Montreal Escorts

Board policy on escorts responding in review threads


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
This thread is about board policy on escorts responding in review threads.

I am all for it. The purpose of this board is for men to try to determine which escorts they want to see. For example, if a man wants to visit Montreal and see 17 escorts, he would check this board to get an idea of who he should see. Reading an escort's own comments in a thread can be very helpful.

As for the objections:
-"Men won't want to post negative reviews if the escort can respond."
I think most men who post a tasteful negative review would welcome a tasteful response. Being tasteful is the key on both sides.

-"The escort should be a paying advertiser."
I think the main advantage to being a paying advertiser is the ability to post a schedule on the escorts forum. Of course, if MERB doesn't want to allow non-paying members to post, then that is obviously its decision. I would point out, however, that what drives revenue is viewership and I think that allowing escorts to post would increase the usefulness of the board and, therefore, viewership.


Out of Order
Jun 25, 2010
I don't know how hard it could be to regulate all this though, maybe the mods don't feel like having more on their plates. That being said, I don't think a permanent ban for an escort who decided to reply to a thread should also be put in effect no matter what rules these boards decide to put forward (I think the mods know which person has been permenantly banned recently... that's not very sportlike)
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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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My thoughts are that I don't feel she should've been banned for responding. I don't buy the argument that you need to be a "paid advertiser" if you want to respond. This is becoming too much of an "all about the Benjamin's" board! Could she have been a bit less confrontational and insulting, sure but would that have then made a difference on whether she was banned or not? I bet it would have.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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I am now sympathetic to the arguments of the Mods. I seek information and entertainment from Review threads. I don't want to waste any time whatsoever on reading self-promotional fluff or banal responses from SPs to the effect of "Thank you, Sweetie". I can also imagine a shill and the SP keeping her thread current by responding each day to each other. I understand that Merb is a business which provides me with free services, but someone has to pay to support it. As a compromise, how about if SPs or their agencies can respond in some limited way and then only if they are paying members?

From the Mod's last response in Kaii's thread and the fact that it is an Outcall thread, I suppose my post there will be deleted, so I have put an edited version below:

I don't believe that there would be no reviews if the SPs were allowed to respond. Anyone who is afraid of a response on the internet to an anonymous handle doesn't need to rent pussy. He is one. I would rather than the Mods err on the side of being permissive rather than suppressing feedback, however uncivilized.

I'm sure it is true that the vast majority of us hire SPs because we can't get young, attractive women to fuck us for free. I also believe that most SPs work as such to support a lifestyle which their studies and work ethic would not ordinarily entitle them. IMHO, neither clients nor SPs are better or worse than the other, although Kaii's reaction makes it apparent that she doesn't agree.

A businessman, relaxing for an afternoon, was being berated at a bridge club by the professional card players. His response was: "I'm stupid, but I am a self made multi-millionaire and you jerks have no careers. The best you can do is make a few hundred dollars on a good afternoon from people who have interests other than playing games."


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
Anyone who is afraid of a response on the internet to an anonymous handle doesn't need to rent pussy. He is one.
quote of the year!! it should be your sig file. i'm letting you know up front i won't be paying you any royalties every time i steal it.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Anyone who is afraid of a response on the internet to an anonymous handle doesn't need to rent pussy. He is one.

And the review of such a girlie-man is probably worthless. I agree with you that limited responses to negative reviews should be allowed. No responses should be allowed to positive reviews and I am not sure why the Mod brought that up, because it goes without saying that it is nothing more than thread bumping. In the case of Kaii's deleted response/retort/rebuttal, information was provided that assisted the reader in choosing whether to see her, and that is the only thing that matters. End of story.

In the past we had a lot of bad reviews written that were flat out extortion and they made things up, the objective being to extort a free or discounted session from the agency owner. This practice of using bad reviews for extortionate rather than informational purposes would be thwarted by allowing some limited response, not just by the agency owner but by the escort herself. Otherwise the Mods are letting us be subjected to the whims of drunks, liars and other scoundrels who have not told the whole story in their reviews to this Board. If you permit limited response you will not see some of the blatant cheating with the facts that we have seen in the past.
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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

There are a number of things that must be clarified.

First of all, non-advertising agencies, SPs or MPs are not permitted to post in review threads or advertise on MERB. One reason for this is obviously the fact that MERB exists on the advertising dollars paid. It is very simple to understand, no money, no MERB. Unless you would like MERB to become a paid membership board with everyone paying a monthly fee for access. Another reason we restrict posting to paid advertisers is that you can be certain that they are who they say they are. Removing this requirement would allow every bait and switch advertiser from Craigslist free run of MERB to dispute what are usually poor reviews and get extra free exposure. It would also allow anyone to be able to pose as an escort with no way to verify their identity. To give you an idea of what would happen if we to permit such responses, 33 posts were removed from the review thread in question. 33 posts which were generated by one non-favorable review which would have gone much higher if M11 had not stepped in. Can you imagine the volume of posts that would be made if we permitted every SP to respond to every non favorable review posted on the board? Finding quality information in a review thread would be next to impossible.

Second thing is that advertisers are currently permitted to respond to problem situations and extreme posts in their review threads as long as it does not end up being a heated exchange that goes back and forth for multiple posts. They are permitted one or more posts depending on the situation involved. Generally they are encouraged to settle the situation directly with the client and post the results here on the board. They are also able to ask a moderator for permission to post a reply in marginal cases and this is usually granted.

Third thing is that most agencies do not want their girls replying directly to clients. The responsibility for solving any problem which has occurred belongs to the agency, not the SP.

Finally, once again the post that was removed would have been removed whether the SP was an advertiser or not. The content of the post was rude and insulting and would have resulted in a suspension no matter who had posted it. Every reviewer has their own opinion of beauty, one reviewer's 9 may be another reviewer's 5. All reviews are subject to the personal taste of the person writing the review. They are personal opinions and cannot be considered to be right or wrong.

The current policy regarding providers replying to reviews has always been in place. It will not be changed.

Mod 8


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
advertisers...are permitted one or more posts depending on the situation involved.
this makes perfect sense. it only takes one post to completely explain your side of the story, and one more to conclude the incident. that applies to agency & customer.

rules are nec'y. merb has to draw a line in the sand somewhere. otherwise anarchy reigns.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
And the review of such a girlie-man is probably worthless. I agree with you that limited responses to negative reviews should be allowed. No responses should be allowed to positive reviews and I am not sure why the Mod brought that up, because it goes without saying that it is nothing more than thread bumping. In the case of Kaii's deleted response/retort/rebuttal, information was provided that assisted the reader in choosing whether to see her, and that is the only thing that matters. End of story.

In the past we had a lot of bad reviews written that were flat out extortion and they made things up, the objective being to extort a free or discounted session from the agency owner. This practice of using bad reviews for extortionate rather than informational purposes would be thwarted by allowing some limited response, not just by the agency owner but by the escort herself. Otherwise the Mods are letting us be subjected to the whims of drunks, liars and other scoundrels who have not told the whole story in their reviews to this Board. If you permit limited response you will not see some of the blatant cheating with the facts that we have seen in the past.

And based upon our experience, you believe an SP (by their very nature "illusionists") are going to tell anywhere near the truth??.....LOL. No the established system of looking at the track record of the reviewer is the most dependable. EB, somehow you've managed to put SPs on a pedestal of virtue. The real issue of extortion is really one of revealing who the handle is vs. the actual customer. Good Sam had it right in the first place when he kept a low real profile vs. his postings. A poster with a well known physical profile AND handle is in a very undependable position. I very much doubt Good Sam would be foolish enough to expose himself to these GTs everyone is so excited about. Again revealing any real personal information in Montreal is akin to giving nuclear secrets to the Iranians. My suggestion to anyone thinking about writing reviews is to keep a low profile, never use your real name while in Montreal, use an unlocked GSM phone, AND ABOVE ALL wait several weeks before writing your review keeping the exact locational details to a minimum. All of the aforementioned will make it harder for the agency or SP to trace the derivation of the review. Good Sam had it right years ago. BTW, Good Sam, happy belated birthday. It was just a few weeks ago.

Now a litlte about privacy. In my opinion the following is true:
1) Guys these agencies and indies in Montreal pass your information around like popcorn.
2) The e-mail lists, phone numbers and names are e-mailed from one to the other.
3) They discuss your habits and preferences and physical description

I have had multiple indies mistakenly copy me with e-mails where their entire e-mail list was evident. The thing that astounds me is some clients use the e-mail of their websites. How easy was it for me to look up these guy's names on their websites? Don't ask. One guy was an executive of an aerospace company.

So, in conclusion I would highly recommend any lurkers, newbies, or other currently unknown entities to avoid any GT at all. PERIOD.
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Tommy G

post master
Nov 23, 2005

Again revealing any real personal information in Montreal is akin to giving nuclear secrets to the Iranians. My suggestion to anyone thinking about writing reviews is to keep a low profile, never use your real name while in Montreal, use an unlocked GSM phone, AND ABOVE ALL wait several weeks before writing your review keeping the exact locational details to a minimum. .

Thanks for the tips, You must be some kind of secret service agent. Its too bad you couldnt get all this info out to Tiger Woods in time !! I really dont think that giving your number or personal information to an sp is any different from giving it to some girl you just met in the bar. I dont feel nervouse about people learning my handle at a GT party because we are all there in good spirits to meet interesting woman. Its not like we are plotting to commit some awfull crimes. ....... All the big time U.S. senator and congressmen types really crack me up. Next time you come up to Montreal why dont you dress up in a tranny outfit and use code name Sabrina :p

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Thanks for the tips, You must be some kind of secret service agent. Its too bad you couldnt get all this info out to Tiger Woods in time !! I really dont think that giving your number or personal information to an sp is any different from giving it to some girl you just met in the bar. I dont feel nervouse about people learning my handle at a GT party because we are all there in good spirits to meet interesting woman. Its not like we are plotting to commit some awfull crimes. ....... All the big time U.S. senator and congressmen types really crack me up. Next time you come up to Montreal why dont you dress up in a tranny outfit and use code name Sabrina :p

That's Ms. CS Sabrina to you Sir!!! Once you're read this note, eat it and pull it thru the other end.


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
It is very simple to understand, no money, no MERB. Unless you would like MERB to become a paid membership board with everyone paying a monthly fee for access.
merbites forget really quick how much they are paying to benefit from this place.

this was rule #1 & #2 on every board i used to run:

#1 - i reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
#2 - you reserve the right to go start your own site anytime.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Unless you would like MERB to become a paid membership board with everyone paying a monthly fee for access.

Mod 8

I love this idean and proposed it to the head of Canbest when he notified us he was terminating that area. I assume everyone would mean clients only. The problems with the other board that does work similar to this are VERY WELL DOCUMENTED. So the open forum concept of Canbest is outstanding.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
First of all, non-advertising agencies, SPs or MPs are not permitted to post in review threads or advertise on MERB. One reason for this is obviously the fact that MERB exists on the advertising dollars paid. It is very simple to understand, no money, no MERB. Unless you would like MERB to become a paid membership board with everyone paying a monthly fee for access.

If sp's wrote real reviews of there encounters and how they really felt i would pay a monthly fee in a heartbeat because the entertainment value would be priceless. A lot of us Johns would find out in a hurry that we are not nearly as handsome, charming, funny or as good in bed as we may think we are. These 20 yr old sp's may not dig us as much as we like to believe. The best we can hope for is that we are a little bit more tolerable to be around then some of the other Johns they see. Egos would take a bruising to the point that the male membership would rapidly decline.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
if sp's wrote real reviews of there encounters and how they really felt i would pay a monthly fee in a heartbeat because the entertainment value would be priceless. A lot of us johns would find out in a hurry that we are not nearly as handsome, charming, funny or as good in bed as we may think we are. These 20 yr old sp's may not dig us as much as we like to believe. The best we can hope for is that we are a little bit more tolerable to be around then some of the other johns they see. Egos would take a bruising to the point that the male membership would rapidly decline.

i agree. It's hard to express how much i agree!!

Believe me, you really don't want to know what these SPs & agency owners "really" think of us. I expect it would wipe out at least 90% of the membership.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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I think that Mr. Jones and Mr. Martin are overlooking something. It's obvious by all the announced discounts that it is a buyer's market in the sex trade for now. Displaying contempt for clients and otherwise embarassing them is not going to increase business (unless masochists are in the majority at merb).
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