Montreal Escorts

Any fellow black men here?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ Oprah, Bahahaha.

Clue in, we are not saying there is no racism, just saying that the SP's have the right to profile who they want to feel safe. There are the numbers to prove their fears.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Thousands of providers on twitter call out those same no black client ladies...guess they're all in lalaland passing judgement where they shouldn't, right?

You see! Why then make a fuss about it? The thing is you are still diverting the subject.

What started it all was not your racist opinion of sp who refuse black (which is not racism by the way). It was your quote " It was even better when I got to CIM and they swallowed it all. It's like I was fighting racism with my load".

You see you were in a revenge quest and probably prevented many girl from seeing black after you. See my point or are you still clouded by your ego? Chill out my friend. Girls in Montreal in vast majority have nothing against black cool dude. Life is beautiful dont you think?

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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I really use to enjoy meeting SPs who wrote no black clients and made an exception for me,which we discussed beforehqnd. It was even better when I got to CIM and they swallowed it all. It's like I was fighting racism with my load. Makes me nut even harder. Or I suppose I should say I enjoyed such things in the past when I first began seeing escorts. Now, I'm more mature and can't derive pleasure from such basal acts and micro aggression against the man. I miss those early days of rebellion and wonderment.

Just to refresh... Yes, you are quite the rebel and spokesperson for blacks, your accomplishments will be in history books. True champion....

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Guys quoting f.b.i. statistic like they have any pertinence to Montreal and pushing their little narrative of you should fear black canadian across the board.

Canada’s reluctance to acknowledge and document race is most evident in the operation of its criminal justice system and in its criminal
justice policies. Unlike in the United States and the United Kingdom, where race-based criminal justice statistics are readily available to
the public and researchers alike, the Canadian criminal justice system does not systematically collect or publish statistics on the race of
individuals processed through the system

I have met several SP who have traveled to Edmonton or Calgary and get the same story, a black pimp comes to her room ( after she advertises ) and wants her to sign up with him, if she refuses they hang around her door and scare customers away.
Profiling is not being racist.


New Member
Oct 12, 2013
I am afraid this thread is going where it should not.

SP that decide not to see black or Arab (the 2 most common ethnicity that are blocked) is not racism or profiling because for whatever reason these girls do not owe anything to anyone. They are free to offer their services to who they want.

Like Bill Gates said "Life is not fair, deal with it". I teach my kid that often. Dealing with it means being more intelligent then your peers who are unfair to you to prove them wrong.

I am black and I agree, their body their choice....


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I recently read an ad where an escort stated no African Americans but added that if they are not to overly large she may make an exception. In her case its not race or color but penis
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