS! Others even have links to blank or empty schedules! I find that somewhat rude.

I have heard their excuses: The girls don't tell us, We only find out at the last minute, The girls are unreliable, etc.

OMG! EVERY other business schedules their workers well in advance. If someone doesn't respect that schedule they get fired. The result: THEY RESPECT THE SCHEDULE! If you can't do this it is because you have given all the power to the escorts and YOU are no longer in charge of your business. Stop tolerating it and it will change!

As clients I think it is time we start demanding better service by taking our business to the few agencies which demonstrate a respect for their clients and their time!


Aug 4, 2015
I'm like you - I like to plan ahead too (sometimes too far ahead for my own good!) I won't defend or slag on the agencies, probably better to let them feedback.

But when its weeks ahead, I prefer emailing indies anyway - hopefully they have time and can share some banter, get to know each other a little bit, help build up the excitement to a session, etc. Likewise, if I don't get a very friendly vibe (curt emails, 2-3 word answers, etc), then that's useful info too that MAYBE she's not the best choice for me (balanced against the understanding that she might be very busy herself and not willing to invest too much of her own time on a person who might cancel on her).

Lily from Montreal

It goes both ways;it is a huge turn off to get a email saying ,and it is a quote:''hey''...that's it ,lacking substance a bit...

I prefer a too long message (withing reason) to a series of one liners where it is like pulling teeth just to find out the infos I need to decide if I want to see you.

I prefer prebooking but the drawback when it is too long in advance is that ,me I have it in my agenda but ,and it happened twice to me the last weeks,
my supposed date seems to forget he booked me because I never heard from them. Too bad because they sounded so nice...

And I am traditional that way that I am not going to write to nag someone in a meeting...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I think booking weeks in advance is unreasonable, especially for agencies.

But having a 2-3 days in advance schedule should be a bare minimum. I am from out of town and have to work a complex system of bus and "co-voiturage" to manage to get to montreal. If i see a schedule at 1-2 pm, its already too late for me, and thats just for the "get in montreal" part.

The next part is the hotel, especially in summer, most of the place i like get fully booked days in advance. If i try to go on a week day i may be lucky but on week ends, i sometimes have to book a week in advance. Since im from out of town i can't just got to a 4 hours chablis rent sadly.

So yeah, i do miss the good years of 2012-2013, i remember back then i was dealing mostly with Goodgirls, Mike had a HUGE roster, lots of awesome girls, and since we where meeting them at those GG parties(most of them) it was easy to spot who i wanted to see as i could see there total look and get a vibe of them before booking them. And he would post weekly schedules.

The problem i think is the girls (some of them, probably a high %) that work in agencies often do so because they don't want to have to follow schedules or booking much. They like to be free to cancel as they see fit, they have there liberties. If they need cash, they can work 4 night straights, and if they don't need cash, and there friends go out, then they can decide to not work that night.

Bookers/owners have to give them this slack cause if they keep an iron grip upon them, they may very well loose them to other agencies. And the bookers want to make there money obviously.

So personally its a sad reality i am trying to get adjusted... Sometimes i may have to take a lucky guest, reserve a certain date and "hope for the best" and other times i may make a pre-booking and in the end be cancelled.

My only personal demand, to all agency owners, is simply to keep us updated WITH THE TRUTH in case of a pre-booking cancellation. It does not matter that the reason is "look sir, she just have not gave any news yet" , at least TELL ME, thats all i want to know so i can make my plan accordingly.

I think a lot of clients double books and cancel because of such behavior, wich lead to bad business for both the 2 side of the coin... One of the side have to make the first move in reliability.

And please agency owners/bookers, "she is sick tonight" is like the ultimate lie we don't believe anymore, please stop using it lol. Tell us she just didn't feel li working tonight so she called night off, tell us you have not heard of her yet so your not sure. This way as clients we may make a note pad about the reliability of said girl and plan accordingly next time.

In short, the truth is always better than false lies, and your clients will respect you much more if you do this. If you are not willing to do that and be a respectfull business man and threat your clients with respect and truth, then change your targeted audience... Im sure you gonna get many booking of late night drunks that just want a girl, no matter wich one, to finish the night. They may not be as respectfull as us tough ;)


Jul 1, 2014
Yes - I agree it is getting harder and harder to book in advance - and that is particularly important for us "out of town" guys who need to be able to book in advance. I know it is difficult - and there are many extenuating factors faced by bookers - but this was not a huge problem in the past and I don't see why it is now!


Jun 9, 2015
I always book my girls 5 to 6 days in advance, when I want a girl I get her ;)

My favorite agency here in Québec city ( l'agence Aventurière ) offers a very unique system where you can get the schedule of your favorite girls via text or email a few days before the week's schedule appears on the agency's website. They send the texts/emails saturday morning, that way I can make sure that I'll be able to book the girls I want to see. Seems like they are the only agency to offer this great service, a few agency in Montréal should pattern themselves on them, such a service is really helpful when you have a girl in mind and you don't want to be disappointed. :D
OMG! EVERY other business schedules their workers well in advance. If someone doesn't respect that schedule they get fired. The result: THEY RESPECT THE SCHEDULE! If you can't do this it is because you have given all the power to the escorts and YOU are no longer in charge of your business. Stop tolerating it and it will change!
I can understand your frustration about agency schedules to see who's "on" and not being able to reserve the lady of your liking in advance. What you have to keep in mind is that the SPs are not employees of the agency. They are not on a payroll and receiving a daily/weekly/monthly salary with a pre-dermined schedule, like in most jobs. The SPs are free agents being represented by the agency and they pay a considerable amount of money, per call, to the agency for the service they offer (advertising, booking, driver, etc.).

Maybe you would be better of contacting independent ladies instead. Most (not all) indies will accept requests days/weeks/months in advance.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
What you have to keep in mind is that the SPs are not employees of the agency. They are not on a payroll and receiving a daily/weekly/monthly salary with a pre-dermined schedule, like in most jobs. The SPs are free agents being represented by the agency

Hello all

This is got to be the best definition ever of a lady status with a agency !
Thankyou Gabriella .




New Member
Nov 18, 2014
I'd just like to book at least a day or two before the day, nothing crazy, but I need to plan these things.

I understand the reasons given by the agencies, and I hope they understand they're literally losing money by acting this way.


Dec 10, 2008
It seems that last minute booking does work well for the agencies, most of the girls are fully booked.
Demands are higher than offers ?!


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Why not book with a reliable independent?!

Clients wants to have the lady of is choice ,if she is in agency ,booking a indy will not do it .

I understand the reasons given by the agencies,
Facts not reasons ,but certain ladies are really reliable in agency also

and I hope they understand they're literally losing money by acting this way.

Well most of the time they do understand ,but the ladies that does it ,hummmmm ?



Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
What you have to keep in mind is that the SPs are not employees of the agency.

You can call it whatever you want but the SP's are employees of the agency. We hire consultants and/or subs all the time and when they work for us they are our employees, they work under our umbrella, we can fire them and we are responsable for them, they screw up and it ( the incedent ) goes under our record. We also take a percentage of their wages for giving/finding work for them. SP's are as much free agents and any working person, they can quit or be fired at any time.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
You can call it whatever you want.
Well definitly not employees

but the SP's are employees of the agency.
By what reasonable standards ?
Is a professionnal athlete the employee of is agent ?
Was Celine the employee of René Angelil ?

We hire consultants and/or subs all the time and when they work for us they are our employees, they work under our umbrella, we can fire them and we are responsible for them, they screw up and it ( the incedent ) goes under our record.
There is major differences between business consultants and/or sub contractors and escorts in agencies ,they refuse any clients they do not want to see ,they collect the full donation and gives small part that is left to the agency

We also take a percentage of their wages for giving/finding work for them. SP's are as much free agents and any working person, they can quit or be fired at any time.
You can quit your mariage/relationship ,you where still not a employee .
The quitting and firing part are not exclusive wording to the a employer vs employee relationship

Opinions of active Bookers!!!!!/page6,
Post #77,
post #13

after managing many successful agencies over the course of a few decades I cannot see trying to implement a employee employer relationship in this business without being laugh out by the ladies or worst arrested .



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I am not sure if i would agree with Gabriella on this. In the end the agency reputation is the one that take the feedback. If a girl show up drunk, agressive, under the influence of drugs and act in a bad way, or if she is just like that at her natural state lol, this is the agency that will deal with the clients feedback. If she does not provide GFE for exemple, again the agency is the one that have to make up for it. Sometimes by offering discounts or another girl as "replacement" (even tough it sound bad, you get the point)

So i would definately consider an escort that work in an agency as ther employee, and altough she can quit at any time(like any employee really) she can be fired as well. It seem merb and the escort business is on a constant curve, for exemple when i started back in 2009, there was so much unreliable agencies or last min booking type, Some smaller agencies worked hard to get clients, either announcing girls at 160/h and offering many "extras" included in price.

Then agencies evolved,they became more reliable, we where seeing less and less "bad experiences" and/or better customer support as they wanted to win the market. Schedule became a thing, advance booking, the quality in general of the business had evolved and it was a good thing. Agencies had to be that competitive to get the bookings. But as it evolved that route, those said agency builded a solid roster, a good client base and therefore managed to rise there rate, have extras be extras. It was pretty simple, for the hottest girl you had to pay the highest price, thats normal. And it worked. So other agencies followed the same route as those first ones and now its a common thing.

But to keep said reputation and good business, agencies have to keep that good customer services. And lately there may have been some slacks for some, from what i read. Now its a thin line to walk, cause if your on top you can permit yourself to do as you want and such, even if you loose one guy cause of something if you have 3 waiting its no big deal. But then if it keep happening and become a normal thing, then the word will spread and you could end up crashing.

Simple ways of business.

Why not book with a reliable independent?!

Well sometimes clients do want a specific girl, maybe the pictures really did it for them, or they met the girl at a GT. Another reason could be that they prefer younger girls, as "usually" agency girls are younger in general. Prices too, as indies (in general) are more expensive. There is a lot of factors that can come into play. Both indies and agencies have there + side, but they are very different market, at least to my point of view.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello HM

In the end the agency reputation is the one that take the feedback. If a girl show up drunk, agressive, under the influence of drugs and act in a bad way, or if she is just like that at her natural state lol, this is the agency that will deal with the clients feedback. If she does not provide GFE for exemple, again the agency is the one that have to make up for it. Sometimes by offering discounts or another girl as "replacement" (even tough it sound bad, you get the point)
You are supplying the reasons ,why it is so difficult to be successful agency in this industry ,with the small portion received and to guarantee the quality of the service

So i would definately consider an escort that work in an agency as ther employee, and altough she can quit at any time(like any employee really) she can be fired as well. It seem merb and the escort business is on a constant curve, for exemple when i started back in 2009, there was so much unreliable agencies or last min booking type, Some smaller agencies worked hard to get clients, either announcing girls at 160/h and offering many "extras" included in price.

In any business ,grabbing market shares from competitors is always difficult ,you need to be imaginative/creative .

However ladies are not employees because of all of this !
A question ,in your very short stint as a Booker ,did you have the feeling the girls where working for you or there pocket ?:lol:



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
A question ,in your very short stint as a Booker ,did you have the feeling the girls where working for you

Lol no i was an employee myself, they where working for the agency owner. Now if i had been the owner, things would had been different lol


Nov 28, 2015
Another reason could be that they prefer younger girls, as "usually" agency girls are younger in general. Prices too, as indies (in general) are more expensive.

I think this is true and with that comes the more randomness of their schedules. You take the good with the bad and you get what you pay for.

It's a problem for me too since I don't live in Montreal either and like to plan my trips as far in advance as possible.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Not just for people who live out of town I work a full time job so I plan everything in advance... I always have a schedule due to having very limited time with work... So if I were to book a SP it would be a week in advance... I never do anything last minute.


Jan 9, 2012
It goes both ways;it is a huge turn off to get a email saying ,and it is a quote:''hey''...that's it ,lacking substance a bit...
I prefer a too long message (withing reason) to a series of one liners where it is like pulling teeth just to find out the infos I need to decide if I want to see you.
I prefer prebooking but the drawback when it is too long in advance is that ,me I have it in my agenda but ,and it happened twice to me the last weeks,
my supposed date seems to forget he booked me because I never heard from them. Too bad because they sounded so nice...
And I am traditional that way that I am not going to write to nag someone in a meeting...

I totally understand... never booked with an agency before, don't think I will... booking with an Indy couple of days or a week before always worked for me.
The anticipation does build a little something extra :)

Maybe you would be better of contacting independent ladies instead. Most (not all) indies will accept requests days/weeks/months in advance.
Yes, yes, yes... Indy all the way... can't get wrong with those ladies.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Well definitly not employees

By what reasonable standards ?
Is a professionnal athlete the employee of is agent ?
Was Celine the employee of René Angelil ?

There is major differences between business consultants and/or sub contractors and escorts in agencies ,they refuse any clients they do not want to see ,they collect the full donation and gives small part that is left to the agency

You can quit your mariage/relationship ,you where still not a employee .
The quitting and firing part are not exclusive wording to the a employer vs employee relationship

Opinions of active Bookers!!!!!/page6,
Post #77,
post #13

after managing many successful agencies over the course of a few decades I cannot see trying to implement a employee employer relationship in this business without being laugh out by the ladies or worst arrested .



For professional athlete and Celine Dion, their managers would be the same as bookers, do you actually think that a SP who hires a booker is now under the employment of the booker??? Really?
As for SP's refusing to see a client that would be the same as someone refusing to do unsafe work, so really there is no difference, as for collection donations it would be impossible to have the booker collect so things are tweaked a little, again since the employee and SP get the bulk of the money another moot point.
This marraige thing has me stumped, WTF are you trying to say and what does it have to do with this.
This quitting and firing thing, you just running out of things to say, let me type this slowly... SP's working for an agency and an employee ( or contractor ) subing out to some company can both be fired or quit so there is no real difference.
As for your decades of running many successful agencies, really, never heard of that before ( you have also claimed to have ran a multi million dollar retail chain, multi million dollar bakery, own investment property all over Canada, buy your cars with cash, leave crips hundreds as tips and the list goes on ), the people I talked to who have been hobbying for decades and even SP's have never see or heard of you before ( when you were at the MTLGFE party ). So sorry if I am not in awe.
Now this is just my opinion but when someone constantly brags about something and I mean always and add to that on a escort review board where no one knows anyone really ( ok a few do ) I am very cautious of what to believe, all sucessfull people I know keep a low key and do not brag every chance they get to remind people of how successful and important they are. Again, these are just my opinions and am not affiliated with any secret spy orginization.
PS: If a bust did go down with an agency incall or outcall you can be guaranteed that the agency would be charged as they do the advertising and make the bookings for their employees.
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