Hein, Impératif français
I got this info from that website:
... est un organisme culturel de recherche
et de communication voué à la défense et à la promotion de la langue et de la culture d'expression française.
That is all I needed to read to dismiss everything they write as pure fraud and nonsense. These groups make me sick because they are spreading fear among French Quebecers and they serve no social purpose whatsoever.
I still think that the term "ethnic cleansing" is not appropriate and very insulting. The minority of French Quebecers who dream of a unilingual, monolithic, unicultural Quebec are going to be very disappointed as they continue losing highly skilled workers to the Rest of Canada and the United States. I sometimes wish they got what they wanted.
Techman said:http://www.imperatif-francais.org/bienvenu/articles/2007/accommodements-raisonnables.html
How's this for a nice example for you? Maybe I should change my term to ethnic 'population control' instead of cleansing? I am aware that this does not come from the government but from an independant group but I believe more French Quebecers feel the same way than would have the guts to admit it.
I got this info from that website:
... est un organisme culturel de recherche
That is all I needed to read to dismiss everything they write as pure fraud and nonsense. These groups make me sick because they are spreading fear among French Quebecers and they serve no social purpose whatsoever.
I still think that the term "ethnic cleansing" is not appropriate and very insulting. The minority of French Quebecers who dream of a unilingual, monolithic, unicultural Quebec are going to be very disappointed as they continue losing highly skilled workers to the Rest of Canada and the United States. I sometimes wish they got what they wanted.