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Beaucoup de filles qui font ce metier ont des problemes d hygienne.!!


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
J'trip pas sur la vanille, que veux tu ?
Cool ! Moi je tripe sur le ébène/ebony pis pareil que toi pu vrm sur la vanille/white ... pantoute même ... ça compte tu ?? LOL :eyebrows: :amen:


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
je ne sais pas qu est ce qui se passe j en ai fait cinq en deux semaines, quatre n ont pas passe le test
Hummm pour revenir au thread ... Tsk tsk ... me think pas bon choix... pis surtout échantillon PAS du tout représentatif très certainement ...
Puis aussi je me permets de dire que le titre "Beaucoup de filles..." ... heu WTF ??? basé sur ton échantillon de 5 en 2 semaines...
Juste pour donner une autre perspective.... ça fonctionne pas ton titre à mon sens... !!! Tu travailles-tu dans les médias ? :wave: kk joke joke joke :cool: :peace:


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
Je ne mange pas toujours au buffet, mais celles sur qui je le fais sont fraîches. Ce n'est pas essentiel pour moi de descendre ma langue vers la terre promise, mais ça peut être excitant.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I always try to book first appointment for this reason. I have been with a couple if incall SP's that did not shower after and just got dressed and posted in my reviews plus a couple of outcalls when no shower before and no shower after, it is the no shower after that you realise she was not cleaned when she met you, hence the first appointments.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I always try to book first appointment for this reason. I have been with a couple if incall SP's that did not shower after and just got dressed and posted in my reviews plus a couple of outcalls when no shower before and no shower after, it is the no shower after that you realise she was not cleaned when she met you, hence the first appointments.
What if she has not showered since her previous shift ?First bookings does not guarantee good hygiene habits ?
And if she does in calls and is negligent we her body hygiene just imagine the bed sheets !:thumb:
Do you really want to go there?
What about the dental and mouth hygiene if she does CIM and DFK you what goes in your mind then ?
I am first booking so everything ok ?:lol:
What do think when the SP only uses a wet napkin the remove your jizz from her tits no showers ?:lol:
What about stain on her dress ?
The situations are endless when a SP is not hygienic
It should be reported to the booker ,I have always talk and explained to my girls good hygiene habit are mandatory a client should not have to worry about it, either he is the first or last !
Just to think about this is pretty repulsive




Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I had this brought to my attention by an SP and at the time I put a poll on the board to find out if she is right, she was ! Clients show up refusing to take a shower with the reasons, I took it at home, at the gym etc etc. The reality is we all will have some bad odors if we do not wash or shower frequently. One of the SP's told me she gets around this by asking a client if they want to shower with her. Since then I will ask the girl I am going to see to take a shower with me. Most readily agree and personally I find showering together quite sexy. As an idea, ask when you book if she is willing to shower with you, if yes, you are sure she will be clean and hey, sexy times in the shower to kick things off ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Brandi, i'm surprised to learn this....that most guys don't shower prior to incall appointments.

I can count on one hand the number of times that i went to incalls, but i was always asked to shower and always did, even though i had probably just showered 20 minutes or so earlier. The only time that i didn't shower & the girl understood why occurred in Toronto once when i saw two incalls and my room just happened to be a few doors away from them. We just happened to be staying in the same hotel, same floor, etc. Pure coincidence maybe, but i realized that since i had booked my room via Priceline, they probably had booked theirs through them also and the hotel likely had set aside a bloc of rooms on the floor or within close distance to one another. The booker had suggested i go to the appointment in the nude to surprise the girl, but since it was the first time i saw her, i didn't think it was such a good idea. Plus, if she took her time opening the door, who's to say that someone else (maybe a maid) wouldn't have seen me?? :D

On the other hand, i've seen a few sps who had strong odors 'below the waist' and it was too late for me to suggest they shower since i had noticed the odor only when i was either about to do daty or after intercourse had started. I'm always amazed at one casually those ladies would remove my condom later on in order to give me a finishing bbbj, even though the 'odor' was still fairly strong at the time.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I too shower after the client has left when I do incall. That way I am not showering on his time. Only when doing outcall will you see me shower, and then only once our time is up. I do wish more customers would take advantage of the shower facilities; I feel much more enthusiastic when everything is freshly washed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I have always felt, right or wrong, that I will gain the respect of the SP and it will be reflected in the quality of the service I receive if I take the time to shower. In the grand scheme of things a 2min shower really doesn't cut into the 30 or 60 mins you will spend with the provider but may pay off big time in the service you receive :)

Yzabel Wolf

Sep 22, 2006
I do incall and I do not shower when the guy is there. Why would I shower while he is still there and leave him alone with my stuff? He leaves and I shower.

The majority of clients don't take a shower. Sometimes it is ok because they HAVE showered before. Often it is not ok. During the summer even a short time outside you will get body odor. At the VERY least you should wash your hands - ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU EXPECT TO DO DIGITS.
I feel like a mother if I need to <remind> guys to do simple hygiene things when it is all available to them.

The best is when the guy takes no shower before but takes a shower after :rolleyes:

What I don't understand is guys always mentioning this in reviews or making threads out of it but on the flip side how many guys don't shower. My only conclusion s they don't want to <waste> the time in the shower.

I aggree..

Lily from Montreal

Time in the shower is not ''wasted'' if you take it together...very nice way to start and end a meeting...

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Several years ago i saw an sp i wound up liking very much & wrote a nice review of her. Then one guy pm'd me and asked me if she had showered after the appointment. I told him that i had offered my shower to her when she told me she'd start getting dressed, but that she had replied to me that she'd shower at home in a few minutes since her shift was over, adding that she had decided to see only one client on that particular day. So i didn't think anything more about it. The guy had told me that when he saw her, she just got dressed after sex and left his room for another call.

The next time i saw her, same story. She didn't need to shower since she was only seeing 1 client that day and would shower at home.

Then a few other guys pm'd me and asked me the same question: did she shower??

The next and last time i saw her, she started to work at around 10pm. I wound up seeing her at 11pm. I figured i was her only client. However, at midnight, she asked if she could stay in my room for a few more minutes. No problem. She was already dressed (without showering) and told me she had another call across the street, but still had a bit of time to kill. We decided to go down to the lobby bar and have a drink. Afterwards, she asked me to walk her back to her next appointment (across the street) at the Vogue. After she entered the hotel, i remember looking up and talking to myself: "Buddy, i hope that you're careful with where you stick your face into, since i doubt she'll shower before she spends time with you."

I suppose that some people simply don't like to shower more than once per day. Maybe they feel it destroys their skin or something. And that's one of the main reasons why i try to be the first appointment of the day when i see someone. I'm quite aware that not everyone showers or cleans themselves between appointments.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Time in the shower is not ''wasted'' if you take it together...very nice way to start and end a meeting...

I said it some times already in different threads but ill say it again, i think a 2 person shower ain't really a shower. I mean, when i shower, i do wash up my ass crack.. a lot. LOL That way i am sure to be very clean, and that is something i wouldn't do with another person present. To me a shower is more than 2 mins... thats why incall don't seem like a good option, as they do count your shower on your time... I shower in the morning, but by the time i get to MTL, many hours of bus, walking in the streets, especially in summer... a new shower is mandatory.

Also, and this is probably just my personal feeling, i wouldn't really like to get straigh into action rigth after getting out of the shower... Usually i get out of it 15 mins before meeting, plus the chatting time, there is often 25 mins that pass and im not "wet" anymore if i can say. I guess its me being picky but oh well...

As for the SP shower for outcalls... Well i do not mind when she take a short(but it got to be short) trip to the bathroom. Maybe only to freshen up a bit... especially in summer. But please, oh please, do not change cloathing... unless its something specific i wanted or whatever... but thats something i enjoy, seeing the girl arrive in her street cloath, and see her undress. I think too many girls do it too fast actually too... let me enjoy the view of you a bit... lol If you get out of the bathroom in bra and panties... i feel i missed a step or something... And im just so not a guy that enjoy special lingerie. I like regular black/white bra and panties. Colored ones are ok too, but no fancy stuff....

Shower at the end should be mandatory... cause we all know she won't take a full shower to her next client.... Sadly most agency include it on our time... but some don't. I think maybe it would be great if every agencies allowed 1h 10m total, so the girl can take a nice shower. Too often we finish 5 mins before the time and the girl have to rush her shower so fast...
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