Montreal Escorts

Brown shower providers in the Quebec City / Montreal area?


New Member
Jun 3, 2013
Like I said, it is not even in the same realm as child abuse. To each his own! With that being said I can accept it, but I won't encourage it.

And I'm no doctor, but I happen to know enough to know that eating shit can make you sick. There is unsafe bacteria in fecal matter. E-Coli for one. A quick google search confirmed this for me. Playing with it is one thing but eating is no good.

I bet half of the guys who try brown shower end up not liking it when it happens, lol. :lol: That would be funny to see, I'm sure some escorts have good stories.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
THe difference is that if someone tell you a story about Brown Shower, you will laugh. But if someone tell you a story about a child rape, you will cry...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Nah of course not , its not in the same category as child abuse... its like comparing smoking weed with a murder... I mean ok eating shit is not a crime but you get my point... and anyway smoking weed should not be a crime in the first place(thats the most stupid law ever)

What i wanted to point out is smoking weed is considering illegal and bad and all blablabal but it dosen't arm anybody beside you(and even there... not more than cigarette) when murder is a terrible crime...

So yeah the dude want to eat shit... fine... who cares... but can we say its still pretty distusting and .... BEURK lol

And as for
I bet half of the guys who try brown shower end up not liking it when it happens, lol.

The real question is why any sane person would want to try that in the first place... I would like to try bungie , even tough i know its somewhat dangerous... I would like to try fighting in amateur fights, even tough i know i could get my ass kick, but to prove myself i am good enough to do it. But then why wanting to try getting shit on? To prove to myself i am... shit? LOL sorry i just don't get it... There is some connection that don't work here for that...

Once an escort told me some dude actually asked her to pee on her... do a golden shower... yeah its disgusting and all and such, but i mean i can understand the guys point of view... maybe it would make him feel better about himself, i mean " se sentir mieu et plus fort" but why wanting somebody to do it TO YOU... i don't get it, to feel even inferior to what you really are?

There some things i would do for money(don't ask) cause i could use it, and i would tell myself its a bad time to spent and after that ill have a shit load of money, but that would be for the money...

Its like honestly if somebody would ask me to beat the shit out of him and pay me for it.. i would be like "WHAT????" lol


New Member
Jun 3, 2013
Well yeah I'd say it is normal not to understand the thought process behind it, if you don't have the thoughts yourself. Whether it is to do with shit or jumping off a bridge tied to a rope. One man's thrill is not the next man's thrill.

As for having it done to you, opposed to doing it on someone else. It could be the humiliation aspect, the taboo, or it could be just wanting to taste it. Who knows and for each person is probably different reason how they developed the fetish.


but In the end, as I said - human shit is not safe to ingest. Paint a picture with it on your chest for all I care but if you swallow it then that's the not good.

In fact, one could even possibly argue that eating shit IS deviant behaviour. Because of the fact that there are viruses and bacteria which are well-known to make people sick, that is basically knowingly putting yourself at high exposure and risk.

Which does make this into more than just an innocent fetish - especially if the person does get sick and then requires doctors to take time out of their day to give medical attention to someone who ate a bowl of shit for breakfast simply because it turned him on. :D

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well if you want to taste it.. i know plenty of easy way that won't require money... Lots of jerks in public places don't even flush the toilet when they do a number 2... lol


Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
Bonjour Grosbaton,

Mais c'est un blog de sexe.

Si quelqu'un l'a dit, ma préférence est belle, le vôtre est laid, puis une confrontation est implicite. Mais poser une question de sexe sur un blog sexe devrait être respecté. Ce n'est pas le moment de débattre de mieux décence ... à mon avis.

But this is a sex blog.

If someone said, my preference is beautiful, yours is ugly, then a confrontation is implied. But asking a sex question on a sex blog should be respected. It's not the moment to argue about better my opinion.

Bonsoir Monsieur,


Moi non plus je ne vois pas en quoi se faire chier dessus devrait être considéré comme un acte sexuel, mais je ne pense pas avoir manqué de respect à qui que ce soit ici. Juste un petit peu d'humour pour exprimé un grand dégoût.
I don't see how having somebody shit on you could should be considerd as a sexual act, bit I don't feel I lacked respect to anybody here. Just a little joke to express a profound repulsion.


Oct 31, 2011
Perth, Australia & Eastern Canada
To each thier own!

I'm in the same boat of "not having anyone defecate on me". Doesn't do it for me!

Also, completely incomparable to rape or child abuse!

BUT.... I do enjoy having SP's tell me about "awkward", or as Mitsou puts it "non-mainstream", requests. The crapping on someone's face always makes me laugh. Just can't imagine the actual logistics of making that request to someone!

But like I said... to each their own! SOme people enjoy watching others fuck while they jerk off; some like she-men, some like spending their hard earned money on sp's to get laid and have company! Some women enjoy (or so they tell us) having cum ejaculated all over their faces... or they actually believe that most men enjoy throwing loads of cum on their face! Some enjoy it... some don't.... to each thier own! They are not hurting anyone, unwillingly, behind the confines of their room/ hotel/ house.... except for the poor maid who has to clean up the spillage! LOL.

To be honest, I'm starting to get a little bored with the SP Hobbying Routine! I want to try and mix it up a little. I may start looking for threesomes only for awhile.

I'm sure their are many people judging the entire sp hobbying world also.

All said: I think the act of of shitting on someone is "ab-normal, and gross", but I'm sure I could be judged by many people for what I enjoy in life as well, as well as any of the rest of you on this forum.

Mitsou.... 3 somes? LOL


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
You are 100% right Merlot. I have to agree that I made a major mistake by thinking that other members of this forum were on the same level of dignity and decency as I am. I am not unfair but rather naive.

Tu as 100% raison Merlot. Je dois reconnaître que j'ai commis une énorme erreur en pensant que les autres membres de ce forum étaient au même niveau de dignité et de décence que moi. Je ne suis pas injuste mais plutôt innocent.

Some like the brown shower. Others like to subscribe to forums to get, basically, the same thing. It's called trolling.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello HM,

The real question is why any sane person would want to try that in the first place... I would like to try bungie , even tough i know its somewhat dangerous... I would like to try fighting in amateur fights, even tough i know i could get my ass kick, but to prove myself i am good enough to do it. But then why wanting to try getting shit on? To prove to myself i am... shit? LOL sorry i just don't get it... There is some connection that don't work here for that...

Why do some hetero men like to get ass-fucked by a woman with a strapon? Why do some women find a beating during sex a turn-on? Why do men and women get aroused by S&M, being spit on, pissed on, verbally degraded, screwed by gangbangs, men dressing like women or children, women pretending the guy is really her daddy, etc., to be sexually satisfied????? Do I find any of it appealing? No! Do I begin to understand why some might like any of it? Maybe...grudgingly.

But once again, this is a sex board. As I keep saying I think people should be allowed to discuss what ever they want as long as it's legal, between consenting adults, and not harmful to either party without being laughed at. Otherwise, I think it's hypocritical to start drawing lines about what is acceptable between adults and what is not when we keep complaining that the prissy brand of feminists and moralists feel the entire sex for money industry should be closed and the offenders prosecuted.

Aside from my tastes, the one thing I am concerned about with these more exotic preferences is how much might be related to negative psychology and be further damaging to continue. But then, as we have seen with some members who only practice what most see as the "standard GFE options", just being in this hobby at all can have a negative effect, sometimes very negative. Since that is true, if you are going to draw lines on what is acceptable regarding protecting oneself against negative influences, then theoretically it should all be closed down. :confused:




Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
Je crois que tout le monde a bien exprimé son dégoût et on peut passer à autre chose. Y'a des trucs qui allument le monde qui ne m'allument pas. Je passe pas la semaine à en débattre ou me moquer de celui qui a une idée différente de la mienne.
I really agree with you Sidney, this thread is starting to stink, it's getting to the point where we are getting old men smelling diapers thrown at us. I need fresh air too...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009

Why do some hetero men like to get ass-fucked by a woman with a strapon?

Some homosexual feeling coming to the surface maybe? Yet they rather not do anyhing gay totally... i supose...

Why do some women find a beating during sex a turn-on?

Probaly been beated before, either by dad or an ex boyfriend, kinda make them fee "alive" if i can say so. make them feel important enought. May also make them think about a loss father if i can so... many reason for that.

men dressing like women or children, women pretending the guy is really her daddy, etc

Transexual fantasy without going the full operation of actually doing it... as for children... pedophialia without crossing the line to actually abuse a child(we should actually thanks them if they restrain themselves to have adult act as children instead or really abusing children) and for the last one... like i said above....

You could add to your exemple some people actually liking the boston hockey team... now that is something i personally will NEVER understand :confused: ..... ;)

Lol but in any case i get there is always a weird reason to a weird fetish... Sometimes this is even deeper than that. I love some stuff in general in movies yet i would never do them in real life... I mean i watch a slasher movie, and i cheer for the killer, yet in real life i don't even kill insects cause all forms of lives are important to me. I like the pornstars punishment brazzers scenes, yet in bed when i see escorts im the most gentle guy i can be.... even when they tell me to pull there hair or spank them i go too lightly and sometimes get tell to spank harder.. lol

It just strikes me as highly ironic that on a board reviewing prostitutes with men paying for sexual acts, vanilla or otherwise, cheaters and whatever else that can be considered in a negative manner that the shit hit the fan (pun intended - bad laughter ensues) over a brown shower.

Now this may be ME, but i see the escorts business has a service provided... i pay to receive a service... Yes its sexual but then again.. some pay for straight massage, we pay to have people play in our mouths(dentist) and cut our hair. Some men pay to have there butt shaved and such... at some point you pay for a service and you receive it for money, and as a provider yourself i would be surprise if you see that said practice as negative... Sure its always in the eye of the person... some find paying for sex gross and i even have some of my friends who said to me(word for word) they would not touch an escort no matter how hot she may look with MY dick even if she would pay them...

So yeah it depends from people to people... so at some point i can understand and accept some weird fantasme... but even with that in mind there is a line to draw i think... and to me its shit and transexuals... I mean... shit we covered that... transexuals.. well to me its either be gay or be not, be a dude or be a women... not in between... If it got a dick... its a dude, no matter if it looks feminist and got fake breast... so if it does something with another male, its gay... then why not just staying a dude and be gay... And if its with a women... just be straigh... why wanting to turn into a women...

Accept how your born and thats it...

Its like these black men wanting to become white or asians wanting to be black... this dosnt make sense(and please leaveMJ out of it lol)

Anyway again its me, maybe its not the case for everybody.. but at some point i don't understand why some things are permited and some are not... like on porn trackers... why bestiality is not, but transexual stuff is... im sorry but to me both of them are equally disgusting... at least the women who suck the horse remain naturals... when the dude that get bang by some kind of medical experiment ... well thats another thing. I know some say fake breast are a part of body changing and yes i do like them... but i think its different wanting to make a part of yourself better and actually trying to change sex or be in between. Getting fake breast and such to me is like getting tatoos, i see no harm... its a woman wanting to have a bigger part of the normal woman body... Like a dude wanting a bigger cock... nothing against that. But a dude wanting a pair of breast...:help: and wanting to look like the oposite sex... to me its wrong...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
IMO people can do what they want if all parties agree. Even simple things like COF or COB puzzles me ( not into it ). If I am at a dog park and my dog gets into a fight for some reason he tries to head fuck the other dog ( dominance ), my opinion it would be same as COF. Again, just my opinion and people can do what they like.


Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
Talking about shit, Wimbledon, is it true that they only use Himalayan cat shit to fertilize the grass courts of the All England Tennis Club in Wimbledon? The big tournament will start tomorrow and I will bet on Federer to win it again. As mentionned above any reason is good to give an end to this smelly thread and leave Ryanc wondering where he should get his satisfaction from...
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