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Anyone had 1st kiss or lose virginity to a SP??


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
Late 30's actually.
When you start considering using the services of SP (to lose virginity) you're almost admitting that you are unable to seduce a woman and are left with no other choice than to consult a professional.
life is short. get over it. you're already in your late 30's. do you expect your situation to change anytime soon?
here's your chance to pick out a hottie. go get laid, damnit, or die a virgin.

my work here is done.


New Member
Nov 16, 2009
Re to: InSearchOfMeaning

Wow...nice comment you posted, certainly had me thinking.

You were spot on indeed, i do have frustration towards wemens, but it was kind of obvious :rolleyes:

To be truly honest, which is easy when anonymously done, i have to admit that i am angry at wemens because i just dont attract them and i do transfer all the responsibility of it on them, which is indeed lying to myself...i do have shitty genetics, i stand at 5'9 and i weigh 119 pounds and got bones approximately the same size as fish bones, i litteraly look like i am malnourished you can see my ribs, but i could have went to the gym and eaten better for years and became more attractive and confident...

I think i attract them when they get to really know me, i can make them fall in love with me, that i do since it happened....once...:eek:, but i dont have that initial attraction that makes them want to get to know me, and i am simply unable to lower my criterias, i would not be satisfied, and doing so i am adopting the same type of behaviour i blame wemens of having....which is dumb.

It is really linked to a lack of self confidence due to my body that i actually dont accept...but i do fuckall to change it...its all my fault in the end...

You are right, i am lying to myself in order to be more comfortable and justify doing nothing....this is pathetic and also, and i hate to admit it, is a lack of intelligence...

Thanks man ! :D

Next time, i will think a little bit more before i post my frustration out like i did, it certainly felt good and got me somme feedback to think about...ill build on it.

Oh and K.I.M.....sorry for being such a dick on that thread...and sorry to everyone else for getting completely out of the topic...

There seems to be many frustrations toward the opposite sex in this thread.
Might seem off topic at the start, but the conclusion addresses the poster who started this.

On niceness:
Niceness is a simple way to influence things to go a certain direction, but it has been pervaded to the point that there is a belief that niceness will get you everything. Niceness will not get you sex. The logical inference to make that mental conclusion is a fallacy. I dont even see how people got that idea. People ( men and women) want nice among other things.

On fake niceness:
Now again, people seem to be pent up feelings in what the other person believed before or after the meeting. It is irrelevant. I wont even go in the moral implications that people usually go into because morals are an indefinite amount that can be only be qualified vaguely. People seemed to have qualms in being lied to because it seems to affect their ego, and etc... The truth is that "real" niceness is contagious, it resonates. When you set off a clock in a room filled with clocks, the clocks will start beating the same rhythm as that dictated by their natural frequency. When you hit a chord, a glass right beside might emit a tune by resonance. When a person smiles at you, you smile back. When you emit nice, people will be nice. And in that moment, the resonance makes it real.
Of course, all other parties implicated might try to conclude based on false thought process that it was all fake and etc later on... That last part is the typically human trait of lying to ourselves.

On attraction:
Attraction i believe is related to how well a person embody intelligence and reflect it. Obviously alot of the SPs are attractive, and their appearance reflect a certain kind of intelligence when it comes to maintaining one's shape. An intelligence they've garnered either intuitively or actively. People make a distinction between hot and intelligence. There's none. If people want to end up who has a certain body maintenance intelligence, they have to balance it somehow with an equal amount of intelligence of the same or of different type. And thats what you see in real life, and thats how it should be. Unfortunately, people make malicious conjectures.

On losing it because of reasons related to the above:
Ive lost it because of stupidity and because of that i tend to think of people in general in a very abstract manner. Not as real people, but a collection of natural principles embodied at varying degree, and their behaviour as dictated by physical laws, nutrition and circumstances. As a consequence, i really do have a bad time in building up relationships.

I am young, not even late twenties. But i do know alot about how things work. And if i dont, i can infer usually spot on. Many "normal" people seem to garner pleasure in being intimate with another person. And while losing it to a SP seems like an idea. It has repercussion. Ive never really loved anybody ( excluding family) and i dont think i will.

"I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all."


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Thanks to all who took the time to reply and offer advice & relate their experiences.

Late 30's actually.

Gee, I was hoping you would say you are in your early 20s.

Losing your virginity to a girlfriend is much more satisfying. My first girlfriend was not a virgin and I was. I was 20 and she was 21. She figured it out that I was a virgin by my akwardness and she got a kick out of it. It was much more intimate than if I would have gone to an SP.

If you were to go the girlfriend route, you need to be honest open about your shyness or whatever is keeping you from going the next step to whomever you date, if that is what you want. Maybe not share that you are a virgin on the first date, but at least say that you move somewhat slow.

If you are fed up want to go the SP route, then it is a legitimate option. Just be aware that the SP will leave at some point, where a girlfriend is going to be with you a lot longer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I just can't get over all this nonsense about how special someone's virginity is and why someone should have sex with someone special prior to an SP. I just can't get over how silly this is. If you want to get laid go out and get laid. When/if you meet a non-sp and decide to have a relationship, why should the fact that you had sex with an SP prior make any difference? I just don't get it.

On another related note. We always hear about these Muslim Jihadists lunatics that want to blow themselves up so they can be with 72 virgins. I keep thinking, oh great, 72 woman that don't know how to fuck? I'd rather have the GOF/Devilish/Xxxtase line up...dressed as they are in their glamour shots


New Member
Jul 12, 2009
I just can't get over all this nonsense about how special someone's virginity is and why someone should have sex with someone special prior to an SP. I just can't get over how silly this is. If you want to get laid go out and get laid. When/if you meet a non-sp and decide to have a relationship, why should the fact that you had sex with an SP prior make any difference? I just don't get it.

On another related note. We always hear about these Muslim Jihadists lunatics that want to blow themselves up so they can be with 72 virgins. I keep thinking, oh great, 72 woman that don't know how to fuck? I'd rather have the GOF/Devilish/Xxxtase line up...dressed as they are in their glamour shots

totally agree


New Member
Mar 21, 2010
Some repercussions might involve overwhelming feelings of guilt/shame.
Feeling ashamed that you had to resort to using a SP to lose virginity
or have a first kiss...while most have not paid for the same experience.

When you start considering using the services of SP (to lose virginity)
you're almost admitting that you are unable to seduce a woman and
are left with no other choice than to consult a professional.

Let's put it this way. If you managed to get some poontang with your gf who is willing to offer herself to you for the first time in a relationship and you managed to get that far with her. Good on you. Congratulations! However, if you blew it by giving her a bad experience because of your lack of experience and don't know how to proceed, she might not offer again after. She might be an ordinary girl with an unattractive body and generally uncomfortable with her body and has too much hangups on sex that she is unwilling to explore it further with you on this. She could make alot of excuses to manipulate you and gives you the pussy trap!!! She tells you to buy this and that for her. You end up spending more money on her than a service of a SP. The investment is gone down the drain if she truly wants to fuck with you. And you never know if she is willing to get naked with you ever again. She keeps saying" OH, i am not that into this whole sex thing or I don't think it is the right time or I don't feel comfortable being naked or blah balh blah and all the the time you kept thinking my dick doesn't get much harder than this!" This bullshit could go on and on and all you want to know is how you can stick it in there for free. But it is not free at all when you see your credit card statements of all the shit you've bought for her and all you get is a lousy non pro BJ. There's going to be so much frustrations on you if she just gives you the pussy trap. I've heard all these stories many many times and in fact alot of my friends remained virgins or hardly get any action from their gfs and all they say is "Ok Ok. It's ok. It's really not about that at all. I can live with it." These bitches with the princess attitude think they are all that suck away all your masculinity and self worth in the long run. Everytime you try to make a move "LET'S MAKE SWEET LOVE, baby." All they need to say is " What have you done for me lately??" All my friends in some way resort to being fucked around too much and they don't know it. They also admit they are stuck in this relationship because they believe they are unable to seduce women for shit and left with no other choice than to see if they can get something before their credit card maxed out! Now I say FUCK THAT!!!! Poontang is never free and is expensive one way or another. Having a gf doesn't guarantee sex at all. it's an illusion. An experience with a SP is also another kind of illusion but at least you can have anything you want for that time without bullshit questions and demands. Some who are lucky enough may not have paid for the same experience, but come on. Let's get real here. You have to pay somehow during the courtship and I know alot of my friends complained too much about paying too much for too long for the girls' outrageous demands and still got blueballs every single time when they thought it's about time to get down. The pussy trap is much more deadly and devastating than any feelings of gulit/shame of consulting a professional. And I haven't even mentioned those long distance relationships that I know from many friends that all they get is their five fingers. We all want to get laid and services of SP is just one quick way to satisfy yourself physically and if you pick the right girl, I think it is always less frustrating and less damaging on your wallet for sure.
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New Member
Mar 21, 2010
Losing virginity with an SP for the first time will bring you nowhere. I mean, there is a VERY big difference between fucking a girl that is there only for your money with no real feelings between you and her and that she is there only cause its her job to be fucked my unknown people than making love to the girl you love. So, if you are just too horny and you want to know how does it feel to fuck a pussy than go for an SP. Otherwise, wait to do it with your girlfriend. ;)
If you can find someone to love you for who you are then that's great and consider yourself very lucky. But i think a normal girl could just date you for your money just as well. What's worse is that they could suck all your money out in the long term and manipulate you if you date a heartless bitch. You could wait for ever to do it with her and she could just never give you any for as long as she wants. For these girls, it is a game they love to play. The "PUSSY TRAP" game. They kept saying they are not into this and that and doesn't like to give BJ and is probably clueless on sexual positions. Having a normal relationship doesn't mean you could lose your virginity at all and the investment to it is far greater than a SP service. You might end up having blueballs for a very long time with no money at the end and I hear that all the time from my friends. It happens way too often than it really should. At the end of the day, if you are lucky enough to meet a great woman who is willing to offer great poontang and there is nothing more important than your sexual desires and needs, you basically hit the jackpot. As men we all want that at some point in our lives with the woman we are involved with. But unfortunately, alot of men are left unsatisfied and frustrated and that's why services of SPs are not going to disappear anytime soon.


May 31, 2008
Mon premier baiser n'étais pas avec une TDS.

Mais oui, j'ai perdu ma virginité avec une TDS.


New Member
Mar 21, 2010
Perceptive from a Hong Konger

Gosh, what world are you living in?
Where do you find those "normal" girls? In Montreal in 2010?

I came from a different background. I grew up in Hong Kong and I am a chinese. I consider myself a new immigrant living in a complete different world compared to where I grew up. My comments were based on my experience and those girls I talked about are Hong Kong asian girls in fact. Since I am considering to settle down in Montreal for good, I am interested in the montrealaises and what their mentality is over here. I see them everyday on the streets and they are really beautiful from head to toe. Since I am already fluent in French and English so at least the language is not an obstacle for me. I am also a person who is open to having a romantic relationship with a white woman. I am not a typical asian male who is just interested in asian women. I wouldn't be in Montreal if I wasn't interested at all. So, I am interested in where do you find those "normal" girls in Montreal in 2010? That is a million dollar question. I just can't let myself be a pathetic chronic asian bachelor for the rest of my time here in Montreal. Also, building a new social circle is very tough over here since I never lived here until a few months ago. I think to start faire connaissance avec les femmes ici is to start making some female friends and get more comfortable with them on a daily basis. A man with alot of attractive female acquaintances is alot more attractive to other women in general. So I really want to open my horizons here in Montreal this coming summer where hot women is literally everywhere!!!!


Dec 18, 2008
I don't want to blame anyone here, just a thought....... Since many of the boys from 13-17 years old already fucked once in their life (you know these kind of teens that want to fuck just to be "a man" lol) well, then how comes you need to pay an SP to lose your virginity? I mean, between 15 and 20 years old you have so much time to fuck don't you? So how comes a guy that is 20y ears old or and more can claim to be still a virgin?

I remember when I was 16 years old, at a camping, I lost my virginity with a girl.... oh god, these times..... when we were playing "la bouteille" or "vérité/conséquence" lolll....
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New Member
Mar 21, 2010
I don't want to blame anyone here, just a thought....... Since many of the boys from 13-17 years old already fucked once in their life (you know these kind of teens that want to fuck just to be "a man" lol) well, then how comes you need to pay an SP to lose your virginity? I mean, between 15 and 20 years old you have so much time to fuck don't you? So how comes a guy that is 20y ears old or and more can claim to be still a virgin?

I remember when I was 16 years old, at a camping, I lost my virginity with a girl.... oh god, these times..... when we were playing "la bouteille" or "vérité/conséquence" lolll....

As for me I never had any luck with trying to get laid during my high school years and college years. I guess it has something to do with my skin color. When I was in college I went to a university that was particularly hard to get any action at all. Even the typical All American white kids that I hung around didn't have much luck either, so for me as an unattractive asian kid, I stood no chance. I literally gave up and focused on improving myself for many years. I recently came to Montreal to live and have been shocked by how attractive women are here by. It fucked with my head alot for months and I couldn't take it no more. I fell like I am a 11 year old having spontaneous erections everytime I see these hard 10s in the city. I know for sure the attractive women I see everyday are all out of my league. I managed to speak fluent french in just about a year so it is less intimidating for me to talk to Quebecoise recently. I at least worked hard to overcome the language barrier. Another huge obstacle for me is the cultural background differences as well as the physical differences. I never felt so different from everyone else here and the cultural assimilation has been very challenging. My experiences with SPs has been great and I only spend $$$ on Quebecoise SPs. It gave me more experience in the bedroom and it helped me to overcome alot of anxiety issues over here. Quebecoise SPs gave me a sense of recognition that I have never experienced before. Sometimes I just want to be accepted for who I am and I just need to stop over worrying how people think of me all the time. The cultural shock has been very intense and that's why FS with Quebecoise SPs has been so mind blowing!!!!!!
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