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Aug 5, 2005
Too literal guys. it's about the best pussy and the lowest possible price and as often as possible. One day you will be thanking me. Jesus Christ was also misunderstood.

EagerBeaver. I undesrtand, if it's true that you have been suspended from this board at various times. That's the pot calling the kettle black.
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Oct 3, 2004
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I remember that post.

sybaritic said:
Just in case there are some who don't know what Train refers too, the words (in another thread) from kneelongreen were:

"I had it with their FKS bullshit. I want to bring them down like gas prices but much fucking harder. That's my fucking agenda."

Not to defend his actions, taking confidential info and posting it publicly is wrong, but what proof is there that he is someone other than who he says he is, namely a new member. Does someone know something they are not sharing with the rest of us? If so, out with it. As EB said, its your duty to protect us. Seriously, if kneelongreen is a shill with an axe to grind against FKS or a banned former Merbite he should be exposed.

A search of his previous posts shows a variety of different topics which he has posted on in the two short months he has been a member. Including a review of an FKS associate. Thats not much to go on as far as conspiracies are concerned. The MOD's punished him once already for doing something wrong. He has shown that he doesn't respect private content on FKS' site. No I wouldn't share any private info with him. That being said can we reach a solid conclusion on anything other than him having a deep dislike for FKS without any other evidence? There are other posts on this site where some "senior" posters have ripped on and made wild baseless accusations about FKS and various associates of theirs but they were not accused of anything. This was pointed out to the Mod's as well but the Mod's allowed FKS to get hammered.

Anyway you look at it, this bickering has little to do with the topic of the thread. Which I found to be very interesting and informative from all sides.


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Oct 3, 2004
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How far is too far?

Train said:
I think it's the height of ridiculousness when a sp is critisized for being too friendly.

Hi Train,

Just curious, is there a point at which an Sp can go to far with trying to be "friendly"? For instance if she intentionally tries to make you fall in love with her and then lies to you telling you she loves you as well. All the while being married too or in love with another man, and simply preying on your emotions to milk you dry? Is that wrong? I think its called deception, and its not very "friendly."

Providing a "fantasy" as EB states is fine for the time period of your session, even being friendly on an acquaintance level outside of the profession shouldn't present a problem either but what about beyond that? How much honesty are we entitled to from Sp's as clients of theirs? Are we hiring them for sexual fantasy and deception? I don't think anyone likes to be lied to or deceived. In certain circumstances it can be illegal, but in most its immoral, unethical, and just plain wrong.

Ponpons' case presented us with a chance to think about some unique circumstances in Sp'/client relations. If you were taken advantage of while you were in a weakened emotional state you would tell your friends about it to warn them wouldn't you? Of course you would, they are your friends after all and you would want to protect them from the same thing. They would most likely all agree with you that she was a variety of "nasty names" we don't have to list here. Now maybe you aren't the kind of guy who would have this happen to him, most of us think it never could, until it does. But maybe you will be lucky enough to avoid it. How about the guy across the street though? Should he be taken advantage of, is it just his tough luck?

I certainly expect an Sp to be friendly when she shows up, I would even like it if she wanted to be friendly outside of work. What I would not like is to have her use me for monetary gain by pretending to love me. Not only is it damaging monetarily to those who fall victim to such grifters, it is also emotonally harmful since love holds some people together like glue. It also deprives the victim of time, time to find a truly loving person who will take care of their emotional well being. To be fair to Sp's this is not an issue which solely relates to them as all women are capable of such despicable acts. To be fair to women, men can do this too.

I don't think its fair to people who seek out meaningful long term relationships to be deceived by goldiggers who love nothing other than money. It seems quite hypocritical to warn our fellow members about Sp's being weak in areas of looks, service or attitude but to discount or ignore warnings about Sp's who lack ethics and will seize any oppurtunity they get to take a client for a ride.


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Oct 3, 2004
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Hi Train,

Let me begin by apologizing if anyone mistook my posts as judging Coralie. I thought I made it clear several times in my previous posts that I was not jumping to conclusions about her, or this situation specifically. Rather, I felt it was an oppurtunity to discuss such a set of circumstances, namely an Sp taking advantage of a person in an emotionally weakened state. Your statement about such a person needing help is probably true in many circumstances. Mental health is an issue all too often ignored since it is viewed by most people as a sign of weakness not to be talked about at risk of public ridicule.

Sadly ignoring it does not fix the problem. What it does is leave a lot of people walking around in a state of depression or despair. My point is simply that there are a lot of people in this world of ours who are greedy enough to take advantage of that given the chance. I'm certainly not saying that Sp's are all a bunch of goldiggers. As you said and I agree, what could be more honest than exchanging money for sex? No, Sp's are not major violators of ethical standards any more than businessmen, salesmen, or politicians. As a matter of fact the lines of what is ethical and what isn't has been somewhat blurred due to what is deemed as acceptable practice in the business community nowadays. How about we just use the word immoral instead.

Not that we are a bunch of Jesus freaks but I think we can all agree that no one likes to be lied to or taken advantage of by someone manipulating us with a specific weakness we have. If someone tells you that they love you only to relieve you of your money isn't that immoral? Especially if they had inside knowledge on your emotionally weakened state? Say you had your heart broken by someone and were feeling really lonely, so you share this with an Sp during a session, would it be ok for them to pretend they loved you in hopes of taking as much money from you as possible? Even if it meant emptying out your life savings and retirement accounts? Or have they gone too far at this point? Should others be warned about this type of activity so they can beware of falling victim to such acts?

I would hope that readers of this board know that this business is "all about the money"(I love saying that) and that getting into hobbying is not a replacement for dating other women, and we are "paying for a fantasy" etc, etc... I would also reiterate that it is not impossible for any two given people to find a spark between them and for that spark to lead to a serious relationship. There is certainly nothing wrong with falling for an Sp or an Sp falling for a client as it only shows that we are after all, only human. I simply find it wrong to lie and deceive someone about loving them for monetary gain. If this activity occurs it should be reported to us, again not that I agree that this is what Coralie did, just that it is hurtful, financially and emotionally for the victims and a dangerous game to play for the Sp who underestimates the possible consequences. Most of us don't believe it would ever happen to us until it actually does. But many people are duped at one point or another in their life. It really sucks when its about love though, often the question rushes through a victims mind when they are finally faced with the harsh reality, "How could I have been so blind?" Simple answer, "Love is Blindness."
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May 26, 2004
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Let me try to fill in the blanks here.

I have met Coralie many times over a extended time in the past. While she is fond of enjoying nice wines, champagne and good food (and so do I) never was she money hungry. She never counted the envelope, and in more than one instance almost left without it.

I had correspondence with Ponpon when this matter hit and specifically asked him this question:

Did she ever use the word or words to the effect of: "I love you, or mention the word love".
He specifcally told me those words were never uttered by her in any manner.

Those are the facts as known to me.
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Aug 5, 2005
...[/B] Now that we've established that Coralie is totally innocent...[/B]

I can't believe that quote. You got to be kidding. Maybe she is not responsible for the majority if the blame. I can buy thay. Totally innocent?!!!!
No way. I have to give her 25% blame @ best. I lean a little higher. My Opinion.
I hope nobody is going tomrant too much on this. Especially Train and Eager Beaver.

Train: I am no MCR like I told you before. Remeber that past Vice-presidential debat? " I knew MCR and you are no MCR".
Sep 23, 2005
Special K said:
I think it would be a good idea to start a separate thread starting with Honest Abe's post entitled....

Now that we've established that Coralie is totally innocent...

I'm sure it will provide many interesting observations.

BTW Magda..your extremely candid and insightful posts really have a way of turning me on. :p


What about the pimp(s) behind her who pushed her to take ponpon to the cleaners? Special K, lets not be naive now. No way!


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Married Independent?

Correct - if my recollections are good,a married independent to be precise.
Sep 23, 2005
Train said:
:D A fairly idiotic statement considering she was an independent and had no "pimps". Check your facts a little better first before hurling the accusations.

Sorry but this is just simply stupid . There are no other words for it.

PM me if you wish and I'll explain. Not going to post this information because my life may be in danger if I do. These are very dangerous people.
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Dragonslaying Babe
Jun 20, 2005
Montreal, QC.
Tasmanian Devil said:
PM me if you wish and I'll explain. Not going to post this information because my life may be in danger if I do. These are very dangerous people.
Oh brother.

Train said:
I'm not looking at it as providing a service so much as having some skills allowing the sp to enhance the existing service. At one extreme( I do mean extreme) would be BDSM and at the other something as innocuous as dirty talk.
How is dirty talk and/or BDSM going to deter an obsessed client? I am also not sure how it is considered by you to qualify as psycotherapy.

While I agree that an sp may be able to be a good listener and hear about family/work/gf related problems this is not what we are discussing. When the problems of a client involves the sp, such as in the case of sp-obsession, then the sp can no longer be objective as it now involves them. In fact, it could be quite dangerous to meddle. The sp may not even realize the problem developing, either.

I think this needs discusson needs to be moved to a proper thread of it's own, also. I second SpecialK.
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Aug 5, 2005
Train said:
Ok then son of MCR :rolleyes: .You have exactly the same obsessions . At least ponpon has dealt with his anger. Best of luck to you.

Obsession?!! You have 10 page rants. I thinkmit's you. Remember, I did not get charged. I thnk you ar obsessed on this MCR thing. I can't believe how many posts this thing gets. ON the other board, whcich we do not name, the rant is over. Why is everybosy going on woth it?

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Tasmanian Devil said:
What about the pimp(s) behind her who pushed her to take ponpon to the cleaners? Special K, lets not be naive now. No way!

Tas...What the f*ck are you talking about? I simply stated that we should divide this thread into two separate categories since it's become clear that it has nothing to do with ponpon's original statement now and I thought Honest Abe's post stating "Coralie's innocence" in the matter be a good place to separate.

BTW, us naive??? Lol. Do tell me about the pimps...LMAO! :rolleyes:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Yes, let's divide the thread. There were never any facts posted regarding the original issue, so the balance of the thread should be a new thread on the general topic at hand, reality vs. fantasy and the ongoing inability and struggles of some to distinguish between the two.
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