Daringly said:
nations like china and russia have enough nukes to blow the us off the face of the map 10 times over, so if it ever came down to that who wins nobody. Do not think for a second the u.s. does not realize this and that is why there are checks and balances. It is not as lopsided as people think.
M.A.D.= Mutually Assured Destruction, the concept has been well known for decades, I made this point in my previous post, you are absolutely correct, no winners in a nuclear war, we all lose.
China does not yet have the capacity to hit mainland USA with a major Nuclear strike from its position on the map. That being said they are scrambling like mad to gain that capacity.

The size of their nuclear arsenal is also substantially smaller than ours and Russias'. Russia's nuclear arsenal is larger than the US', I don't feel jealous because of this though.
Absolutely right though about "Checks and Balances" but we should also take note that it is not Russia or China who we owe our national debt too anyway. In fact Russia owes us and China needs us to help their economy grow since we buy a tremendous bulk of their cheap products. Saw a report the other day that shows China is preparing to break into the North American Automobile market and challenge ALL the major Auto manufacturers in addition to taking a stab at the luxury market! Lets see how that effects the auto market here with their workers making such pittances for a wage. Can you imagine a $15,000 Chinese car that looks like, drives like, and lasts like a $50,000 Lexus? The war of words will be fierce over this.
The countries which own our debt are more along the likes of Japan and Germany, little military power there, just lots of money and big economies. They also export much of the fruits of their labor to us. My point, no one will ever call in our debt because it would be a catastrophic mistake all around. If you bankrupt the US you screw the entire world and back a wounded monster into a corner by doing so. NOT GOOD. Won't happen.
More likely scenario will be for US companies to start to falter and then be bought up by foreigners so we will be left with few if any large American business', just Giant multinational conglomerates. They will use their power to manipulate the government into giving them every labor concession you can think of and basically lower the standard of living of the average US person forever. Oppurtunity in this country will sink to an all time low for the average man. No longer will you be able to work hard till your 65 and retire. No longer will the average man be able to support his family as a single wage earner, dual incomes will be required from both partners in a marriage until the day they die. Quality of life will plummet. Children will be ignored or disaffected by missing parents creating a new generation of emotionally challenged and love starved youth who will turn to crime in some instances and in others be incapable of having strong emotional bonds due to feelings of abandonment and lack of parental love and guidance.
The US economy is in bad shape for a lot of reasons that don't jump right out at you and aren't talked about nearly enough. We need new leadership to bring back the American dream. It can't become reserved solely for Dr.'s, Lawyers, and corrupt businessmen. If it does the social fabric of this society will start to fall apart.