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Any advice on how to become rich?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Or if you were made for it.... online poker. Canada is a haven for it since it is legal to play unlike the idiotic U.S. I know a few pros moved up to Toronto and Vancouver after Black Friday. Canada is a great place for opportunities. Only thing I don't like about Canada though is how the casinos are run. ACK! Especially Casino de Montreal. What a shit hole of a casino.


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
1. Stay single: Whatever benefits marriage has, it's tainted by the 48% divorce rate. Unless you are already wealthy, that risk level is too high.

2. No kids: They're $250K a pop, not including college and inflation.

3. No debt: I'd argue for zero debt, including no mortgages and no car loans.

Earn like a prince, live like a pauper.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
This attitude will keep you poor.

With Mike's attitude towards the rest of Canada / USA / England he would not survive outside of Quebec. He will continue being a proud but not wealthy Quebecer unless he gets a good education and then it will still be tough as there is lots of competition for jobs. There is no new job creation in Quebec because the government to too busy with the language law and separation to be concerned with this, the tree hugging environmentalists Pauline has in her cabinet will make sure plan nord will not go through and with a full ban on fracking, the increased on mining royalties plus 50% tax on high income earners I see no improvement. I would love to see a conservative majority government here for 5 years, there would be money in peoples pockets.


New Member
Jul 3, 2012
If you're not an entrepreneur with great ideas coming out your ass all the time, then go to school to get a post-graduate degree. If you are an entrepreneur, you need the ambition and drive to put your ideas into fruition.

Surround yourself with successful and ambitious people. If your friends are all just sitting in an apartment smoking weed, playing video games, and ordering take-out, then that's a glimpse into your future.

I was fortunate to have several Asian friends in high school and CEGEP. It was a competitive environment where each one would always try to one up the other. If one became a doctor, the other would go on to become a plastic surgeon. If one got his Master's in engineering, the other went on to get his PhD. If one became a lawyer, the other also became a lawyer, then got an MBA. Had it not been for my ambitious friends, my life would probably be different now, because I didn't come from money, not did my parents really encourage me to become successful.

I'm far from rich, but I'm glad to have gotten a great education when it was time to do so. I'm still young, making decent money, and my field has potential to afford me a very comfortable living. I know several people who are trying to get their Bachelor's degree in their 30s, while working shitty jobs full time, and paying off useless consumer debt.

Set short and long term goals for yourself and do everything necessary to accomplish them. Don't waste money on useless material possessions until you can afford them without any effect on your standard of living.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
having read all of the recent responses, absolutely HM is a proud Quebecer and he says that himself. Like all proud Quebecer's, his pride is placed in front of other things like prosperity but nobody can really criticize what makes one happy.

A perfect example is the support for independence, it doesn't make any kind of financial sense whatsoever (I don't want to start a discussion on independence, please!); but the numbers speak for themselves: Quebec has around 200 billion in debt and goes in debt more by billions every year when they receive billions in transfer payments. Many of those provinces that give billions to Quebec themselves have debt in the 10's of billions. Just imagine how much Quebec has overspends and just imagine how much debt they'd be in without transfer payments.

I guess if he was making a serious thread he'd have to say "how to become rich in Quebec", or "as a proud Quebecer" but he already said he wasn't serious.

I've read "get a graduate degree" many times in this thread and in this day and age, one must really be more specific. You can't say that in general because Master's and phd's are flying out the door nowadays. Pretty much any biological science degree is useless now and nothing needs to be said about social science degrees. I'm talking in general, not the one case where one guy has a phd in political science and makes good money. I personally have a BSc and MSc and it's barely useful for finding a job and absolutely useless in terms of getting rich. My friends with phd's in general aren't making much, between 30 (no joke) and 60k.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
As a single parent I have no idea how much my daughter has cost, I know it's a lot. But like STN, to me it's absolutely worth it.
Yup. I'm a very wealthy man. I have fabulous relationships with each of my three adult children. There is no greater treasure.


New Member
Jul 3, 2012
I've read "get a graduate degree" many times in this thread and in this day and age, one must really be more specific. You can't say that in general because Master's and phd's are flying out the door nowadays. Pretty much any biological science degree is useless now and nothing needs to be said about social science degrees. I'm talking in general, not the one case where one guy has a phd in political science and makes good money. I personally have a BSc and MSc and it's barely useful for finding a job and absolutely useless in terms of getting rich. My friends with phd's in general aren't making much, between 30 (no joke) and 60k.

It goes without saying that you need to also have a personality in order to get a decent job. Grades and degrees alone won't get you past an interview with a potential employer.

I don't know where your friends work, but everyone I know with at least a Master's and/or MBA, are all making at least over 75k, with most topping 6 figures. This is mostly in engineering, health, law and finance. I also know a Psych PhD making around 90k doing mostly research and very little teaching.

Having a graduate degree doesn't guarantee, but it'll greatly improves one's chances of making a decent living financially, and supporting one's SP habit. :)


Nov 29, 2012
The irony is that Quebec (more specifically, the Parti Quebecois and their socialist agenda) tend to drive away people who eventually do succeed in becoming rich. Remember last year when they talked about increasing the inclusion rate from capital gains to 75% from 50%? Wtf! As Margaret Thatcher said, "The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money."


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
I don't know where your friends work, but everyone I know with at least a Master's and/or MBA, are all making at least over 75k, with most topping 6 figures. This is mostly in engineering, health, law and finance. I also know a Psych PhD making around 90k doing mostly research and very little teaching.

This is what I was saying, you mentioned specific disciplines. There are hundreds of disciplines though, you left out sociology, political science, Japanese literature, east Asian studies... even biology microbiology, biochemistry, an MSc is now a BSc. I know people getting Phd's in biology with only 3 publications and some of them can't get a post doc after! That's like getting turned down to volunteer. Imagine being in university for 10 years and you can't get a job that pays 40k. I spent the last 10 years in academia in science and I know tons of people in these positions. Once again I'm saying that in 2013 you can't just get any post-graduate degree. In biological sciences it's almost the default after undergrad to do an MSc. If you give anyone advice to just get any post-graduate degree, that's a bad idea. Even a teaching degree in Ontario won't help, they have a huge problem with that and they're finally limiting enrolment I've heard.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Excellent advice Beav, If I was young and looking for a good paying job I would move to the lands of opportunity in Canada which is Toronto and Sol Tee Nutz excellent suggestion Alberta, you can make some serious coin in these two areas in the right line of work and you don't need a lot of education.

If i could change my life over & chose a province to live in, i'd chose either Alberta or British Columbia. I'd probably want to live close to Calgary if i chose Alberta, and live in the Fraser Valley if i chose BC. Kelowna would also be a nice place to live in. As strange as it may sound, since i love going there, one of the last provinces i'd chose is the province of Quebec, unless it's once i'm retired. And even then, i think i'd rather chose a province such as New Brunswick or Ontario within an hour or two from Mtl.

But who knows. My favorite city in Quebec is actually Quebec City. If ever they get an NHL hockey team again, it will drastically cut my number of trips to Montreal. What could change my mind is if Mtl ever gets a MLB team again, but i'm not counting on it unless some wealthy baseball fan like Rumples decides to get a group together and buy a franchise.

Anyone watch The Amazing Race Canada last night? They were in Quebec City. It made me realize how much i miss Quebec City & that i need to plan a trip there once again. It's been over 20 years since i haven't been to my favorite city.

p.s. If anyone wants to be wealthy & still see escorts, they should definitely not see escorts until the age of 50 or later. Most people under 50 who see escorts on a regular basis will likely never find wealth. Unless they start operating a successful agency, that is, with as few partners as possible.


Dec 2, 2008
Invent something.

Something that ever Merbite has to have. Something that they have to keep on buying so you have an endless income stream.

Invent condoms. Oooppss. Too late. :faint:

There are lots of stupid inventions that made people a lot of money, like... Pet Rock. Maybe you can try Pet Cock. It'll bet it's been done.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Yes but most of these posts are ignoring the professions. You cannot practice law anywhere until you go to law school and then pass a bar exam. You cannot be a doctor unless you go to medical school. You cannot be an architect unless you go to architecture school. You cannot be an engineer unless you go to engineering school, which is usually an undergrad program and then coupled with a grad program. You guys are dwelling too much on people who got meaningless degrees in sciences which are not marketable as a general rule. Let those people drive taxis. Someone needs to do it. And if he can tell me about his lab experiments on chimps along the way to my hotel, it will be a better ride, because I will tell him about the last Planet of the Apes film (the one that came out in 2011).
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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EB, can you give us examples of non marketable degrees in science, because I cannot think of any.

See the prior posts on biological sciences - this is a discussion of med school flunkees who have run into a dead end, and we should not be dwelling on this small group. We should be discussing the valuable degrees, not the "you are destined to drive taxis" degrees.
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Health and Safety is full force out west and has the most job openings. A consultant can easily make $1,200.00 a day with rooms and meals included.
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