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American Politics and Government -- the never-ending struggle

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Here, take a gander at this now,0,1749868.story

This is not the first, not the second, nor the third or the fourth, but the FIFTH school-related shooting that has occured within the continental US since the first of january of 2013...

Fuck , we're not even in february yet!!

But noooo, there is no gun problem in the US...

What is the Chicago Tribune doing reporting on a shooting in Texas where three people were injured? Why are they not talking about the 500+ that were killed there last year and the fact that their government (the most corrupt since NYC's Tammany Hall) has chosen to disarm the private citizen? Why are they not talking about the black man that is fighting for the right to keep a gun in his home to protect his family and has taken his case to the suprmeme court and has won? Why? Because the Chicago Tribune is concerned with promoting their left wing agenda!

Has anyone on this board attended journalism school? If you did you will see that liberal students vastly outnumber right and centrist students and that liberal professers...well, there are only liberal professers.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
hungry said:
If you believe in fairy tales then you may think that there will be gun control and everyone will turn in their guns and we will live happily ever after. Only the good guys will turn in their guns and not the bad guys. Young thugs would be able to prey on the old and infirm and women with impunity.
lunatic...fairy tale...:rolleyes:

who the fuck CARES if it was an AR-15 or not!?! see, you care more about what type of gun it was, than about the 20-plus children that were murdered!!! and about the other 10000 plus that get shot and killed EVERY year in your country...

That the public finally woke up and got outraged over the murdered kids is a GOOD sign that they have had enough of rampant gun worship and violence in your country...

You come out with this utter nonsense about the public being overwhelmed by bad guys with guns running amok....and why do you think that is in your country, I ask you? because for decades guns have been freely available and this is the result of that policy...

You just don't seem to realize you are posting in a canadian-centered web site...why the fuck do you think we here (in Quebec especially) we do NOT have these everyday fears and paranoia? We have had 2 terrible shootings locally in the last two decades and the first one was enough to spur the public and the government into action...

I will tell you: because guns are NOT readily available at every shop, retail store, and dark alleyway in this country...

The same is true of many of your (the US's) major trading partners (the UK, France, Japan, etc and etc) and yet we at the same time do not fear our government will turn on us and cart us off to death camps...

Perhaps you should seriously consider all of this...

And yes, yet again, you refuse to acknowledge a real problem (11000 deaths a year), and offer NO solution!!


Sixty Minute Man
Aug 30, 2010
Hello StefanoUS,

Here's the problem with your statement.

1. The hardcore pro-gun boys on this board have been saying training to use guns is one key to respecting these gun attacks. The mother was doing exactly what they and the NRA suggests is the best method. Didn't work did it.

2. The NRA has opposed safety measures such as locks on guns. So if the mother had not put them on she again was doing things the way the NRA wants it done.

Several guys I know put their guns in heavy safes bolted to the floor to keep things like unintentional use from happening. What I blame the NRA for is their 100% opposition to every piece of gun legislation regardless of whether it would be effective or not. Has the NRA ever tried to get any gun safety legislation written and passed that they could agree with. They sure have spent millions doing everything possible to block it. Why don't they move in a proactive positive direction to help the problem of gun misuse. Or are they just to afraid of losing membership and money if they ever did anything like that.

Again, finger pointing is only about offering up scapegoats to misdirect the issue so it can be politicized, used to cover the collective asses of all of those responsible for doing nothing about the problem, and divert efforts from doing anything real.




1. The NRA NEVER said to train a child that is in the process of being committed to safely use a firearm ... that's dishonest and you know it.

2. I don't know if they opposed using gun locks, but I do know our local police department has given them out for free. Some people still refuse to wear a seatbelt or drink and drive. It's not a perfect world.

You call it finger pointing but I call it putting the blame where it belongs. Our society is rampant with violence. Turn on the TV or go to a movie. Interesting that our politicians have ignored the TV networks and Hollywood in the gun crusade. But then again you don't bite the hand that feeds you.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
These shootings are the result of mentally unstable individuals. They should NOT have guns, no argument there.

But while everyone is condeming the NRA, take a look at what's on TV tonight or in the movies. Killing, murder, shooting ... pure violence that our youth has been weened on and polarized to a point that seeing someone shot on a TV show or movie doesn't even phase them. I won't even get into the video games and cop killer music but you get the idea. Think about it. Guns were easier to obtain in the U.S. fifty years ago, so why is our society so f'kd up today?

Guns were easier to obtain 50 years ago? really? which guns, sir? AK-47s? Kalishnikocs? RPGs? 50 years ago, the level of sophistication and delivery was much less than it is today...

And are you bringing in this conversation the possibility that violent music, video games and movies are responsible for the level of violence in the US? If sao, that is a bogus argument. In Canada and the UK, and Japan we get the very SAME movies and tv shows and music, and funny enough we have NOWHERE near the level of death and person-on-person violence that you have in the US, so explain THAT!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
lunatic...fairy tale...:rolleyes:

who the fuck CARES if it was an AR-15 or not!?! see, you care more about what type of gun it was, than about the 20-plus children that were murdered!!! and about the other 10000 plus that get shot and killed EVERY year in your country...


Shrek - If you are going to use this massacre as an excuse you ought to ban the gun that was used in the massacre and it was not an AR-15 This seems logical. Why don't you go south of the US border where they have the wonderful gun control you are so fond of. The countries are overrun with armed gangs and crooked policemen and the private citizen is helpless. After that go to downtown Detroit, Chicago, or Atlanta and walk the streets after 11PM and tell me if it is like Montreal. Move into one of these neighborhoods. Look around and tell me what you see. Is the USA very much like Montreal? Hell no! Now you may maintain that it is this way because of guns. I disagree. but if you would like to find out, you can turn in your gun first.

WE are dealing with the consequences of living with some stupid people, some would use it properly, with their common sens...but we have to avoid people that aren't smart enough to use it in the appropriate time/place....
. .

Bullshit...outlaw the dummies

P.S. You know I loved your photo shoot.
May 28, 2012
Many are commenting on Michelle Obama's rolling of her eyes regarding Boehner. It's not what caught my eye. The really funny thing is how she's the only one shoveling food into her mouth while everyone else has the manners to be patient (except Biden, who has the manners of an alley cat). Yup, this is crudeness we've come to expect from BO & Company. No class, simply no class:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

I was trying to change the subject. I don't want to debate this with you anymore. I don't think that we are going anywhere. I do not agree with your point of view.

Good night sweet Alyssa:smile:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I just learned that the Obama administration plans to sell/give Egypt 16 F-16 fighter jets and 200 tanks. I say sell/give because Egypt will buy these planes and tanks with the aid that we give them. Since the Muslim Brotherhood took over Egypt and their leader said his sworn enemies are the USA and Isreal should we complete this transaction?I have family members in the US amed forces and I worry, With the recent turn of events, we could very well find ourselves fighting the Egyptions. Why are we giving them anything????

I find this interesting. In the same year our president is trying to disarm Americans from coast-to-coast we are going to provide the Egyptions F-16s and Tanks.

What do you think? Can we agree on anything?

Here is another interesting story about disarmament


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Shrek - If you are going to use this massacre as an excuse you ought to ban the gun that was used in the massacre and it was not an AR-15 This seems logical. Why don't you go south of the US border where they have the wonderful gun control you are so fond of. The countries are overrun with armed gangs and crooked policemen and the private citizen is helpless. After that go to downtown Detroit, Chicago, or Atlanta and walk the streets after 11PM and tell me if it is like Montreal. Move into one of these neighborhoods. Look around and tell me what you see. Is the USA very much like Montreal? Hell no! Now you may maintain that it is this way because of guns. I disagree. but if you would like to find out, you can turn in your gun first.

Well Opie,
since your country used a false excuse over ten years ago to engage in an unjustified war, I think using a real tragedy with who-gives-a-crap-what-fuckin'-weapon-was-used to do the opposite, as a starting point for a real fundamental change for the better in your country...

You think back in the fifties and sixties in the deep south when blacks were constantly killed, raped or beaten, if it hadn't been for Rosa Parks' single act of defiance that triggerred an avalanche of events that finally paved the way to the civil rights movement, your country might not STILL be in the grip of deep social injustice if not for that single moment of clarity?...

Consider this as hopefully some good may finally happen in the US and the gun lobby gets its well-deserved, long awaited butt-kicking!

And you know what? I have been south of the US to live, though it was much, much further than Mexico. I lived in a South American country that at the time had a terrible human rights record. I even lived in China and saw things that would make you whimper...yet at no time did I ever consider arming myself out of fear...

It's very apparent that you in the US just can't seem to accept that the huge and easy availibility of guns is exactly what makes it dangerous to the average pedestrian or homeowner. Tell me, if you bother to post on this board, that you have come to Montreal in the past correct? Well we here feel incredibly safe walking outside in whatever neighborhood at very late hours... Why that is is that we know guns are NOT easily bought at every corner store, and plus we don't have the pussy philosophy of ''an eye for an eye' displayed by the NRA and nutjob politicians in recent days (too many school shootings? Arm the school guards and the students!!'')

To end this, I dare you to repeat the following: ''I realize that every year in my country over 11000 of my fellow citizens are killed due to gun violence, and would like to see a change''


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Sad when people speak...emotionalism...

"Emotionalism"??? Is that the best you can do to sweep the deaths of the little kids under the rug, while embarrassing yourself by putting gun ownership above all the innocents murdered by them. It's about caring about people, especially children. Why is it none of the pro-gun people never reacted directly to the tragedy without be sacred of losing their guns. Anyone with a molecule of empathy should have been horrified first without thinking my view...but then I never learned to be heartless.

In today's world with the armed forces carrying automatic weapons it seems reasonable that citizens should be able to have semi-automatic weapons. In these days of "Political Correctness" neither the press, the government and/or politicians really want to discuss this point.

So because the military makes every effort to have superior technology to defeat the country's enemies, you think you should be able to own the same weapons of those who give their lives to defend you...just in case of some paranoid fantasy that the same defenders could come after you and should have the means to kill them.

This iqnores that the public should be able to defend themselves against an army of a political dictator. You say it can't happen in a democratic type society or republic, IT DID. It was called the Third Reich.

This disinformation is astounding. You keep referring to the government becoming tyrannical. It wasn't the government that turned to tyranny or that built the Nazis. Actually it was a right wing faction of citizens that was paranoid about enemies in the government (like you are), extremist citizens crying about the loss of their liberties and shrieking about needing protection from others who did not think like them (like you do). The Nazis succeeded in rising because of the freedoms the Weimar government guaranteed that allowed their message to be delivered nationally (like yours is). The government didn't turn tyrannical, the same movement crying about losing freedom and attacked the government (like you do) overthrew the government and eliminated freedom. So a lot of characteristics parallel YOUR views.

Not to mention dredging up the Nazi specter is cheap cynical sensationalist fear-mongering.

This iqnores that the public should be able to defend themselves against an army of a political dictator. You say it can't happen in a democratic type society or republic, IT DID. It was called the Third Reich. No, history has proven and our very own culture has confirmed that strong gun ownership is one of the keys to peaceful coexistence.

Where's the dictator? Your stream of posts in your four year campaign against President Obama shows your view of a dictator is anyone who doesn't share your views. You're full of anger your view lost in the election. An election between views is called Democracy, no matter how much the other side hates losing.

Where is the dictatorship? Many many countries that don't promote gun ownership don't have tyranny. The British don't have proliferation of guns, yet there's no dictatorship. They have one of the lowest ownerships of guns in the world so by your de facto fantasy they should automatically be one of the most tyrannical societies in the world, yet they are one of the most free. So the nonsense that a people without guns leads to tyranny in government is an ignorance of the facts and self-serving propaganda at best.

Some of the worst and most enduring fratricidal disasters in the world have been cause by proliferation of guns or arms of every sort. World War I was so terrible exactly because of huge standing armies in nations geared up to produce arms at a fantastic rate and a resulting mentality of righteous armed self-defense and war as a proper political solution.

Since the horrific Newtown shooting, where 20 children were gunned down by a semi-automatic rifle, the NRA’s reaction has been swift and defensive. It’s video games, they say. It’s movies, they say. It’s not about the guns, they say, it’s about the fact that a bunch of crazy people have guns. Oh, wait.

Well, the NRA isn’t completely deaf to the needs of the children. In fact, they are creating a special campaign designed around the little folk: silencers, to protect their hearing — because the noise is what’s really dangerous about guns.

So the children and all those slaughtered in malls, movie theaters, and snipers died from the noise. Damn I hate it when the media misinforms us that it was bullets.

BTW - why silencers and not more ear mufflers like they wear anyway in gun training. Oh, because killing more efficiently is the point. Say thanks to the NRA kids. :mad:




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
This is great news!!! This is EXACTLY the type of person US needs in the SEC. One who is not afraid to go and do what is needed to clean up Wall Street. We do not need another "insider" who will just cow tow to Wall Street, but one who will do what is right for the citizens of this country.

Good article thanks for posting. Hopefully this helps.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto

You made me think about checking children being shot in the US since Newton (Dec. 14) and so far only 3 days went by without one kid at least being shot.
Dec 27th, Jan 5th and Jan 24th. (although I didn't get all the numbers compiled for Jan 24th).

So, about 88 kids were killed by guns since Dec. 15 in the US.
(Yep ! more than 4 times Newton's massacre)

Plus about 1150 adults.

Imagine, during the Vietnam war the rate of US soldiers killed was about 15 per day max.
Yet the rate of people being killed now in the US is about 30 per day.

Well... it's less than 1 per each state every day ! Not bad !


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
True American Patriots march in Washington for the sake of their children's safety, their own and neighbors.

Now here's another reason I still love America, despite the fantastic mess made during the Bush era.

Citizens who truly cares about their children, the futur of this nation.

Just be yourselves without having to declare you're the best, greatest, biggest, bla bla bla....

Americans don't need this Bullshit brainwashing propaganda we hear nowadays.
Only comon sense will do.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Tell me, Marty Boy, two things. One, why are you posting a link to a video that was posted four years ago. And B) did you happen to notice a link to two articles, from both Urbangrounds and Snopes that said the whole thing is bullshit?

OK, one more question. Why can't wingnuts read or spell?


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Meanwhile the NR A**holes who wanted a police officer in every school will probably come up with the same solution to have one in every f*cking school bus after this shit on-going in Midland, Alabama ???


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
No, it doesn't CS. And he's right about liberals, since there aren't any liberals any more. We have a centrist president heading up a centrist Democratic party. The Republican party has been taken over by paranoid right-wing nutjobs. And they're both owned by corporations. We have right wing dominated Supreme Court.

The guys that made this country great, men like FDR and LBJ, who, despite the Viet Nam war, did great things. You know when the US started heading down the wrong path: Ronald Reagan, the primary reason the entire Eisenhower family now votes Democratic.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Reagan's own son Ron Jr a Democrat and a staunch anti Conservative?.
In fact, he is.

Mr. CS Martin is clearly merb's irony king. He posts this video wherein this fictional TV character explains all the ways in which the US is not the world's greatest country and the way in which Mr. Irony King posts it suggests that he agrees with this guy. I guess Mr. Martin is, in fact, a socialist, for all the ways in which the US is not the greatest nation could be fixed if, in fact, the US joined the rest of the civilized world and had a greater social safety net, universal health care being number one.
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