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Cellphone anonymity (tips plz)

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
To the two guys above : It has been mentioned already, lots of agencies and/or indies will refuse to book you if you use an app number. I'm not even gonna talk to people who use an app for more than 15 seconds lol


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
To the two guys above : It has been mentioned already, lots of agencies and/or indies will refuse to book you if you use an app number. I'm not even gonna talk to people who use an app for more than 15 seconds lol

I use the Line2 app regularly to schedule appointments and it doesn't come up as an app number. If your going to utilize an app based number, Line2 IMHO is the way to go.

I forget what the spirit of this thread was about, is it about using an app or having a second phone altogether?


New Member
May 22, 2008
Personally i will not book someone using a text app without a reference or a pm with someone with history: too many fake calls waste of time.I tried to gave the benefit of the dout by taking it for a while and got more fake calls than the ones that came trew

Absolu Copine

May 30, 2017
We are in the process of finishing up all the legal implications prior to starting up.

We researched thoroughly anonymity on cellular phones and the internet. Conclusion: it's just an illusion. Law enforcement can trace you back whichever route you take. But hobbyist aren't doing anything illegal as long as they are only buying companionship time. Whatever occurs between consenting adults... Soliciting for sexual activities is illegal.

The only reason for having a separate phone for hobbying is separating your private life. The easiest and cheapest route is just purchasing a $10 sim card (same type as existing phone) from any supplier, activating the cheapest pay as you go plan from their website. Slip the sim card into your existing phone and configure it so your contacts, call logs and text messages are stored on the sim card. If you don't need to separate your hobbying from your private life don't bother with another phone number.

Want encryption and complete security go BlackBerry. The only reason why they didn't go belly up is that it's the only phones used by government, diplomats, army...

Since 9-11 privacy and anonymity on the internet and cellular is impossible to achieve. Law enforcement will always be able to find you if you do something illegal. All electronic systems are setup to help law enforcement. If you do your hobbying right without soliciting and purchasing companionship time only you're not doing anything illegal. It's when you start asking specific sexual related questions... Reason why advertisers aren't allowed to advertise anymore acronyms in their ads on merb.

At Absolu Copine when we see that too much attention was put towards anonymity, private numbers, obvious fake numbers generated by mentioned applications displayed we take the security of our companions seriously. We simply don't book such appointments. In any case, as mentioned by independents in this thread, they just end up being time wasters and the only thing we sell is companionship time so we ABSOLUTELY don't want to waste any of it ;)


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Cruiser777, legally it means nothing. Escort agencies are perfectly legal and it is fine to call one and to purchase time and companionship. The crime is the solicitation of sex and/or the actual purchase of sex.

We are in the process of finishing up all the legal implications prior to starting up.

We researched thoroughly anonymity on cellular phones and the internet. Conclusion: it's just an illusion. Law enforcement can trace you back whichever route you take. But hobbyist aren't doing anything illegal as long as they are only buying companionship time. Whatever occurs between consenting adults... Soliciting for sexual activities is illegal.

I don't think I agree with the above, all it takes to read the reviews on MERB to see whats going on, who
are we kidding let alone the LE.

This is a Canadian law (Bill C-36 and its a new territory, it could be interpreted so many different ways).

On a side note, happen to see this news link and per the link, clients can and are getting arrested...
(I guess the law applies if it is enforced).

So, yes, I would prefer "Untraceable phone number" if it was possible.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006

I don't think you have adequately studied what is admissible evidence in a court, with respect to postings on the internet that may or may not be completely made up, and with respect to the weight of one person's word over another (absent physical evidence).


Well, I have never studied anything related to this business because I didn't have to, unlike the
U.S. until recently in Canada everything was a go and it was fun, no need to consult a lawyer in
order to have fun with a babe or between two consenting adults as the term is used now because
of the law.

All I am saying that we have this thing hanging around us like a dark cloud which just couple
of years ago we didn't give any "Sh...t" about it.

Absolu Copine

May 30, 2017
Law Enforcement has no interest on cracking down on hobbyist that do not break the law. The quoted article clearly indicates it and all arrests where of johns seeing minors.

It's simple, as long as you're just purchasing COMPANIONSHIP TIME with 18 years and older escorts OUTCALL and not do direct soliciting, asking direct sexual favours and purchasing sex you are completely safe. Everything else that arises in hobbyist minds is pure UNJUSTIFIED PARANOIA caused by lack of knowledge of legislation.

If you are single and do not need to hide anything save your money and spend quality COMPANIONSHIP TIME with more OUTCALL adult escorts.


Also note that in quoted article the subject is minors, johns buying sexual services from minors and pimps that are doing sexual exploitation of minors or forcing women in prostitution. I applaud the quality of work that Law Enforcement does to crack down on such practises and they should allocate even more resources.


The reason why we didn't start up yet is because of the subjects in this thread. We are stuck in legal red tape because we offer credit card or PayPal account payments :) Absolu Copine is stuck among a lot of other things in writing a refund policy, privacy policy, terms of use...

As soon as you connect to the internet with any electronic device privacy ceases to exist. You can have a different cell phone for hobbying, you will still have to connect to the internet with another device or that device. I'm almost tempted to write a privacy policy that says: privacy are you kidding you're on the internet!

Absolu Copine has received a lot of communications and questions through emails, contact forms, text messages, private messages... Thank you for your interest. To the always asked question "when?" the best answer is absolutely as soon as possible. We are working very hard on it :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Unless it is a girl or agency that advertises on Merb with a reputation no way would I use my own number. I will for use an app number. Almost all escorts advertising on Backpage and the like are using phone app numbers and most of them have fake pictures... Many are con artists.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2004
Visit site
Long time lurker, here. And I mean loooooooong time! Long enough to remember Nylon's awesome reviews (always featuring creative use of stockings, a taste I also share!) and that's saying something! Been in and out of the hobby more times than I'd care to admit, too!

I understand that I may very well be the last dinosaur without a cell phone here (yes, really!), but I never felt the need to use one for hobbying. For me, it's always been just like hungry101: strictly emails and PMs to do all the setup work and then a call straight from the room to confirm everything a solid hour or two before showtime. Never had a single issue. Ever.

In fact, I think it's even served me well! Last summer, I booked a three hour date a week in advance. Upon meeting my lovely date for the evening, she admitted to me that contacting her agency through PM on MERB was so charmingly old-school, so unusual nowadays that she just had a good vibe about our date for the whole week! So... yeah. Chalk one up for old-school!

In the end, if Nylon wants to protect his normal life from his hobbying, I can completely understand. My little story just goes to show it can still very much be done retro style!

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
To whoever is using an app, here's a tip, even though you cannot book me via an app number lol. But some of you don't want to book me (or other girls who refuse apps) and want to keep using an app so here it goes :

To be 100% sure your wife never finds out, download an app like textfree, create your number, then send a message or two to get it going, and delete the app. From now on simply use the web version at where you can log in with your new number and password and there you go. if you delete history your wife will never find out you have an account on a text app web version and there will be no trace of the app on your phone either.

I found out because my app was acting up a lot and it always made me pissed lol. So I googled to find a web version and I found it and my life is so much better since. And so much more discrete, nothing on my phone.

Rusty Staub

6x All-Star selection
Jul 10, 2008
Forgive my ignorance but how goes one tell a call or text is originating from an app anyway?

Absolu Copine

May 30, 2017
how goes one tell a call or text is originating from an app anyway?

Invalid NNX Google it. The phone number blatantly looks invalid for example 438-555-2345. 555 is an invalid NNX in 438 area code and not attributed to any phone service provider when doing a reverse phone number lookup.

By continuously seeing phone numbers it becomes second nature...

Rusty Staub

6x All-Star selection
Jul 10, 2008
I was in Montreal a few weeks back and an agency told me to call from a non app number. I was using my regular (US) cell.

Is there a commonly used website that agencies are using (that I might be wrongly categorized) or is it more of a "feel" thing from the booker?



Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Your able to “port” a phone number to a phone app And vice versa. So it’s possible that phone number could have started as an app based number and worked it’s way onto a cell phone, giving you a false verification. Without knowing all the details, it’s hard to pinpoint what may have happened in your specific case.

But, yes, there are several ways to confirm a phone number and they aren’t 100% accurate.
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