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Any advice on how to become rich?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Good chance depending on your work background and ability to work in the cold of winter outside. It also depends on your idea of good paying. We will meet and talk more.
My work starts soon and I will be leaving for most of the winter.


New Member
Apr 23, 2009
... It also depends on your idea of good paying...

For me it starts at 1000$ /week ***NET*** in my pocket. I'm making half that right now. Thing is, I do like my job, I just need more income right now. Unfortunately I can't see myself dashing off to tar sand land.


New Member
Jul 3, 2012
This is what I was saying, you mentioned specific disciplines. There are hundreds of disciplines though, you left out sociology, political science, Japanese literature, east Asian studies... even biology microbiology, biochemistry, an MSc is now a BSc. I know people getting Phd's in biology with only 3 publications and some of them can't get a post doc after! That's like getting turned down to volunteer. Imagine being in university for 10 years and you can't get a job that pays 40k. I spent the last 10 years in academia in science and I know tons of people in these positions. Once again I'm saying that in 2013 you can't just get any post-graduate degree. In biological sciences it's almost the default after undergrad to do an MSc. If you give anyone advice to just get any post-graduate degree, that's a bad idea. Even a teaching degree in Ontario won't help, they have a huge problem with that and they're finally limiting enrolment I've heard.

I agree that there a lot of useless degrees, especially in the arts disciplines. A degree in history or philosophy will certainly ensure a job a Starbucks. I should have originally specified the degrees that will almost guarantee a well paying job.

I would imagine that in your field, that the well paying jobs may be outside of Quebec. Biological science is a fascinating field and some companies are doing very interesting work in that industry. Although, I can see how it can be difficult to find good employment. That's probably why my friend's wife, who graduated in microbiology, went on to study pharmacy a few years later, and became a pharmacist.

If one isn't intending on going into programs that are known to pay well, there are still other options that will provide them a decent living. There's always the option of learning a trade, like plumbing, electricity, etc. There is also the option of going into sales. An acquaintance of mine with nothing by a high school diploma, rose up through sales and is now making a great salary in upper management, that would make doctors and lawyers envious. However, it takes a certain personality to become successful in sales.

Tommy Hilfinger

New Member
Sep 22, 2009
Most rich people I know are very modest. They have the necessities and the luxuries, but they do not show it off. I know want to be's that are morgaged up to their eye balls to have the house, and the used luxury car and fake Rolex. It is better to impress yourself rather than to impress other people.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I agree that there a lot of useless degrees, especially in the arts disciplines. A degree in history or philosophy will certainly ensure a job a Starbucks.

Those degrees alone are worthless, but they are helpful if you go on to grad school as has been mentioned many times in this thread. I hold Bachelor of Arts degrees in Philosophy and English and also have a Juris Doctor degree in law. My undergrad degrees alone may not have gotten me a good paying job, but they were extremely helpful to me in law school. It is not a lock that every person gets into and/or makes it through law school and through bar exams. There is heavy pressure to perform and specifically to write extremely intelligent and insightful analyses in a limited period of time. Bar exams have multiple choice and essay components, as do most law school exams although there is more essay questions on law school exams.
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Nov 12, 2007
I know people getting Phd's in biology with only 3 publications and some of them can't get a post doc after! .

Worst thing about a Phd is that if you do get one and can't find a job in the field [and in many fields it is likely and in some pretty much a sure thing] you are fucked, truely ass invaded.

What are you going to do with a Phd in english or Egyptology. I can see the interview now.

Why do you want to be a financial planner.
Well yadda yadda yadda
But you spent the last 10 + years working on a degree in an utterly unrelated field and have no course work or record in financial planning.
Yeah well er...

Ass invaded.

With an undergrad you can sorta make the case but anyone who enters a Phd and ends up working in an unrelated field is bound to be one bitter bastard. Or at least should be.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The people who get Ph.D degrees usually do so for a teaching position. I do not know why else you would get one.

I considered seeking a LL.M. degree in addition to my JD degree. An LL.M. is a post post graduate degree that is a master's degree in law. There is also an S.J.D. or J.S.D degree which is a post post post graduate degree that is a Doctorate in Law. These degrees are only helpful to either specialize in a particular area of law, like tax law, or to gain teaching jobs (professors) at law schools.

When I was in law school my professors had such degrees from schools like Yale and Harvard and I would listen to them and was like, "what a fucking academic stud he is." And these guys are serious fucking academic studs. You go into their office after class and you better get set to go to some high places intellectually, or get your pussy ass out of there. I was amazed at the power of their intellects but as far as having a discussion of everyday life, some of them were kind of useless and in a different world populated by law school hypotheticals.
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Mar 28, 2007
You want advice on how to become rich? Send me $1000 and a self addressed, stamped envelope and I will share my secret :)


Now if you are wondering.... yeah thats a joke thread ;) But in all seriousness if you guys could hook me up on some jobs then that could be cool, if i made it to the GT maybe we could discuss about that. I think i will go take my driver's liscence soon, i supose its long due and i will try with Garda... I really see myself as a security agent. I don't like mental work, i don't like work too physical either, this seem like the perfect mix between the 2.[/QUOTE]


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The people who get Ph.D degrees usually do so for a teaching position. I do not know why else you would get one.
Industry pays much much better than academia. If you have a doctorate in the sciences, there's not only more money in the private sector, but greater flexibility.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
yeah... my main problem is cash burn in my hands... lol i make so little that when i have some i can't save anything... sucks really. I need a better job for sure.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The budget thing is not working for me, i tried it a bunch of time, always end up buying other stuff and the thing is like i said since i don't have much cash, my budget is always toped anyway in term of what i have to pay vs how i make.

I just have hight school diploma, but school is a no go. Tried, didn't work out, i can't take it anymore...

But i found alternative and i should be fine soon. Im started a formation in a month, its not really 'school' per say so it should be ok, after that ill do a stage and they say im guarentee to get a job there... so that should improve a bit but i don't know if im gonna like the job. Anyway its a step in the right direction.

But im going for the driver liscence soon too, should give me a better position in the family business and then i would make more $, eventually i will be able to work for Guarda as i wanted to.

I think im gonna be fine eventually, its just a down part because yeah escorts do are expensive :p and i can't refrain myself from seeing them. But i don't regret the money i put into that, not at all. And i don't plan on stoping.

Fidel Castro

New Member
Mar 25, 2011
The budget is to save enough money so that you can put it into a money making enterprise or idea. clipping coupons and collecting Canadian Tire money will only get you so far.

BTW - you can save a lot of money by substituting escorts for your hand.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The budget thing is not working for me, i tried it a bunch of time, always end up buying other stuff and the thing is like i said since i don't have much cash, my budget is always toped anyway in term of what i have to pay vs how i make.

You have to learn financial common sense and it starts with living within your means. There are two sides to the equation: one is to make more money, and the other is to cut spending. You are only focused on making more money. You admit you have no more than a high school education and unless that changes, your earning capacity will be limited, unless you win the lottery, become a male prostitute, or stumble into an inheritance.

That leaves cutting expenses. You have to analyze what you are making and what you are spending and what expenses can be cut. A few years back, I owned a BMW. I had the budget to pay for it, but I decided after the lease ended the money was better spent elsewhere, even though it is still my favorite car of all the ones I have owned (which is now 7 cars in my adult life, most of them leases). I was paying $670/month with the Beamer lease and my monthly payment on the Honda I am leasing now is $250 per month, and it is a new one. Do the math. $420 per month saved = 2 Montreal LDL escorts additional per month. Do I need the luxury car or the extra sex? I decided on the extra sex. I liked the BMW, but I just could not justify paying that much money to own a status car even though it was a great car. A car is a method of transportation, nothing more.

You have to start making sensible decisions and it starts with a budget and living within the budget. You get into bad financial habits now and you will be fighting bad credit your whole life. And it will get worse and when you need to borrow money down the road - you will not be able to.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
lol yeah i know i could save money with my hand, but once you tasted hot girls, you just can't stop :p I could see them less often tough, thats what i will eventually try this winter, even tough i will make more money...

I cut in a lot of shit to be able to see escorts, way less video games, no xbox one for me this fall... (but ill get one when TES online is release) and i drink less than i used to. Thanks tough that i have very little payments... Internet, Cell Phone, Credit Card... and once in a while xbox live or the Gym but thats about it.

In any case with this new formation im gonna do(that is gonna pay me for attending it ...) and eventually the job at the end, i will certainly make more money and be able to reach my goal for the driver liscence.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
You admit you have no more than a high school education and unless that changes, your earning capacity will be limited, unless you win the lottery, become a male prostitute, or stumble into an inheritance.

Not true, I know a lot of people out west who are in the construction industry and make a very good living and they have a grade 12 education. Electricians, plumbers, welders etc make good money and if anyone has one of these skills due to the flooding in southern Alberta there is no shortage of work plus lot's of over time. If a person is from out east and has a travel trailer you can even stay on the construction site and save more cash. There is money to be made if you look and apply yourself, education is great but not a necessity to make OK money.
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