Montreal Escorts

Any fellow black men here?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Yes as you said Mocha.....confidence-confiance en soi--is the key to success.....the key pour réussir sa vie and win all the challenges we will face in our life.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Hehe we have switched from black problem to height problem. At 5'6'' I know a bit about that. But to tell you the truth it never but really never bothered me. I was on the elite soccer team and alpine skiing team all my youth up to mid twenties. Sports made me score chicks and by doing so gave me all the confidence in the world I needed.

Never really went out clubbing because I always felt out of place. Girls that do clubbing do not care for a short dude. Girls that are active physically do not mind a bit cus you are one of them.

Now that I am divorced I put much emphasis on my kids to be good at sports because there is no magic, they wont be 6 feet tall!

On the hobby scene I do not see girl much taller then me. It's just me. Some are perfectly fine doing so and fine for them. For me no. As my friend detour says sex is in your brain. Yes exactly, seeing a 6 feet tall escort would make my brain image myself as a caniche trying to zing a doberman ;)



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Never really went out clubbing because I always felt out of place. Girls that do clubbing do not care for a short dude. Girls that are active physically do not mind a bit cus you are one of them.

Loool That is so true. Clubbing chicks are very superficial that is why. They tend to go after the tall bad boy dude. Another place for short men to avoid is online dating. That is the worst spot for them. Women avoid them like the plague. A lot of them write on their profiles no dude under 5'10" and they got search criteria they can use to screen out short men. I put on my profile no chubby girl over size 4. Lol


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
This is because you were an angry black man. Congratulations. You have arrived. What you were thinking was childish and counterproductive.

I have only broached the subject about not seeing black clients with providers once. I asked the girl why she would not see black men. She told me that she was robbed by someone posing as a client at gunpoint who was a black man. She went on to say that she is not racist and her ex-fiance was black. She said that if she answers the phone and hears ghetto slang or if she answers an e-mail and the grammar is ghetto slang and poor she either hangs up the phone or deletes the e-mail. Right or wrong, she felt that eliminating the black client was necessary for her security.

Ask yourself why US prisons are full of black men. I'm from Detroit. Is the system against you? Maybe, but at least in part there are elements of the black community that are against you too. They do not want to see a fellow black man succeed. They beat up and ridicule the top black students in school. They encourage speech patterns and accents that make them sound like they are from the deep south. You don't walk into a business meeting and talk like Snoop Dog. Look at the FBI statistics. Yes, any person railroaded off to jail should be set free but whole scale emptying of the prisons would mean whole scale terror in the communities that these people come from. Black on black crimes would sky rocket.

I think that you should have derived pleasure from seeing SPs and forcing them to rethink and reconsider their policy. You opened the door for other black men. Girls want an easy trick and not to be robbed by some thug. You convinced them to see you and convinced them that the stereotype is counterproductive. I know that I personally owe a lot to a black man who was my boss and champion and is now a close personal friend. In fact, it was this same black man that first sent me to Montreal. Honestly, I will say I believe him to be a better person than I am. Of course, my friend has a bit of a Nigerian accent and he has an advanced degree in a STEM discipline and not left-handed puppetry or gender studies like idiots out there that hide from work at the free Universities....but I digress. he is probably a better person than I am and I would hate to see him refused service.
Jan 20, 2010
More than one time a SP or masseuse has told me that they do not take Arab, black or East Indians because they are difficult. Maybe it is just a few spoiling it for the rest.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I really use to enjoy meeting SPs who wrote no black clients and made an exception for me,which we discussed beforehqnd. It was even better when I got to CIM and they swallowed it all. It's like I was fighting racism with my load. Makes me nut even harder. Or I suppose I should say I enjoyed such things in the past when I first began seeing escorts. Now, I'm more mature and can't derive pleasure from such basal acts and micro aggression against the man. I miss those early days of rebellion and wonderment.

You see only doggy no offence my friend but girls feel it when you have a different motive then purely sexual ones... Your days of rebellion have probably prevent a some other black gent to be able to see those same girls... I could be wrong. I hope I am. You see you were fighting a wrong cause. SP refusing black is anything but racism. If one does not understand that he should not see sp.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I really use to enjoy meeting SPs who wrote no black clients and made an exception for me,which we discussed beforehqnd. It was even better when I got to CIM and they swallowed it all. It's like I was fighting racism with my load. Makes me nut even harder. Or I suppose I should say I enjoyed such things in the past when I first began seeing escorts. Now, I'm more mature and can't derive pleasure from such basal acts and micro aggression against the man. I miss those early days of rebellion and wonderment.

Whomever wrote this is a racist.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Welcome back Solid Snake.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
If an escort refusing blacks isn't racism what is it? What do you call it? Why is it not racism here, but would be racism in another case? What is racism to you?

You would be surprised how many of these girl have a black or asian boyfriend. This is Montreal not Alabama for christ sake. These girl are not selling a car, life insurance or any other shit. They are offering you a sexual relation and they should have the complete right to offer it to whoever they want without any judgment. Who the fuck are we to judge them?

I treat them as human as I can because I sympathize with certain particulars. You should try it. No offense taken.

Why the "you should try it"?? I take no offence don't worry but that was not necessary my friend. My problem is I sympathize with them way too much ;)


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Not being racist but most blacks are being killed by blacks, if I went to Detroit I would ask Suri which areas to stay away from and she says Forest Park, many non whites killing people. Per capita the blacks rule over violence.... Again, just profiling, not racist. To be caught as an innocent is an inconvience due to your color.

jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
And 81.3% of whites are killed by whites, to put it like you did. (FBI source)
I can't ask of you to be woke like Tim Wise, so keep on with the profiling..


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yes, but I don't show up with my pants falling down and a hoodie pulled up over my head...nor do I show up in a Hell's Angels jacket or a pin stripe suit with spats and fedora, carrying a violin case and a tooth pick dangling out of the corner of my mouth. I try to use proper English and grammar.
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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I am afraid this thread is going where it should not.

SP that decide not to see black or Arab (the 2 most common ethnicity that are blocked) is not racism or profiling because for whatever reason these girls do not owe anything to anyone. They are free to offer their services to who they want.

Like Bill Gates said "Life is not fair, deal with it". I teach my kid that often. Dealing with it means being more intelligent then your peers who are unfair to you to prove them wrong.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
doggy doggy doggy you are not thinking outside the box here. Do not try to teach us anything. We know there is racism out there. No one here can deny that.

Still you will never be able to convince any of us here in regards to the hobby... As Sam21 said we in the first place profile the girl we see based on many factors. Some of these factors could be racist as well! It just does not make sense.

Just see girl who accept to see black. Simple as that. There are many in Montreal. Just try not to fight your racism with your load as frankly you might discourage more girl out there to see your peers. It's just an advice you know. I have been around a bit.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
And 81.3% of whites are killed by whites, to put it like you did.

I added per capita in the beginning. Another clip.


All that kneeling ignores the real cause of soaring black homicides

By*Heather Mac Donald

September 26, 2017 | 7:14pm

Getty Images

The FBI released its official crime tally for 2016 on Monday, and the data flies in the face of the rhetoric that*professional athletes rehearsed in revived Black Lives Matter protests*over the weekend.

Nearly 900 additional blacks were killed in 2016 compared with 2015, bringing the black homicide victim total to 7,881. Those 7,881 “black bodies,” in the parlance of Ta-Nehisi Coates, are 1,305 more than the number of white victims (which in this case includes most Hispanics) for the same period, though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population.

The increase in black homicides last year comes on top of a previous 900-victim increase between 2014 and 2015.

Who is killing these black victims? Not whites, and not the police, but other blacks.

A SP is usually not a large person, if she feels she need to protect herself with something no one should be able to judge her by calling her racist.
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New Member
Apr 30, 2018
Most agencies don't specify the race of their clients, how sp decline their service to black gents? at the door? that'd be super rude and a waste of time.
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