Montreal Escorts

Boxing Thread


Jan 18, 2006
Here's hoping Ziggy is somewhere out there...or here in Vegas.

Calling tonight's fight:

Late round stoppage

Pacquiao TKO10 De La Hoya


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Didnt see the fight last night but cant wait to see DLH's face get pounded

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
De la Hoya looked very old & slow last night. He didn't win a round & this was possibly his worse fight ever. A beating!!


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Just finished watching the fight. Oscar looked like a washed up fighter trying to go for one last shot at glory. He didn't belong in the same ring as Pacquiao. He was slow and flatfooted and showed no offense at all and little more in the way of defense. Hopefully this will be Oscar's last fight.

It was more of an embarrassment than the Calzaghe-Jones fight where Calzaghe dominated Jones in every way and couldn't stop him but at least Jones tried to put up a fight, and the opposite of the Hopkins-Pavlik fight where the old man taught the young kid a boxing lesson.

A sad end to a once great career for Oscar De la Hoya.



Jan 18, 2006
Awesome fight!

Undeniably the current P4P King...

Fighter of the Year...

Hall of Famer...

Manny Pacquiao picked DLH apart. Set the tone in the early rounds, tactician in the middle, and played with him at the end. I don't get how De La Hoya's game plan forgot about Manny's lead left, which was one of his calling cards early in his career. Well his face certainly remembers now, lol.

Is anyone else absolutely shocked that Oscar quit? On his fucking chair at that? I mean, this guy's a fighter. From the Olympics onward, he has shown so much heart in his fights. DLH just seemed like that boxer who would fight until the final bell or got knocked out.

I gotta think Manny took his heart.

After going 7 rounds being hit in the face countless times, can't get a punch off, much less through, and his corner telling him to start fighting or else...Oscar digs deep, shows his heart and figures to claw back late in the 8th (how many rounds has he stolen in his career by showing aggression late and throwing flurries and combos). Tries this tactic with Manny against the ropes. Manny covers, ducks out...backs DLH into the corner (where he previously took a beating) by showing the now-feared lead left...hears the 10 second mark...and says "let me show you how it's done".

After that, Oscar quits. I'm shocked. Maybe he was protecting the KO or embarassment of being face-mangled in front of millions...but knowing him over the years as a fighter with tremendous heart...and watching how the fight transpired...I can only surmise Manny made him quit by taking it.

If bring on Pretty Boy.


Jan 18, 2006
10-19 said:
The boxer I have on my radar right now is Yuriorkis Gamboa. He's pure talent and no hypejob alla Amir Khan. His chin has not been tested yet though.
Exactly...I don't really think he's been tested at all, much less his chin. Impressive in the fights he's been in...just not that many. Until then, a bit of a hype job imo...


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Pretty boy only got a split decision against Oscar and I don't think he would have an easy time with Pac. Pacquiao wouldn't have any fear of Mayweather and he would be a lot faster than anyone Floyd has fought. I think the Pacman could be just the fighter to frustrate Floyd and get him off his fight plan. A decision could go either way but I could see Mayweather getting cut and the fight being stopped.

But I don't think the fight will happen anytime soon. If Mayweather does come back I think he will take a rematch against Hatton first as it will be an easy sell and then maybe consider fighting Pacquiao.

What I would really like to see would be Mayweather go up to super middleweight and fight Calzaghe who would have no trouble dropping down and kicking his ass. Obviously that will never happen but it's nice to have a dream.:p


Jan 18, 2006
Techman said:
But I don't think the fight will happen anytime soon. If Mayweather does come back I think he will take a rematch against Hatton first as it will be an easy sell and then maybe consider fighting Pacquiao.
Yup. I could see the same thing. Easy sell and relatively easy win. A tuner fight to shake ring rust (how long would it be...almost 2 years?) then Pac if he ain't scrrd.

Techman said:
What I would really like to see would be Mayweather go up to super middleweight and fight Calzaghe who would have no trouble dropping down and kicking his ass. Obviously that will never happen but it's nice to have a dream.
There's an entertaining fight there.


Jan 18, 2006
10-19 said:
PBF fought DLH @ 154 pounds, which is heavy for him, and in a smaller-than-regular ring (per Golden Boy Promotions demands) so he took a cautious approach against him (which translated into a somewhat boring fight).

On the other hand, Pac took on a overtrained DLH. Before that he killed David Diaz who is average at best.

The reference matchups when it come to Pacman is JMM. Pac won both fights per the scorecards though he was badly outboxed on both occasions.

PBF is a better boxer than JMM and a bigger one. At 143 pounds, he would be close to his prime weight and would outbox and outmuscle Pacquiao.
PBF fought DLH @ 154 pounds, which is heavy for him, and in a smaller-than-regular ring (per Golden Boy Promotions demands) so he ran from him (which translated into a somewhat boring fight).

On the other hand, DLH took on a junior lightweight, a fighter 3 weight classes smaller than his previous opponent. Before that Pac killed David Diaz who was the lightweight champion of the world.

The reference matchups when it come to Pacman is JMM. Pac won ONE of the two fights and JMM couldn't win ANY as he was knocked down in both fights losing and drawing on the scorecards.

PBF is a better boxer than JMM and a bigger one. At 143 pounds, Pac would be close to his prime weight (of 140) and would outbox and outmuscle PBF.


Jan 18, 2006
10-19 said:
The... point... is... the DLH fights is not the best reference to judge of the outcome of a PBF/Pacman bout. Pacman fought a overtrained (and underfed) version of DLH.
I agree and glad you finally made it. Sounds like someone is scrrd to contemplate a Pac/PBF fight ;). There really wouldn't be a reference fight for the Mexecutioner against PBF and if you are implying JMM is...many differences, and amongst them...JMM didn't run.

To that fighter a rubber match? You gotta beat the other guy to get a rubber match, lol. You can't duck someone if you don't owe them a fight because you've beat them and they haven't beat you. If not, then PBF has ducked DLH as well.

To that fighter, the "overtrained" story was interesting at best the day when espn wrote it but hardly a story the day after. Trying to find reason in the unexpected is natural however, I say your reasoning is flawed. Regardless if Nacho and/or Oscar fucked up the training...DLH still quit....remember that part...quit on his fucking chair. Can you honestly think he can recover from that with better training? And anyone with the slightest understanding of 'fight or flight' will tell you the same. Including Oscar, when he told you right after the fight...saying Pac came "better prepared". Sucking on the "fight-weight-a-month-prior" is a trivial teat. C'mon now...he's done fighting super fights....his legacy can't handle two more Pacquiao fights (which is what would be necessary, much more than a PBF rematch, if he thinks he can beat him in the next one and thus owing a rubber match).

But to those who are fighting for DLH's legacy or PBF's (snicker) even when both fighters aren't...carry on with the scenario playing. Dec. 6 was not reference fight for any fight outside a video game. However, it did solidfy that Hatton, DLH, and even PBF need to go through Manny to be considered the best of today.

...btw, Valero? The guy barely has more credibility than your boy, Gamboa. You play in the hype, I see. :D Nice call on tonight's fight.


Jan 18, 2006
10-19 said:
You forgot that you're the one who got excited like a smart geeky girl after Oscar quit and then called out PBF. Like, 'oooohh, aaaahh, look at what Manny did to Oscar, imagine now what he would do to Floyd, oooohh, aaaahh'.
Okay, if I'm the smart geeky certainly sound like the dumb bitter guy. :D

10-19 said:
Only a nuthugger would think that Pac actually beat JMM. Those were bullshit decisions. I know it, you know it and Pacquiao knows it - lol.
Yup that's bitter. lol What happened to:
10-19 said:
Speaking of Marquez vs. Pacquiao, the decision could have gone either way.
Lol...flip flopping now? Btw, seeing the fight live, I gotta say it was a decent decision.

10-19 said:
First of all, who's making excuses for DLH? Not me.
Here I thought pasting a long excuse article about an overtrained DLH came from you. My bad.

10-19 said:
Roll back to you wetting your panties when Oscar called it quits. You compared Pac's win with PBF's and went all pactard on us.
Oh that's where this is coming from? Lol You thought I was comparing the two DLH fights? Not me dude. That was Techman. Sorry to calm down your nipples but your penis envy should be directed at our colleague not me. (love that! "calm down your nipples"...cracks me up) Besides, I said it's NOT a reference fight unless you like playing video games. Feel better?

10-19 said:
Give Gamboa some time. He's no Jason Litzau and his work of demolition has just begun. Makr my words, this kid is a future undisputed champion and P4P best.
Man-crush anyone? And I'm the pactard...:D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Margarito-Moseley fight tonight on HBO at 10pm

My money's on Shane Moseley to upset champ Antonio Margarito in a closely contested fight. Possibly on a split-decision.


Jan 18, 2006
Antonio UD over Sugar Shane

Despite his incredible ability to take a punch, hope he doesn't get too confident to remember defence and get knocked down like Gamboa did in his last fight.


Jan 18, 2006
10-19 said:
Back to Margo, if Cintron, certainly the heaviest puncher of the WW division, couldn't hurt Margarito with his bombs, I don't see how Sugar, a decent puncher nonetheless, can.

With all offence and a chin...if you have no defence...can't block or slide worth're gonna taste canvas. Yuri take heed.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
That was a great performance by Mosley! The fight should have been stopped with the knockdown at the end of round 8. It was obvious that Margarito couldn't go on for much longer and he could have been seriously hurt.

Thanks for the live link. I missed a few rounds when the first one went down but I caught the last two rounds thanks to the second one.

Great fight!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
10-19 said:
The fight wasn't on PPV so the live link was pretty much the only option.

I watched the fight on HBO Canada. Anyone who owns a dish & has the movies package could have watched it for free. It was shown on both HBO channels.

As for the fight, i predicted a Moseley win, but not by a total destruction of Margarito. I thought it would have been much closer than it was. In Margarito's corner during the final round of the fight, his corner wanted to end the fight & was convinced not to by Margarito. It was amusing to see that whole exchange live. Margarito should have listened to his corner & avoid a further beating at the hands of Moseley, who's one of the best pound-for-pound fighters of his generation.
Last edited:


Jan 18, 2006
10-19 said:
The only way Margarito could beat a skilled boxer of Mosley's class is by knocking him out.

Nice second guessing there Einstein, lol.

Had to think a few minutes to come up with this nugget of Gumpness, I see...before you re-edited your post. :D Nice call on Berto/Collazo btw.


Jan 18, 2006
10-19 said:
Actually I'm glad he didn't listen to the corner and took the extra beating. Margorites are the worst delusional and arrogant bunch of fans in all pro boxing (worse than pavlicians and pacterons) :D
Yeah, I'm glad he did as least he went out like a real Mexicano warrior and didn't quit on his chair like another overtrained vato.
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