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Are there less clients for SCs, massage places and SPs?

Mr. Spock

New Member
Aug 3, 2009
I was talking to a massage girl a few weeks ago and she tell me there are less clients around for massage salons. In my personal observation there seems to be much less salons around these days. The existing salons seem to be on main streets and near busy areas, gone are the days when salons use to exist in St. Leonard or deep in the back streets of Lasalle. Recently I talked to an SP, she tells me that she is also less busy than when she started 12 years ago. We all know the SCs are dead. Even for myself, I hobby less often and mostly at places with a value proposition that I know rather then hopping from place to place. Do you hobby less or have noticed that where you hobby is less busy?


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Spring is around the corner. Any John who regularly sees SP has to have a revenue high enough to allow for repeat meetings. It’s tax season. Most of us have a pretty big bill to pay. Next month should pick up again


New Member
May 2, 2017
Spring is around the corner. Any John who regularly sees SP has to have a revenue high enough to allow for repeat meetings. It’s tax season. Most of us have a pretty big bill to pay. Next month should pick up again

I hate April 30th! Have to get ready for it every year, and yeah, pretty big bill! Although my play stash is All-ways there...


Oct 20, 2015
I think it's a clever question, which goes way beyond the fact that the first 3 months of the year are traditionally slow, that things will pick up, etc. SC used to say that too, for a while. But there was a trend that lead to their demise, and I think the question Mr. Spock is asking is of that order: is there a trend that suggests that MP are slowly disappearing?

Very hard to say. To me, there are 3 types of clientele in this hobby:

- Group A is the high end patron, and connoisseur, the guy who gets off telling the guys who meet girls on 123, intime and humpchies that they're just looking for trouble. This group doesn't give a shit about MP...

- Group B is the regular Joe with some remnants of christian morality, who wants a little stimulation. This guy appreciates the company of beautiful women, even though they migh take his patronage for granted. He won't really mind if they're mechanic in their HJ. He doesn't expect more or less. This group, I think, will never disappear, and will continue to patronize MP.

- Group C is the chronic hobbyist: he's looking for thrills, cheap or not. He's ready to try all sorts of places, depending on his budget: high end agencies, pricey MP, pricey independents, the occasional budget independent who might just be like Stacy, the sweet girl with the cute ass and tits who hosted on st-denis and retired a few months ago, to the dismay of many a merbite. This group has finally realized - through a kind of collective conscousness - that MP are just too pricey: 140$ for HJ and some twerking in a place where you never realy know who's gonna be available just doesn't cut it for these guys.

MP had been patronized by groups B and C for a while, but now group C has just lost faith. They prefer to pay for an agency girl once in a while, and sometimes patronize the safe bets they hear about from guys like Jalimon, and a few other senior merbites. Hobbying knowledge is getting more refined, that's part of the explanation, I think.

My prediction is the next in line to experience a demise is the budget okay-quality incall agency like Vero's in Brossard and the one that hosts in Chomedey. In their case, the hike to 120 hh brought them over the edge; there are more and more okay-quality independents on the south shore now who charge 100 hh and are as cute and sexy as the econo lodge women. Still very hard to find, but their market share will soon increase IMHO.

Meat Missile

New Member
Jan 17, 2011
It is not the 90s anymore when there were massage salons with 4-5 ladies per shift taking 6-10 clients a day each. There are less clients these days.


Sep 12, 2011
Je crois aussi que plusieurs personnes qui fréquentait les salon de massage on fait le switch au Sp's. Le prix demandé dans les mp m'ont dans mon cas fait changé au sp. Les prix sont rendu beaucoup trop élevé pour le service obtenu. Un semblant de massage qui est dans la majorité du temps du flattage de 30 minutes, un petit frottage de seins dans mon dos pour 5 minutes et un hj bien rushé pour la modique somme de 140-160$? C'est juste plus justifiable. Je peux avoir exactement la même choses pour presque le même prix avec un Sp et j'obtiens en prime msog, dfk et plus si je suis dans le mood. Pour moi, le choix n'est plus trop compliqué à faire...
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