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Andrew Scheer Garbage

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Still waiting for your reply as to what Trudeau has done to make the economy better, pretty sure I asked you the same question a few times in the past with zero response.
As for you statement that you have more money now than ever... Really, I think that most working people have more money as the years go by, another moot point from you.
Scheers dad was an American, so what. Does SNC, Admiral Norman, India failure, Calling the leader of Japan the leader of China twice, about to double the carbon tax, lied about having more disposable income for the middle class, trade relations with China are fucked, lromise electoral reform change until he figured out it would hurt the Liberals. And then there is this, Trudean named worst Canadian.. ( Almost as legit as twitter which has a fan base here ) ...
The POS Trudeau is a Catholic who is for abortions and a gay supporting feminist who loves Muslims... WTF can beat that for a human being. There is more but I need to shower and hit the pub for supper.
These moot points and hilarious twitter ( which I can not open ) show the ignorance of people. Keep up the good work, you have not impressed me yet but you may someday.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Not an expert in economics but I’m pretty sure that we shouldn’t be giving too much credit to Trudeau.
I’m guessing if I kind of stopped fooling around in this pastime of ours and the country had even fallen into some kind of deep economic depression I’d also still think the economy was booming based solely on how much more disposable income I’d still have left in my pocket . I’m pretty sure that I’d be in a much better financial shape aswell , regardless of which political party was ruling the country,,, just saying :lol:

That being said I don’t have much faith in politicians , like most of you I don’t trust them and don’t think highly of them in general. Justin Trudeau is not my ideal leader ,,, it’s just that I trust him a bit more than Andrew Sheer however funny that may sound to some folks. As the saying goes, there are no real hero’s in politcs , just lesser evils . Which one is the “ lesser evil “ ? , well that’s for each and one of you to decide I guess. Myself I was always biased against the conservatives so that made my choice a lot easier. Still there are many key issues I disagree on with the Liberals and of course I didn’t like the whole SNC Lavelin mess . But in general I think things are going ok in this country, so I say why chance it , when the unknown could be worse... I guess I kind of see things a bit like Doc . Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t kind of thing . And that is pretty much the short version of how I view things


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013

It is a "lesser evil" election. The country is doing fine, not great. There isn't a compelling crisis nationwide. There isn't a "big idea" that the country is all focused on. Not even climate change. So you have a boring election with lots of little things blown out of proportion. Trudeau's general dishonesty is more important than Scheer's right now because Trudeau is in power and therefore can do worse things. Does anyone really care that Scheer is a dual-citizen? I doubt it.

The closest to a real "driving issue" is probably immigration, in that the group that is anti-immigration think it is a huge issue. Most other people don't. But everything else seems pretty wishy washy from what I've seen. In that kind of environment you have a lot of people casting "meh" votes.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^ Funny, Scheer does it for a joke, the POS does it for his ego.
Keep up with your searching, you make me proud with your persistence. With all the shit Trudeau has none your comeback is Scheer making a selfie joke with a camel, scraping the bottom.

Trudeau will desperately grasp any lifeline, including foreign endorsements, since losing power could abruptly end his political career.

Justin Trudeau deliberately made the Liberal Party all about himself. If the Liberals come in second, it will be because they lost the referendum on his leadership and voters decided not to trust him with a second term.

The POS ( Trudeau ) is a known liar, corrupt, stupid yet people still want him to ruin Canada more.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
SNC, Admiral Nelson, Groping a girl, block RCMP investigation, India laughing stock, called the ruler of Japan the ruler of China twice, right in front of him, China exports blocked, India trade halted, carbon tax, illegals, spent more than any PM in history outside a WW or recession, less disposable income than ever before for working Canadians, most holidays than any politician, two ethnic violations, and the list goes on.
Odd that you prefer Narcity, Riddit and CBC and you say news is everywhere. CBC is suing the Conservatives for using clips that hey made about Trudeau, they have shown these in public. The CBC should lose all government funding as they are corrupt, using Narcity or Reddit is Wow, ot the best source.
Here is the difference, I post against Trudeau because he is a cancer to Canada, you post against Scheer because you are butt hurt, post 6 proves it. Still get a laugh with your attempt to make Scheer look bad, it would take a decade or 2 to catch up to Trudeau and then he would have to change the way he is which will not happen.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Saturday Morning Comedy (Since some people like to laugh, glad I can contribute:eyebrows:).:canada:
Now that the elections are over, lets see if we can chill out and have more"Fun".

Still get a laugh with your attempt to make Scheer look bad
WELL, WELL, WELL... Congratulations Mr Trudeau. Lets see who's got the last laugh, who's laughing now, the good guys I say.
I guess I wasn't alone to see the garbage and the hatred of this PM wanna be.
He really lost ??? After all those so called scandals, SNC, Blackface, X face whatever, whatever and he still lost ???
I guess lots of black and browned faced people (Who diddn't give a shit of ASs garbage) voted for Trudeau giving him all those seats.
Back to opposition side where he belongs, where he will be doing his barking again.

I post against Trudeau because he is a cancer to Canada, you post against Scheer because you are butt hurt,

Butt Hurt ??? Whos butt is hurting now ??? OUCHHHHHHH, must have been a non-lubricated one. (LOL).
We should thank the people who voted for Trudeau and avoiding from another worse type of cancer to come in.

Still get a laugh

Who's laughing now u say ???
Liberal side

And...the Conservative side.

Keep up your attempts, my friends laugh when I show them your posts.

Seriously ??? You take posts from an Escort site, trash-talk, sarcasm filled posts meant for entertainment, amusement and you guys share it and
discuss it outside this forum as serious politics, WOW.
I'm glad I'm making you guys laugh (Thats what I like to do) but seriously you guys need to broaden your life styles, get away from the computer
screen a bit, get away from hatred mentality, get a hobby, get out, see escorts etc etc...

A reminder: Don't forget to share this one with your friends

Also more entertainment here, couple of good ones.#WhyScheerLost

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ You lick their face?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ Up 3.
Cruiser, you forgot to add color, it gives your post more zip. You do realize that you have some serious issues, let it go you will feel better one day. I would add bold letters and some color to this but it looks kind of foolish.
Ah yes, and the post I show are only yours, the rest are not entertaining.
And do you actually think I care what other Conservatives post, really? Keep up the superb work, I know you spend hours, no days looking for stuff like that. Weird.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
As I have said many times, I dislike all political parties and this is the reason why. You figure you go for the best of the bad and this shit comes up. Politicians need to be held more accountable, they commit a crime they should be charged just like the rest of us.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Looks like the funds were approved by the party. People get perks when a family is moved.

Scheer's office confirmed to CBC News that the Conservative Party was paying the difference between the cost of private school tuition for Scheer's kids in Saskatchewan and the higher cost of tuition in*Ottawa, along with some other expenses. That cost was described as "minimal" but amounted to*thousands of dollars.

His office insisted*the tuition matter was not the reason for Scheer's resignation.

Believable, who knows.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Come on, the guy lost to Trudeau of all people. Obviously a crowning career achievement, how could one hope to top that?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
STN they needed a excuse to push him out... fuck losing to trudeau who was so fucking weak... They had to find something to bring a stronger candidate...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ But the Trudeau supporters are sheep, what becomes of them?


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
His office insisted*the tuition matter was not the reason for Scheer's resignation.

Believable, who knows.

May or may not be believable, but good entertainment in here.

Not politically affiliated but I'm in it for the entertainment, this one was good enough for us Canadians.

Jealous of the Americans though as they have the best entertainment value out there, although, sometimes
I wish that they were nominating supreme court judges every year...but for now we have to settle with
the impeachment episode (Impeaching a president for peanuts ???).
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