Does the 'death' of the English culture in Quebec compare to the death of the French culture in Alberta?
What French culture in Alberta? There was never a French culture in Alberta! The English have been in Quebec pretty much as long as the French so how can you compare the two?
And how can you call Trudeau a racist? What he wanted was equality for both English and French. And the minority has the same rights as the majority. Like it or not. Just not here in Quebec. How would you feel if the rest of Canada decided that English was the only official language as Quebec declared with French? If the rest of Canada had laws prohibiting French from public signs or forced it to be half the size?
And who is lamenting the loss of majority rights in favour of a minority...?
Not the rest of Canada! It seems that this is happening only here in Quebec. What a surprise!
Cultures only die out when the young can't be educated in their parents values, language, religion, etc. Is that the case here?
Is there any risk of this happening to the French culture here in Quebec? Not really. So why are laws required to restrict access to English schools if not to undermine the English system as a whole. Forcing immigrants to speak French does not help the Quebecois culture survive. All it does is create other cultures who speak French! I don't think you will see any immigrants leading a Fete St-Jean crowd in a rendition of Gens de Pays anytime soon!
Is the English language in danger of vanishing from Quebec? No, it isn't because it will always be required for business dealings. But the English community is in danger.
You want to preserve a culture? Then have children, teach your culture to them. With pride. Promote it. Embrace it. Prove that it deserves to survive. If you can't do that without denigrating another language and culture then it doesn't deserve to survive.