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Canada By-Election and the Downfall of the Trudeau Liberals


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Fascinating, being a Canadian board, not one mention of the by-elections which is major, everyone is so focused on American politics which has little bearing on Canada. Having said that, the Trudeau Liberals is like the sinking Titanic. They lost the historic Toronto St-Paul district to the Conservatives. Trudeau being the shameless narcissistic power hungry sleazeball, refuses to step down. The NDP ended the agreement to prop up the Trudeau Liberals. Whatever Singh said about why he tore up the agreement is not the real reason he ended propping up the Trudeau Liberals. Singh saw that the Trudeau Liberals is sinking and he needed to put as much distance from the Trudeau Liberals as possible to win those upcoming by-elections, ElmsWood-Transcona in Manitoba which is a NDP stronghold, and Lasalle-Verdun in Montreal which is a Liberal stronghold. The results was pretty much what I expected.

^^^^^ The Bloc Quebecois won the Lasalle-Verdun riding. This has been a Liberal stronghold for decades.

^^^^^ The NDP won ElmsWood-Transcona narrowly. But Liberals are still in third place.

The Trudeau Liberals are sinking making for an upcoming Federal election soon. And we need it soon because Trudeau has to go.. We got a madman taking Canada deeper into a hole with his mass immigration policy. House prices will keep on going up and so will rents and so will food prices. It has to be stopped as soon as possible.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oh boy...Le Bloc qui gagne Lasalle-Émard.....toute une claque pour Trudeau......ce devrait être la fin pour lui.....MAIS va jouer sa game jusqu'à la fin et mener son parti vers une défaite é aura tout fait pour le dé c'est le Bloc qui ici va
en profiter et continuer à tirer profit d'être d'infames parasites....vraiment dégueux comme situation.
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