I think using a fixed template is going to get ugly really fast, how would we adapt based on changes ex: hair color, body type, breasts, tattoos, piercings etc
• First post would totally make sense to use a template to put as many standard details as possible (contact, overall appearance, price, link to ad etc) - This fixes the issues of people asking the same questions: where did you see her ad, how to I reach her, what does she offer and charge etc... why not a screenshot of the ad for posterity? It may even be mandatory... we often see initial posts that lack most of the basic details.
Ad screenshot is an interesting suggestion that got me thinking.
Here's the thing when people ask where a user has seen an ad: if you don't find it in the next couple days, chances are it will be gone.
Providers change name, pics, ads... Not to mention sites changing their rules or shutting down (in the last few years, we went from Craigslist to Backpage to Leolist). Not that many providers maintain a reliable personal address (website) on the web. Add to this mix the various social media profiles...
And of course, it's raising concerns about privacy. Ads disappear when they're taken down from a classified website by their poster, and while I'm never sure anything ever completely disappear from the Internet, it's not easy to retrieve them.
If a provider changes her photos or pseudonym, it's not necessarily for nefarious reason. Perhaps that person had encountered privacy issues in her life, and need to do so to protect herself. Over the years, it seems that this forum struck the right balance between informing members about possible scams (changing photos and names is often a red flag) and respecting a provider's right to privacy. The screenshot idea is an interesting one, but on second thought I am afraid photos and screenshots might lead to ugly situations in a minority of cases, and I am not sure we should risk it.
• Reviews could also use a "review" template based on the experience and services of each and possibly include changes to the initial post. But I can see this becoming annoying in having to hunt for any change.
• Anything else is basically an open discussion and dosen't require any template.
Regarding the other recurring questions: a template with the basic information provided by the reviewer might be useful early on, I don't deny that. However, we have threads that have been going on
for 5 years - this very useful one
for 7 years, that one
15 years this month! - and I don't believe for a minute that the original poster will come back periodically to correct the initial info. That original poster might not even be up to date if he stopped seeing the provider.
(and if that original poster was Oliver Klosoff, then who knows when, under which name and for how long he'll be back :boom

Sooner or later, we will end up with the same recurring questions, because things evolve. Rates, for one, are not what they were 5 or 10 years ago, and of course a provider is free to change them at any time.
Despite my earlier comments, I am not opposed to a template. I am concerned about participation. Let's not forget that this board is entirely dependant on community members voluntarily posting, in their free time, without being forced to do so, without being paid. It's nobody's job. We all do it as a hobby, we're building something together.
That's true of any vibrant online community. That's true of Wikipedia.
We've seen a lot of forums and a lot of communities falter and die, slowly, on the other hand. Remember MERB's competitors? How vibrant they were (not)?
This board - perhaps helped by the taboo nature of its content - has already navigated successfully the collective move from the so-called Web 2.0 to the social media era that killed many blogs and online communities.
I am worried about anything that might discourage participation in social communities online and turn a forum into another big, dumb, dead place on the Internet.
Say what you will about people asking the same questions over and over again - let's not forget some people encounter these questions for the first time, tipping their toes into the hobby, some people are new to this and learning the ropes - at the end of the day, the board is still alive, new posts are posted every day, new threads are created every day.