What's the best way to cancel a SP appointment without looking like an ass? I was absolutely grossed out recently but went along any way to not look like a jerk. They didn't look like pic.
What's the best way to cancel a SP appointment without looking like an ass? I was absolutely grossed out recently but went along any way to not look like a jerk. They didn't look like pic.
What's the best way to cancel a SP appointment without looking like an ass? I was absolutely grossed out recently but went along any way to not look like a jerk. They didn't look like pic.
Off topic, but I think their should be a non written rule that they can't poop during a client session. Same as not working during her period.What happened ? Indy. She stank and could sense I thought she stank (even though I never said anything)
Off topic, but I think their should be a non written rule that they can't poop during a client session.
Absolutely! She must hold it in, that will guarantee you an excellent session.
In fact that's exactly why many prefer rubber fuck dolls, you never run into problems with them.
Several years ago, I booked a girl from a major agency and when she showed up at my door, i thought her face was really unattractive - not just plain, but unattractive. Her body was exactly like her pics. She was also a total sweetheart - super nice, gregarious and totally wanting to please me. I was kind of surprised to find a major agency girl with an unattractive face and I didnt really now what to do. In the end, I went ahead with everything and tried my best not to let on that I was not attracted to her. I also chose not to write a review, but I did tell the booker about it. My reason for doing so was so that he could have feedback on my taste and also to explain why he would not be seeing a review - I pretty much review every girl I book when I take a trip to Montreal. My reasoning for not writing a review is that I would not really be able to give an honest assessment of her skill and service if I was turned off by her face. The issue was something she had no control over and not anything have to do with honesty or being misleading.
She walked up to me and put her arms around me and looked @ me and asked me what I do for a living. I told her I’m a physician and she immediately smiled and said “ oh babyyyy, I loooove physics.” I walked over to the minibar poured us both a glass of grey goose that was in the fridge and told her “you know, I think you and me are gonna be A OK.”