This thread is about board policy on escorts responding in review threads.
I am all for it. The purpose of this board is for men to try to determine which escorts they want to see. For example, if a man wants to visit Montreal and see 17 escorts, he would check this board to get an idea of who he should see. Reading an escort's own comments in a thread can be very helpful.
As for the objections:
-"Men won't want to post negative reviews if the escort can respond."
I think most men who post a tasteful negative review would welcome a tasteful response. Being tasteful is the key on both sides.
-"The escort should be a paying advertiser."
I think the main advantage to being a paying advertiser is the ability to post a schedule on the escorts forum. Of course, if MERB doesn't want to allow non-paying members to post, then that is obviously its decision. I would point out, however, that what drives revenue is viewership and I think that allowing escorts to post would increase the usefulness of the board and, therefore, viewership.
I am all for it. The purpose of this board is for men to try to determine which escorts they want to see. For example, if a man wants to visit Montreal and see 17 escorts, he would check this board to get an idea of who he should see. Reading an escort's own comments in a thread can be very helpful.
As for the objections:
-"Men won't want to post negative reviews if the escort can respond."
I think most men who post a tasteful negative review would welcome a tasteful response. Being tasteful is the key on both sides.
-"The escort should be a paying advertiser."
I think the main advantage to being a paying advertiser is the ability to post a schedule on the escorts forum. Of course, if MERB doesn't want to allow non-paying members to post, then that is obviously its decision. I would point out, however, that what drives revenue is viewership and I think that allowing escorts to post would increase the usefulness of the board and, therefore, viewership.