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Anyone ever get an SP they knew?


Apr 12, 2003
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Well they are not big spenders per say (they only eat for one and they eat so little and they never finish their plates, i guess their figure is very important)... but let's say they don't look at the price too much and I'm sure they tip real well (my staff can vouch for that). Well in everyday day life it might be harder to identify them but there are some clues that can give it away.

They always ride in taxies, they have a good amount of cash in thier wallet/purse, they always pay cash, they always talk on the phone (not with customers in general, but with friends, they try to be discreet with their business). And quite a few have these hair style that cover their faces, so when you look from the side you don't know who she is. She's always alone (i never saw an escort with her bf) physcally and also lonely in life (i see it in their eyes). You always wonder how a pretty gal like that can have no bf. She barely cooks for herself. Oh yeah, if she buys her own condoms at the local dep or pharmacy, good chances as well.

Looks this might apply to a lot of gals in montreal. But if you think a gal might be in the biz and she has some of the above mentioned characteristics. Maybe, she might be... By the way most of the escorts i've seen or suspected to be were independents or HDH or worked for upscale agencies most of the time.


Apr 12, 2003
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I must agree with Brigitte, i might be overgeneralizing. I guess i was just trying to answer joeblow. But there is some truth to what i said...

It's more from my experience and of course all the escorts in montreal are not my patrons. So what do i know. No offense taken, it's a forum, we are all allowed to disagree or agree.

By the way, Brigitte... How could i get in touch with you... pm me if you would like.


Apr 12, 2003
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Yeah i also go by instinct and common sense. But i just wanted to tell a few things i noticed.

Yeah, i recall you mentionning that scence before. It's obvious that some don't care to be embarassed.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I think I will throw in my two cents in also,

I have my own car and do not take taxis. I have a good appetite and not only frequently finish my plate but I eat dessert also!

I try not to carry too much cash on me...dont want to be robbed!

My hair does not cover my face.

I have a boyfriend.

I cook.

And was buying my own condoms before ever getting into the business.



Apr 12, 2003
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well said justajohn,

There a lot of things in common with johns and their providers. For one, like you said, we are both very lonely.
We both hide what we do from others.
We have a tendency to lie to each other.
We both anticipate with nervousness the person behind the door.
We both like sex.
We both think we can tell apart a sp or client from the regular patrons in a hotel lobby.
We both wish money was not involved.

I think we can both agree on all except the last one. That was probably some wishfull thinkingf o my part.


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Originally posted by reviewer
She's always alone (i never saw an escort with her bf) physcally and also lonely in life (i see it in their eyes). You always wonder how a pretty gal like that can have no bf.

Yes, every time the subject of bf's has come up with an sp, they don't have bf's in the 'real world" while they are working as escorts. It would be hard to hide what they do all the time while they are out escorting.

btw, I remeber I tried booking Prescillia at SD a couple of times, but she not available.:(


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Nov 9, 2003
Stop the Stereotyping!!!!

Excuse me! I have a real world bf and he knows what I do for a living as do all of my close friends and most of my aquaintenances. The rest, well I don't know what they do either!
The reason, I am not ashamed of what i do and am friends with other sp who are not either; besides, I am a lousy liar!

I AM NOT LONELY! i don't understand why you insist on believing this myth. The number of lonely sp's is about equal to the number of lonely people in any othe line of work.

and who said we wish money was not involved. hell many marriages negotiate sex and money. For example husband tells his wife she better be good to him tonight after he comes home with an expensive gift for her. Or a wife holds out on sex to get what she wants. The biggest difference I see here is that at least i am honest about it!

I am not a party girl, I am not a drug addict. This is what I do for a living. It is a good living with a lot less stress than what I was doing before which was a career in sales. I am not working to kill solitude. Do you go to work every day to kill solitude? I didn't think so, you do it to earn a living, well so do I.

How many of us know people who are not sp's, who spend much time on their own who do not have a whole lot of friends.

Naughtylady, (not Lonelylady)
Last edited:


Apr 12, 2003
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My intention was not to put us down. I know what i said can not be targeted to every single escort or johnout there. I was just saying a few things that was not meant to be taken so seriously. I'm sorry it sounded so personal.

I for one think you must be a great escort and a great person in life from the things that were posted about you. Obviously you are very comfortable with yourself and it shows in your work.

Now let's make amends and have sex. I'm seriously thinking of getting in touch with you. By the way how to i get in touch with you.


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Nov 9, 2003
Reviewer> you can reach me by pm-ing me here, email : [email protected] or at 514-952-6629

It is not that I take those comments personally, but that they are largely based on non-factual myths.

Myths that are dangerous because the lead to conclusions such as: a sex worker cannot make a good mom. that all sex workers spread diseases or are drug addicts or are desperate. That given the chance we would not be sex workers. Or were all abused as children (I would like to see a study on abuse and social work, how many social workers were abused as children?!)

I just want to break the stereotypes and myths. We are everyday people, just like anyone else.

So I will forgive long as you make a minimum 2 hour date with me. LOL :D

I hope to see all of you at the vigil on wednesday.



Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Re: Stop the Stereotyping!!!!

Originally posted by naughtylady
Excuse me! I have a real world bf and he knows what I do for a living as do all of my close friends and most of my aquaintenances.

Naughtylady, (not Lonelylady)

O.K., you are the exception to the rule.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
No, I am not the exception to the rule, while I will not start name dropping because I do respect privacy.

I do know many other sp's with bf's, who live a "normal " life and that this is simply the way they make a living. I suspect the reason they are not speaking up is that in this business it can get hard to keep work separate from home, I every job I ever had I always tried not to bring home work and work related stress.

Why do you insist on believing your stereotypes? Instead of accepting that sex workers are just as varied as everyone else?



It's obvious that some don't care to be embarassed.
Reviewer why should I be embarassed? Please explain.


Apr 12, 2003
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I am afraid ronnie is making a big case of this little topic i started. And from the looks of it you are analyzing word by word what i say. I hope you are just doing it for the purpose of keeping a discussion alive. I won't be trying to justify or clarify myself anymore on this topic, this will be my last reply on this post.

For one i meant by "embarassed", the fact that a man old enough to be a grandfather is walking around town with an escort "not older than 21, and heavily made up etc...". C'mon that's not only embarassing to the john but even to the escort. A little self-respect and dignity. I don't really think lots of people needed a keen introspect into the escorting world to know what was going on.

You know the term "discreet" that escorts mention so well in their little adds on the web. Well, i kind of expect that and i think the escort does as well. She does not want to be know as the whore of the town.

Does not mean I would not take an escort out because I have done so. But, I would not take a lady out who is dressed like a gal
who strolls on Ste-Catherine in the wee hours of the morning (you know around the corner of st-laurent, i hope you understand my drift). You know i use escorts, but i don't need to show it to the world. I think the hotel/motel clerk knowing is enough. And I would not take a gal, however pretty she is, who could be slightly smarter than my dog.

But i would take out an escort who knows how to play her role. Not only would she be discreet, she would had to be beautifull and classy. She would have to look good in my arms. You know when guys take an escort out, it's not really to get to know her better (lol) but to add value to a man, you know add a bit to his ego and self-esteem. Make him feel good to be seen with a beautiful gal.

However, the old grandpa walking on ste-catherine with the young black escort, showing to the world he is a big sugar daddy, that might have been actually been what he wanted.


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Nov 9, 2003
OK now that I understand what you meant by embarassed, yes I agree with you, a certain discretion is appropriate, when I go out with a client, I behave like I am on a date and expect to be treated as such...for all apparent purposes we are on a date just like any other date between a man and a woman.

I hope you understand my concern about stereotyping.


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Dec 25, 2003
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lol, that happened to me twice allready in the past. Once was my sisters girlfriend that I knew very well, and the other was my aunts girlfriend. Both were pleasent experiences.:)


Jul 27, 2003
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Originally posted by The3viL1
lol, that happened to me twice allready in the past. Once was my sisters girlfriend that I knew very well, and the other was my aunts girlfriend. Both were pleasent experiences.:)

That is a common situation for people who are "tres vilains" ;)

Doctor Evil

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Feb 26, 2004
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My waitress became my SP.

I use to frequent a restautrant wih my friends around the time that I was in University and knew a waitress very well since we were there almost every night. Years later I requested an SP from an agency, and guess who shows up! She told me that she was still a waitress but this is only a part time situation for her.


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Jun 18, 2004
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lol i cant even tell you how many times my real life got in touch and got mixed with my hobbie ..i dont consider this a hobbie any way ...
may many times the line dissapeared ....
i dated some escorts and trust the are as fucked up as any girl from north america i even found normal girls meening not sp that were more fucked up than any sp ...( what do u think about a 19 years old who cheated on her bf with 10 guys in one week 4 of them was an orgy )
personaly i have nothing against dateing escorts....and i am still a good friend to a couple of them a matter of fact they have so much humanety in them more than your normal friends cause they apperciate your respect to them and you friendship and feelings more than the bitchy chicks


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Jun 15, 2004
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I've never had an encounter with anyone I know, but reading through MERB, I found out someone I know from real life used to work at a massage place discussed here.

I wonder if she still does that sideline. Her I'd like to try.


Moufette Boy
May 3, 2003
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Years ago a friend of mine called an ad for a SP.

After ranting and raving about this girl endlessly, he took it upon himself, to book an appointment for me( his treat prepaid!). I was kind of reluctant, for we had considerably different taste in woman.So for the sake of not seeing the payment go to waste, I made the sacrafice!

When the lady arrived at my door I was more than a little surprised. I recognized her, but she did not recognize me. It happens, that we went to high school together. We were in the same grade, but never had any classes together.

She was one of the more popular girls in our grade, and well know throughout the school,because of her involvement on sports teams.

We shot the breeze for a little while ,about teachers and people we both new. When we got down to the deed it was hurried and nothing special!

Strange ,if I had that opportunity with her while I was in high school,it would have been like a fantasy come true.
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