Invade Canada? No way, don't need to.
Thanks for the informative post seeker,
What/Where exactly are these "oil sands?" As far as balancing our budget here in the US it is not impossible, we just need a leader who believes in it. Clinton did it and had us on track to pay off our National debt within a couple of decades if we kept paying it down at the pace we were. Bush totally destroyed all of the efforts to do this with his tax cuts and spending policies.
As far as the rest of the world calling in our debt, come on, what are they going to do if we tell them to stick it up their asses, invade? Invading Canada won't be necessary. We could simply start fresh with a new currency just for commerce within our country, and Canada. The rest of the world would be able to do little about it. We control a huge percentage of the worlds food supply so we won't starve. We can easily comandeer all the oil tankers and offshore platforms we need to supply our energy needs and as for jobs we can go back to making our own worthless junk instead of having China and India do it for us. The rest of the world when faced with the reality that they aren't going to get blood out of a stone would back off any such demand quickly since they know they have few cards to play and in the end they need us more than we need them.
Simple fact is that if the US economy goes down in flames the rest of the world is going with us. I'm not saying I would advocate this kind of dishonorable behavior on our part, just that invading Canada is probably the last thing we would ever have to do. Canada would quickly become the new "Switzerland" by declaring neutrality when faced with such a scenario and who could blame them? After all no nation in its right mind would choose to be staring down the barrel of our collective military "gun." Hope this isn't too upsetting to anyone, but its just a fact that we have more than enough military power to secure whatever we need that we don't already have here and not even Russia would stand against us because they know it would be a losing battle and there is nothing in it for them. Mexicos' government acts like our bitch, so they will give us whatever we want to keep from getting stomped on and Canadas politicians would look the other way to avoid looking weak.
Again, I'm not saying I agree with such actions but you can bet your ass that there is no way that this countries wealthy and powerful elite are going to go down in flames over a little thing like "national debt." Especially when its a bunch of people with different colored skin who speak funny languages telling us to pay up. Again, I'm not saying I would advocate this, just that the complete lack of regard for the debt that Bush keeps running up like we will never have to pay it means one thing and one thing only. He has no intention of paying it if it "comes due." Its just a logical conclusion if your a follower of Bush ideology, your either with us or your against us right? What names do you suppose he would use to describe countries which tried to financially ruin us? Terrorists, the Axis of Evil? You bet. This is why no one would ever dare to call in our national debt.