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Oct 3, 2004
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Magda said:
That was incredibly well stated, HonestAbe.

Thank you Magda,

Hope Stella is still offering those classes. Perhaps they could get a financial planner to offer a free seminar for Sp's/strippers.


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Jan 11, 2005
Mostly agree, but not on this point...

HonestAbe said:
This thread shows what a dangerous game it can be for an Sp to play on the affections of a love sick person in order to "maximize" profits and then dump him.

While I agree with much of what you said here, this statement is way off base. As you noted elsewhere, you don't know the events and it is not appropriate to jump to these conclusions; clearly the law reached a somewhat different decision. Whatever did transpire, it is NEVER ok to blame the victim. Think how this would sound if it had been rape or murder instead of burglery/stalking...

These kinds of statements reflect a deeply held prejudice even amongst those of us who should be most understanding of our SP friends.


Sep 24, 2005
nother good point. Coralie plays with fire by getting to intimate outside the escorting game with her clients. Wring signals can be interpreted. Some peole tend to forget, which can happen with intamcy, that SPs are paid to leave, not to stay.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
thrustering said:
Some peole tend to forget, which can happen with intamcy, that SPs are paid to leave, not to stay.

But what about the psychos who become obsessed with them and don't want them to leave? What about the nutbars (IMHO) who ask an sp in marriage after having just met her? And some of these guys won't take no for an answer and persist. Some of them take them on trips (Vegas, Carribeans, etc) and for the whole week, spend nearly 24 hrs a day flooding them with marriage proposals. How do you spell C-R-A-Z-Y ???


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Jul 11, 2003
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thrustering said:
nother good point. Coralie plays with fire by getting to intimate outside the escorting game with her clients. Wring signals can be interpreted. Some peole tend to forget, which can happen with intamcy, that SPs are paid to leave, not to stay.

I really have no idea what you are talking about. An SP is paid to create a fantasy or an illusion of intimacy and love. How is it a "wrong signal" when an SP's act of creating a fantasy is interpreted as reality? That's bullshit! This is nothing more than an illiterate and misogynistic excuse for abnormal and/or psychotic behavior.


Sep 24, 2005
Obviously you fdo not know Coralie that well. Annik and Emma @ FKS gave her shit by being to dangerous. They read her the riot act about dating and getting too close to clients. She was advised that if she sees clients as friend to she might be forced to make a decision of dropping one portfolio when sees them. She has done this sort of thing with many clients. She has dated a few clients and worked as an SP. Read the past history on the board and plewase stop being so insolent. This is a discussion board not a flame board. No matter how inane a comment might appear to you, you should still be polite. It seems that every time soemeone says somethin contrary to your opinion you go ballistic. Then you go about throwing past quotes like a petulent child. This Forum used to be so much more relaxed. Everybody else is calm in their assessment, no matter how argumentative it might be. I think you should deal with your anger issues somewhere else till you calm down. I will address such inflamatory comments no more.


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Nov 1, 2003
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god luck at all

s.v.p. ne perdez pas la tete, vous voyez ce que cela fait

I want moderateur to cancel me please

pour un mois seulement, apres le 31 octobre mon email sera cancelle
vous pouvez m'ecrire
[email protected]



Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
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Good call ponpon this thread was getting to be ridiculous and was only rehashing 2 year old shit. Bonne chance Ponpon et laisse faire les "boards" c'est pas bon pour toi...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You have 2 posts on this Board that are not in this thread. You have spoken in crude generalities about Ponpon's situation without any discussion of the facts. While your comments appear to relate solely to Coralie, with whom you obviously have some agenda, my comments were of a general nature and are meant to apply generally to expecations with an SP and accountability for one's behavior. I did not and really don't care to comment specifically on the Coralie-Ponpon situation, and I indicated that in prior posts which you obviously didn't read. I haven't met and don't know either one, nor was I a fly on the wall during their encounters, as you must have been, to be so richly informed of both sides of the story. :rolleyes:

You need to do a much better job reading the posts you are responding to, although I realize that reading and trying to understand someone else's posts is the least of your worries when an agenda needs to be advanced.
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Aug 5, 2005
Eager Beaver. what are you a 12 year old? You have to always have the last word. I don't think Thrustering has an agenda. Every situation has to be considered indivually on it's own merits based on basic guidelines. Even Ponpon has enough of this. All he wanted was to invoke closure in a part of his life. Leave this all alone. Thrustering will not address you on this topic anymore and neither will I.

Now Let's close this thread. Every time Coralie comes up, some uproar always ensues for bot good and bad reasons. The discussions always seem to get far more heated than necessary. Some Divorce proceeding don't even get this bad. :(
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
thrustering said:
Annik and Emma @ FKS gave her shit by being to dangerous.
Who the hell is Annik of FKS???? I don't remember them ever having an Annik on board. Plus, if there was an Annik on board, what would give her the right to judge Ms. C? I think this post is pure b.s. by someone with an axe to grind.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Thanks for the expert commentary on Board posting guidelines, coming from someone who just got through serving a 7 day suspension for assorted rules violations. It's good to know that the inmates are running this asylum. :rolleyes:


Aug 5, 2005
Congratulations on getting the last word Beaver. You proved that you are 12. Good on you. Somehow being suspeneded on this board is not quite a like staying 7 days in San Quentin. Thanks for your concern. I survived.

Just a John: I think Thrustering was referring to Annik of Annik and friends. He said Annik and Emma of FKS meaning 2 seperate items.

I think the only agenda anybody has on this boeard is to get exquistely laid with the best quality and best price with the least ammount of headaches. I am sorry that all of you see it.

"Forest from the Trees". remember? That really is it for me. Mods please close this thread. it's getting ridiculous unless you want Beaver to rant again.


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Oct 3, 2004
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No prejudice here, just a warning to beware.

sybaritic said:
While I agree with much of what you said here, this statement is way off base. As you noted elsewhere, you don't know the events and it is not appropriate to jump to these conclusions; clearly the law reached a somewhat different decision. Whatever did transpire, it is NEVER ok to blame the victim.

These kinds of statements reflect a deeply held prejudice even amongst those of us who should be most understanding of our SP friends.

Hi Sybaritic,

I think you misinterpreted the point I was trying to make. I specifically said that I wasn't party to the intricacies of the relationship so I had no idea of what the "whole story" is. I wasn't jumping to conclusions I was merely making a point that IF she, or anyone for that matter, engaged in fleecing a lovesick client then she was assuming a lot of risk through her actions. This is not the same thing as "blaming the victim" its just pointing out a fact. I do not blame her for Ponpons lack of self control. However, IF, she was leading him on to milk him out of his bank account it was foolish on her part, although it does NOT justify harming her.

I also noted, that a court had decided he had to pay a price for his actions. I am not sympathizing with him, rather I am empathizing, meaning, I can UNDERSTAND, NOT approve of, why someone might act irresponsibly in that supposed set of circumstances. It is basically an affirmation of the concept that if you mess with the wrong people you can get hurt, so be careful of how far you carry the fantasy. As EB points out, we are paying them to give us a fantasy. A fantasy which is supposed to END when the session is over. But if they then carry it over into real life only to try and take advantage of an emotionally unstable person then they are engaging in a dangerous practice which could have disastrous consequences for all involved.

Not to make light of the issue but I look at it from the angle I once heard Chris Rock describe OJ Simpsons' murdering his ex wife. He made the point that she was living off OJ's dime in a beautiful house, drove a luxury car, had all her bills paid for by OJ and all she had to do was take care of their kids. OJ finds out she is f***ing a 20something year old guy in the same house their kids are sleeping in so he loses his mind and kills them. Rocks' quote was "Now I'm not advocating murder, but I understand."

Now to someone who has been a victim of a crime of "passion" or a "love" crime if you will, this may not seem funny. Thats understandable, but the point rings true. It is self evident in the never ending stories we read about and see on TV nearly every day, if you look for them, which involve people who hurt, or try to hurt, someone they love or used to love, or thought that they loved etc...because their ex loved one "did them wrong" in their eyes. The same is true of grifters who try to take advantage of the wrong people, often times they end up on the evening news as a "body found in the river", "washed up on a beach" or just "missing." Sad, yes, true also.

You wouldn't try to fleece a member of organized crime, neither would anyone try to extort a murderer or hurl racial epithets at Iron Mike Tyson in a dark alley. Why? Because intelligent people realize that these actions would have a very high likelihood of getting them maimed or killed. The point is that many times victims could avoid becoming so if they would think through ill advised schemes and not proceed. But previous discussion in the thread mentioned how some girls don't take care of their money and engage in expensive activities. Desire of money is one of a few reasons strong enough to make an otherwise smart person do something like try to play on a clients weakened emotional state in order to fleece him without taking into account the chance that he may react violently. One must never assume that someone is "easy meat" or won't react adversely to being taken advantage of. Thats all I'm saying, Hope that clears it up. I hold absolutely no deep seated prejudice towards Sp's, I appreciate them more than you may realize.


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Jan 11, 2005
Train said:
I hope this is not inflammatory but Kneelong or MCR perhaps you should not post on FKS threads considering your previously publically stated agenda.

The more so since klg is up to the same tricks of breaking into the FKS site. Perhaps they were too nice to you once also, kneelong?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am 100% in agreement, and that is why I posted as I did in this thread. These guys come in this thread and they expect people with full, whole brains to forget the historical facts that they only seem to have an interest in posting in these threads and really could give 2 shits about any other thread on MERB based on posting history.

In the case of Kneelongreen, he either hacked (as he claimed) or copied and pasted from the FKS site material that was available to members only and was later suspended for his actions by the Mods. Everyone on MERB should think about the following: is someone that copies and pastes confidential info from a pay site someone you would be willing to share confidential info with in a PM?????? I don't understand why anyone would post in a manner to label themselves as inherently untrustworthy, and then expect everyone to bestow them with credibility as a poster whose comments can be viewed as objective and trustworthy. Perhaps you can expect that from newbies or those who have shit for brains, but that simply isn't going to fly with the senior members and it is our duty to MERB readers (especially newbies) to call a spade a spade. Anyone who would send any confidential info to Kneelongreen in a PM after the colors he has shown with this episode, should seriously consider an IQ examination.
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New Member
Jan 11, 2005
Train said:
I think it's the height of ridiculousness when a sp is critisized for being too friendly. Just my opinion, but if a sp is too friendly for you then perhaps you have the problem and not her.

I hope this is not inflammatory but Kneelong or MCR perhaps you should not post on FKS threads considering your previously publically stated agenda.

Totally agree with you!

Just in case there are some who don't know what Train refers too, the words (in another thread) from kneelongreen were:

"I had it with their FKS bullshit. I want to bring them down like gas prices but much fucking harder. That's my fucking agenda."
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