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Any advice on how to become rich?


Sep 19, 2005
But just for info... 10% on escorts really? I would say right now 70% goes on escorts... lol rest on beer, internet, cell... gladly i have very few to pay. ...

I guess that you were still joking when you wrote this, right?

It is always a bad idea for a guy in his twenties to get in this hobby, it is like having teenagers develop their sexuality by watching porn movies on the Internet. This is simply not the real thing. I don't want to be judgemental here, but if your world restricts to SPs, the hobby and video games, then you might have a problem.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Horny : No i was not joking... I used to spend less, but the past 2-3 years, i would say when i started working at the camping and made more money, i spent a lot on escort, that summer was really "the kelly summer" lol, if im not mistaken i saw her 3 time in a short period of time, and another one later. Then i got my "impot" wich lead me to the big four, a week end where i saw 4 different girls in 2 days... :amen:

And since then... i come down once a month or so, see 2 girls everytime. But now i got to slow down... not much money left, debt to pay, so ill probably skip a few months. I was hoping eventually ill be "tired" of this, and once in a while i have a soso meeting that make me think its money wasted, then i have an outstanding meeting and in no time i remember why i love this so much.

When i started i was more nervous, more exited, i was doing the left-right walk in my hotel room waiting for the date to arrive... anyway, you get the picture. Now im more confortable but the fun is still there, im better too(i think) in bed so i know more what to do. Im far from my humble beginning.

But yeah right now i would say i take most of the money i make and use it on a montreal trip, while the reste serve to pay my cell and internet(the only 2 payments i have along my credit card) and ocasionally some video games or movies. And i grew up with porn as a teen too... yup.

Anyway right now its what i like, couple years ago i really into martial arts movies, but i slowed down on this, not the same thrill as before and i saw much of what there was to saw. Video games i still enjoy the classic stuff(GOW, COD) but im not playing solo games like before, one can take like a month to do entirely... so i don't spent much on this. No really right now its the hobby... im enjoying it a lot.


Sep 19, 2005
HM, you got yourself in a vicious circle of vices. It is your life and your money, though. You will either learn how to rationalize your hobying activities (or meet a girl who would really care about you), or keep on this path until your are broke. In my book, it is not normal to spend most of your income on sps or hobby while you have debt to pay. That's my opinion and you can always throw it in the garbage.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The younger generation is not properly taught the values of savings and living within one's means. Everyone wants to live like a King but their financial realities and lifestyle do not match. Once you start carrying a lot if credit card debt your credit rating goes south and then you cannot get a loan to buy anything meaningful like a new house, condo or car. Instead you have to live in shitty rentals and used economy cars. As a single young man you should be working hard and saving 10% of every paycheck. If you are not doing that you are living irresponsibly and setting a bad trend of financial irresponsibility that will come back to haunt you later in life. You should really sit down with a financial planner and map out a plan and objectives.
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
...Iggy approved your tounge out by the hour/hours...doing daty on bbw's and old women?...your riches await you my friend. :D

Ahhhhh, to find one's true talent.

...any tips on how to become rich?

Get yourself a modified 1981 DeLorean DMC-12; with a time displacement powered by plutonium, through a 1.21 gigawatts "flux capacitor." Go back in time to late October 16, 2004 and tune in the ALCS Game 3, Red Sox-Yankees. At the 7th inning stretch find every giddy Yankees fan you can and bet against the Yankees, then hit every bookie there is for the Sox to win the series.

If you can't go back in time the anti-Joe.t method is just as guaranteed. :D

Horny : No i was not joking... I used to spend less, but the past 2-3 years, i would say when i started working at the camping and made more money, i spent a lot on escort,

There's a number of big names on this board who got themselves burdened with huge debt through this hobby. If you find your loins are making the decisions for you it's time to stop and think rationally.

Good luck,



Nov 29, 2012
To get rich first you have to learn to RESPECT money. Understand the time value of money. Anytime you buy something you are making a trade-off between current consumption and future consumption. Spending $100 today is worth many times that in the future. And the earlier you start saving and investing that better off you will be. Set goals measurable goals for yourself. Think about your future not just how horny you feel currently feelings come and go and is just a chemical illusion created by your brain.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
Using 70% of your income on SPs can only lead you in a dead-end. You say you're in a situation where you don't have much to pay, so now would be the perfect time to make a stash. I assume you have no rent/mortgage to pay, which is normally one of the biggest monthly expense people have. Of course bills are on top of this, with credit cards and other debts payments if any. When you'll go in the next step in your life, it can only get worse if you don't change something.

Otherwise, there's no magic recipe to make, studies can help while not mandatory (i mean, not everyone needs to complete a master degree to succeed financially. Some short 1-2 year formations can lead to great pay checks). Forget about lotteries.....just a dream.

As a videogame player myself, i've been trading my games in places like EBGames for many years so i can play all the new releases without paying much in the end. Buying everything new at 60$ without reselling would make me an insane bill at the end of the year.

And for SPs, have to budget, unfortunately. Personally i would go every week if i could, even twice a week, but it's just not possible.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Hum, yes i was looking for a Delorean, but i couldn't find Doc Brown, i heard he was in vacation at the year 1993, to see the Canadiens win the cup :p. Could i go back in time, i think i would do more than just bet on hockey sport... lotterie loterrie lol

And yes, i am aware i need to start piling some cash, thats what i think im gonna do soon. I need to stop drinking too, with what i spend on beer, i could probably see one more SP every 2 months... no shit. And yesterday was the worst that can happen because of it... mega petage de coche et s'etait pas beau...

Blob : Thing is, im too slow to do games, so when i get one, it can take up to a month and a half to finish it. By that time, the game is not worth a decent value in store anymore. So thats why i wait til games are old, i buy them at 10$ at most. Other games i buy 60 are games i will keep for a year minimum or in some case like Skyrim... forever.

EBGAMES is the worst scam in term of stealing from you. They will give you 1$ for a game they will sell back 15... but they pay back 45$ for a game that they sell 60 if its 1 week old... only time trade in is a good thing is when you buy a game, torch it in 2 days, so you want to sell it back. Also with today's DLC system and achievements being added later, you never know when a damn game will receive an useless DLC and you loose your completion... so returning game ain't the best thing.

At least with Kijiji i still manage to sell games for a decent ammount. Sure i loose but if i sell 2 games i paid 10$ each for 5$, considering i did them and all and i would never play them again, thats fine by me.

I got 10 bucks the other day for 2 games i paid 10$ + 3 game that where worth nothing... fight night round 3... paid 5$ in store 4 years ago... Ghost recon 1... LOL enough said... it was bad anyway and a super copy of NHL 08... hahahaha, i paid that 2$... just for the achievements.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
I know based on previous threads with HM that he's totally cool with his hobbying and he see's them exclusively. I know all of you divorced guys say dating real women costs just as much but maybe not in his case?

HM, it's possible your hobbying keeps you from pursuing a real relationship. Might be an interesting and money-saving experiment to try?

Just my 2 cents.

For the other posters talking about saving part of your paycheque; I know you guys are right but I just don't make enough right now to save anything. I'll keep that in mind for when I'm back on my feet though.


Jan 8, 2012
Gee, this thread, originally based on humoristic comments and questions from HM, has really turned into something almost serious !! A real Pandora Box... HM, it has to be said , you have the capacity to generate all sort of debates, which is a positive contribution to this community ! This being said, like many other Merbites, I'm also of the opinion that slowing it down could be a good thing for you. Wanna save some $$$ ? Moderate your pattern of use and abuse :lol:


Happy Wanderer
Jan 13, 2004
Far, far away
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It's no secret...hard work will pay off...but best to do something you enjoy...then it doesn't feel like work!

And do it for yourself. Whatever job you do, odds are, you'll make and keep more if you're self employed...

Of course, if you're no good at what you do, you will lose it a lot faster too! ;)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I never think it is a very good idea to become self employed until (1) you have proven that you are good at something, and (2) there is a client base out there willing to employ you. Even then, when you are self employed, you work harder because you have to handle your own administrative functions.

I have been attorney to more than a few self employed individuals the last 22 years. I can think of 2 in particular who were VERY good at what they did and very successful and profitable, but they ended up in litigation and spending a ton of money on attorneys and litigation costs because they were either horrible at or neglected the adminstrative/paper work side of the business. Guys who are very successful and out there making money in their business either delegate the admin. functions to unqualified persons (girlfriend, wife, mother, niece, whomever they can get to do it for minimal labor cost) or else completely ignore these functions and responsibilities. And then it comes back to bite them, in a big, big way. I myself have made a ton of money on such individuals, who were busy and making money but severely underestimated the damage that could be done by having a fucked up and unprofessional administrative side to their business. I saw this ruin two successful businesses.

I can remember one client who was in the construction business. I took a deposition of a contractor who was suing him, and he repeatedly mocked and insulted my client's administrative skills. Later on at trial I found out first hand how bad my clients' record-keeping was when records surfaced of payments made to him, that he had no record of. A total embarrassment, and we were forced to settle with the jury out after hearing partial testimony and evidence.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
HM, it's possible your hobbying keeps you from pursuing a real relationship. Might be an interesting and money-saving experiment to try?

Just my 2 cents.

Hum... to be honest yeah im sure i could score eventually in real life... would i aim not too high and spend a few bucks on it... But somehow i can't... I always tough the true love if can find it one day will come not from expense, not from club girls, but from ... true love. I mean i hope one day some magic will work and all. I don't see myself paying drinks to girls in club in hope girl number 6 will be up for a sex session after the bar is close... So basically ill loose money on girls 1 to 5, have an average fuck session with a girl half drunk or maybe more, and she will be more or less not my type of girl at all cause im used to supermodels SPs...

I could get in love with a more normal girl... yes, but if its only for a fuck session... sorry ain't willing to spend on that unless im sure to score...

For exemple there was that girl the other day... she came to my home to buy some stuff from Kijiji... she arrived with her daughter, mentioned she had another older too. I tough at first she was "cute" but nothing crazy... she still had a "bedaine" maybe of her previous pregnancy and she was dress very casual, but we started to chat and damn we had so much in common, we loved the same games, we both loved collecting stuff, she was more of a PS3 gamer, when im a 360 but still i connected with her, and at some point the more i was looking at her the more i was starting to like her ... a lot. But she had a boyfriend, she mentioned him a few time, but even if she did not had him, i doubt i would had try anyway knowing me. In any case when she left i was really "on a cloud" and was thinking about her... so much i facebook'ed her... lol She was charming, cute and loved gaming... damn i could had see myself with that girl.

But this was me.. not the same for her. I guess im looking for maybe one day this could happen both way, but i doubt it... Maybe i should try more the casual dating route, but SPs make it so simple... They just ask for 200$, wich in my case is what i call "3 video games price" and i can have a memorable(in most case) fuck session... I guess its psychological... also like i said many time, i fear of being rejected.... i can't stand a NO... never could...

Some SPs says to me im a fun guy and nice to talk to, maybe some bullshit me, but i doubt all, i guess i can be, and im sure would i open myself to girls that way, i could score... but it seem the fact that once an SP confirm with her driver, i know i will score no matter how retarded i may sound... it give me a boost and i can be myself... when nomally if i try to impress a girl i will just try to overdo.. when i should not... complicated really..

Not sure anymore that the seminal post was 100% humoristic. Most humor is rooted in harsh reality.

Your learning... young padawan... :p

If you want to increase your odds of becoming rich, get out of Quebec.

I don't want to quit Quebec, and especially not for an anglophone place... sorry guys, but you already know how i feel about english countries.. To me Canada is like the states and england... a whole different country and a place i don't give a shit about.. Honestly im 100% sure if some day i make a trip to toronto of such, i would show my passeport at the lines... i would totally forget its "thecnically' the same country... lol.

Only place i want to go is russia(only visiting, not living) or the asian countries for the martial arts im really fond of this.

edit : now don't get me wrong, i like the states for there porn, there movies and some things, i would just not live here ever. And england i like there music(mostly cradle actually lol) and a few things, but i despise the queen and there weather stink really... lol No but seriously what im trying to say is i have nothing against them, and i could say the same for canada, but as long as canada will remain a british colony, under the autority of the queen, i never will consider myself part of it, and will always say when asked for my country : QUEBEC, TABARNAK ! LOL


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I don't want to quit Quebec, and especially not for an anglophone place... sorry guys, but you already know how i feel about english countries.. To me Canada is like the states and england... a whole different country and a place i don't give a shit about.. Honestly im 100% sure if some day i make a trip to toronto

This attitude will keep you poor. Instead, you should look at Toronto as a land of opportunity. The cop who shot Sammy Yakim just lost his $106,000/year job. You should get your ass over to Toronto and apply to be a cop. You can present yourself as a bilingual candidate and knowledgeable about Quebec, which may assist the Toronto police in dealing with criminals who migrate in from neighboring Quebec.

If you get hired and make $106,000 in 6 years, you can send me 5% of your salary as a finder's fee. Then we will both be happy and you can become the Toronto PD's specialist in criminals imported from Quebec.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Excellent advice Beav, If I was young and looking for a good paying job I would move to the lands of opportunity in Canada which is Toronto and Sol Tee Nutz excellent suggestion Alberta, you can make some serious coin in these two areas in the right line of work and you don't need a lot of education.
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