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Bush Says U.S. Economy "Envy of the Industrialized World"


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Oct 3, 2004
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Only problem with that theory Seeker is that you can't march a 600 million man army across the Pacific or Atlantic Oceans. Seeing as we have the largest(around 600 warships currently in commission or mothballed meaning they are ready to be brought back into service if needed) most technologically advanced Navy in the world there is absolutely no way any such army could be brought to our shores and it would take years for the "rest of the world" to build a similar navy to ours. We also control the sky with the largest and most technologically advanced Air Force in addition to our carrier based Naval Air combat wings, this would also take years of concerted effort on behalf of the rest of the world to equal. We can easily destroy any armada of ships or planes sent our way without even using nukes.

Our military spy satellites can tell us when a fly takes a shit in Africa so we have advance warning of any type of movement of troops or ships anywhere in the world. With this advance notice there is absolutely no possibility of taking us by "surprise." Unless of course China sends 10 million troops over here at once all disguised as tourists. If our goverment approves the use of tactical nukes for future combat we will have yet another devastating weapon to effectively wipe out any such World Army. Warfare today is very different than that of World Wars past. Our government doesn't spend so much money on Pentagon budgets for nothing. We have the most advanced miltary forces the world has ever seen. No one would dare take us on in a head to head challenge using conventional warfare and expect to "win." While nuclear warfare assures only mutual destruction and the annihilation of the human race, don't doubt that George Bush or Dick Cheney would hesitate to use nukes if threatened by such a force and yes we certainly could destroy such a large army with nukes, as a matter of fact we could pretty much wipe out the worlds population if we ever unleashed our full nuclear arsenal on this planet and got an in kind response from Russia and a few other smaller players. If not totally from the initial blasts and resulting firestorms then over the following months as the climate changed and a nuclear winter set in, followed by disease, famine, breakdown of societal order etc.... In a sense taking on the USA would be like taking on the ultimate madmen in Bush/Cheney since they have this power and are so jingoistic.

I hope and would definitely prefer for the USA to simply stop spending so much money and pay off our debts over time so this would never even have a remote chance of occuring. As for invading Canada I don't think Americans would like the idea much since we seem to have a certain affinity for each other, kind of like siblings. Whatever happens to the USA will definitely effect Canada as well so its in our mutual interests to take care of each other.
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Jul 21, 2005
plan A is much easier ..... Canada is then doomed ... at least all this Quebec referendum billshit would finally be over ... the USA would eliminate french from Quebec overnight[/QUOTE]

Such anger against the french fact of Quebec (81% of Quebec's population).

USA doing total ethnic cleansing...what a nightmare.
Bush will soon be gone, replace by a democrat (hopefully)
that will have the good sense on working on the US debt,
so neither plan A or B will be necessary.

Miko[/QUOTE] Miko plan A is nothing new just read Lord Durham report


Jul 19, 2003
Miko ... this is not hatred against french people in Quebec .... it is TOTAL disgust towards the elite Quebec seperatist politicians and their dirty little secret .... they have deceived the french population into believing that they can have a country by using little pencils and scratching out a little x on a sheet of paper during a referendum

NEVER in human history has a country been created with little pencils scratching out little x's

ALWAYS in human history countries have been created by creating mountains of dead bodies and rivers of blood

once a yes vote occurs in a Quebec referendum the result is the start of civil war in Canada .... just like elsewhere in the world throughout ALL of human history

if Quebec seperatists want a country ... then they must be prepared to die to create one ... they must be prepared to have their mates and children and parents and friends die to create a country

this is the elite Quebec seperatist politicians dirty little secret ... these men/women are well educated and students of history and they know this is true ... but they do not care ... their lust for power is greater than their love for their fellow french citzens who they DECEIVE

you NEVER find Quebec seperatists involed during NOV 11 Rememberance Day Ceremonies as they are all in hiding that day should their dirty little secret be revealed


Jul 19, 2003
HonestAbe ... never under estimate the power of those who hate you (USA not you personally) ... yes 600 million men in a single army has it's problems (can you imagne the shit trail they would leave behind them!!) .... the point is this ... steal a nation's life savings and they will get you .... on sept 11 2001 it only took about a dozen mad men to bring New York City to it's knees


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The Seeker

The Seeker has some very interesting and informative insights here about the problems the USA faces.

but com'on, USA will not take over Canada, and the world will not send an army to take over USA. that's not how military works. today military success does not depend on how many men you can mobilize. besides, the US crazy president will blow up the world with nuclear bombs before he allows this. (Dick is planning to use mini-nukes to bomb Iran right now, see the craziness?)

the US economy is in decline there is no doubt about it, and it is simply a natural trend of global trade. i read this: The Reasons for the War on Terrorism (note section 2: The US Dollar)

my income is denominated in US Dollar, so i can feel the pain about the decline US Dollar AND US economy when buying sex-activity in Montreal.
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Simple fact is that if the US economy goes down in flames the rest of the world is going with us.

I agree with HA on this.

you can bet your ass that there is no way that this countries wealthy and powerful elite are going to go down in flames over a little thing like "national debt."

This is true too, but, remember, the elite is a very selfish group of people. when the Titanic sinks, what they will do is to get on the life boats and let the women and children sink with the ship. as the national debt drains the USA economy away, the elites will just move their money to foreign countries (i.e. invest in a foreign currency)... most like European.


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remember Bush is a fascist, and fasci and commi always say the opposite of reality, as George Orwell's 1984 has shown ("Freedom is slavery, War is peace"... so when the Iraq war turned sour, Dickie said "Iraq war is a catastrophic success.")

so when Bush praises the economy, it means you need to seriously worry about it.

Big Daddy

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Mar 16, 2003
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I know that people on this board don't like Bush, but I am satisfied with the economy. My investments have made some money and my capital gains and dividends are not taxed as much. The lower exchange rate for US dollar directly comes from the deficit. I prefer Bush's economy to Clinton's because stock market in Clinton's economy was so overvalued that I actually lost money in Clinton's superficial stock market.

Bush got one thing right which is that he keeps the government away from regulating private sector. Government intervention in corporate policy would be disasterous for the economy.

To be fair, I think that Bush's economy skewed towards people who already have some money or people who are extremely rich. For poor and low middle class people, Bush's economic policy will hurt them the most.


Jul 19, 2003

you asked a very good question ... what excuse will the USA use to invade and take over Canada

IMHO this is it

a yes result occurs in a Quebec referendum

this results is the start of a civil war in Canada

both sides will be VERY arrogant and think they can win easily

the federalist side will suffer the loss of many lives

the separatist side will suffer the loss of many lives

sadly both sides do not understand what they have done .... neither side is going to win the civil war .... they will have provided the USA with the excuse to invade and take over Canada .... the reason will be to end the Canadain Civil War ... and to secure their #1 source of crude oil

overnight all Canadian provinces and territories would become states of the USA

the USA only has one official language ... that is ENGLISH ... nothing else is tolorated

overnight french would no longer be allowed in the American state of Quebec

Big Daddy

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Mar 16, 2003
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The war between US and Canada is never likely to happen. In fact, the whole concept of war is useless in this global economy world. The physical boundaries don't matter much today. I just don't see US taking over any country because adding more population adds to more problems. Even the war on Iraq is taking its toll on US economy.


Jul 21, 2005
Seeker English is not the official language of the U.S they dont have any The city of NewYork print some of their paperwork in over 80 different languages If i am not mistaken they need to make some change to their contitution in order to make English their official language By the way it is a lot easyer to live in southern Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California if you speak Spanish


New Member
civil war in canada? com'on. it's not 19th century.

In fact, the whole concept of war is useless in this global economy world. The physical boundaries don't matter much today.

this is much a reasonable voice.

once canada breaks apart, the rest of canada might want to join the U.S., but the U.S. might not want to because it might be too "liberal" for the red states. quebec.... well, you think they can survive in the global economy where everyone is trying to unify? maybe, it all depends on the U.S., their biggest customer!


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Apr 24, 2005
The_Seeker said:
the USA only has one official language ... that is ENGLISH ... nothing else is tolorated

Actually, in everyday life, I've felt that just like Canada has French and English, the U.S. has Spanish and English.

For example, use just about any ATM in the U.S. and the instructions will be in either English or Spanish.

For many stores and customer service situations, it is not unusual for Hispanic customers to request for a Spanish speaking customer service representative.

Spend some significant time in the U.S., and you'll see that Spanish is quickly becoming a 2nd language, even as far North as Seattle and New York.
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Feb 9, 2004
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The_Seeker said:

you asked a very good question ... what excuse will the USA use to invade and take over Canada

IMHO this is it

a yes result occurs in a Quebec referendum

this results is the start of a civil war in Canada

both sides will be VERY arrogant and think they can win easily

the federalist side will suffer the loss of many lives

the separatist side will suffer the loss of many lives

sadly both sides do not understand what they have done .... neither side is going to win the civil war .... they will have provided the USA with the excuse to invade and take over Canada .... the reason will be to end the Canadain Civil War ... and to secure their #1 source of crude oil

overnight all Canadian provinces and territories would become states of the USA

the USA only has one official language ... that is ENGLISH ... nothing else is tolorated

overnight french would no longer be allowed in the American state of Quebec

What a fantasy! If Quebec were ever to secede from the rest of Canada, Ottawa and the rest of Canada would wish their French brethern good luck and keep the door open if ever Quebec were to change its mind.

It is not true that the USA has an official language and nothing else is tolerated. The US bends over backwards for Spanish speaking citizens.

Both Quebec and the rest of Canada needs free trade with the US. What keeps Quebec tied to the rest of Canada is the economic benefits of belonging to Canada. I've been told that most of the natural resources of Canada are in the Western part of the country.


Jul 21, 2005
Daydreamer41 oil, grain, lumber is mostly out west Hydroelectricity, aluminum, asbestos, iron, lumber in Quebec. The province of Ontario and Quebec is where money and power is


Jul 19, 2003
English is the only official language in the USA

just pull out a US one dollar bill .... do you see any spanish on it???

until spanish shows up on a one dollar bill in the USA .... English is the only official language in the USA


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Oct 3, 2004
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Canada and USA, like maple syrup on pancakes, better together than alone.

I would wholeheartedly welcome Canada as the newest set of states(by provinces I guess) into the USA. Not that I think it will happen anytime soon but I think Canada would help the US with its Red State "problem" and bring some much needed sanity and intelligence back into our government and way of life. Why we would invade a country we would happily fight alongside is beyond my comprehension. I would rather kill them with kindness in hopes they would join us willingly. My view, enemies of Canada are enemies of mine.


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Oct 3, 2004
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Glad you understood.

StripperLover said:

I'm not at all surprised by that thoughful, deep & insightful comeback.

Bring on those guns & kill all those living above the 49th parallel, if they resist, let's take what's theirs.

Does this mean we are friends again SL? :rolleyes:

When you care to post a non insulting reply, by all means do, but if your looking for a fight over a non existent issue you are only insulting your own intelligence. In addition I think you should revisit the rules of posting and conduct. I have no desire to waste my time arguing with someone who obviously has an axe to grind with me. By all means add me to your ignore list if I am so bothersome to you.

Have a nice day. :)


Jul 21, 2005
The_Seeker said:
English is the only official language in the USA

just pull out a US one dollar bill .... do you see any spanish on it???

until spanish shows up on a one dollar bill in the USA .... English is the only official language in the USA
Language of the majority yes official no.
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