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Condom Broke. Help !


Sep 17, 2011
3 weeks ago i had sex with an escort from a well known agency. Condom broke. I was inside of her for maybe less than a second or so because i realised very fast that the condom broke. We then put another rubber and finished.

I asked her about her sexual health and she told me that she had nothing since she get tested often. The problem is that i have symptoms.

I will get tested soon for STD. But i'm am extremely anxious about some diseases i might have caught.

What are my chances of getting HIV in a 1 second or less unprotected intercourse .... any ideas ?

Thank you !


Time Traveler
Jul 29, 2006
Planet Earth
Your chance of getting HIV grows with the time you are in intercourse. So for 1 sec, I'd say that your chances are pretty slim. Even less possible, since you were "partially covered" (not knowing which part of it broke). To get HIV, there must be an exchange of body fluids with your partner.

For other STD, this may be different. You are wise to be responbile and to be tested.

Everyone should wash there private parts, whenever they experience a breakage, before moving on with condom replacement. You never know.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Happy, you have come to the right place for medical advice. I have had this happen too. I have heard that Aids transmission is very rare through heterosexual penis/vaginal sex. But still, for peace of mind it is a good time to get tested.

And yes, do ask the Booker. This is another excellent source of medical advice. If the you explain to the booker what happened and ask "does this girl get regular check-ups?" If the booker answers "yeah, I think so" than your probably good. No further action is required


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
The thinner latex condoms, when put on larger penises, and when used in a rough manner, can break. Polyurethane condoms conduct heat better but lack the elastic quality of latex, and therefore break more easily, even the regular ones. You have to understand the science of condoms, otherwise you should not put one on your dick. It is really basic chemistry and physics, there is friction and mass and compounds and materials of the condom and all of these elements factor into a breakage. It is no different than studying what causes a tire to fail.
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Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi all
The best advice is to get tested as quick as possible ! You must insure yourself that you are clean !
I was a booker myself and went trough those panicking moments with many different SP's over the years !
I have accompanied certain of them to the medical clinic others directly to the hospital to reduce their stress level and to show them that I cared but lets all admit that escort booker is powerless to provide proper medical diagnostic even for the one that cares .
Even if the SP responded that she was tested escort agencies cannot force there girls to be tested each and everyone of them are responsible of their own health and personal hygiene .
Booking a escort and having intercourse with them carry a high level of risk that we try to minimize by not having BBBFS!
When a condom breaks !!!! Doctors and qualified medical personnel are your only source of advice .
For the sake of your health and life act now
Best regards
And good luck


New Member
Oct 29, 2011
It just happened to me... Condom broke during vaginal sex but we both never realized until I cummed. As soon as I got home I had a good piss and washed my dick with anti-bacterial soap 3x. Tomorrow morning I'm gonna call either Clinique A or l'Actuel to get tested asap. I regularly get tested and never had unprotected sex since the last one I had so I'm not really worried about me being infected and transmitting any STDs but still, when these type of things happen I make all kind of scenarios in my head. As for the SP she wasn't stressed at all and told me she's clean and gets tested often... didn't even ask me to go see a doctor. I texted her afterwards to tell her to go ge tested for my peace of mind, I'll see if she does it. I know that she's been very active in the industry since the least 2 or 3 years so this is why I'm a little bit worried, even if the risks of cathcing a STD are low from what I understand. As per this link, chances are 5 out of 10,000.

The bottom line is that i'm not having and kind of sex with any girl for the next three months since the tests can't be fully trusted in the first 3 months after the incident. My partners will be youporn and my right hand lol


New Member
Oct 29, 2011
The thinner latex condoms, when put on larger penises, and when used in a rough manner, can break.

That's exactly my situation, I'm fairly large and and it was a thin latex condom. I don't think I was rough but was going at a good pace... I know that many SPs absolutely want to use their own condoms, while some guys after an incident like mine will only use theirs... To be discussed!


Oct 20, 2011
get tested. But usually multiple intercourses are required to transmit an infection. One intercourse with 1 second of open penis is quite unlikely to result in HIV. If it does, you should blame your luck more than anything else. We all are going to die anyway. Take care.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
3 weeks ago i had sex with an escort from a well known agency. Condom broke. I was inside of her for maybe less than a second or so because i realised very fast that the condom broke. We then put another rubber and finished.

I asked her about her sexual health and she told me that she had nothing since she get tested often. The problem is that i have symptoms.

I will get tested soon for STD. But i'm am extremely anxious about some diseases i might have caught.

What are my chances of getting HIV in a 1 second or less unprotected intercourse .... any ideas ?

Thank you !

Since it has been 3 weeks, it's good time to get tested. Testing too soon after potential infection results in false negatives because your body haven't had enough time to produce antibodies for the test to detect. Bacterial infections usually can be detected less than a week after infection. The most likely situation you are experiencing is stress from worrying about STDs. Chances of you catching anything from this encounter is low.

Too put things into perspective, there are many BBFS clubs as well as full blown BBFS gangbang parties (parties require an HIV test) operating legally in Germany. There's no STD public health crisis from all the barebacking they are doing. I’m not suggesting you should bareback. However you may want to take into consideration the possibility that the actual risk of catching a STDs is perhaps a bit overblown than it actually is; partly because of society and also because there’s really no reliable studies done on this topic to more accurately identify the risk.

Having the risks being overblown is not a bad thing for the industry; it scares everyone into practicing safe sex and even furthering lower the chance that the SP has an STD to infect a partner with. Looking at the industry as a whole, you'll probably have a higher chance getting something with from an STD-ignorant civilian who practices safe sex some of the time than from an informed SP who practices 100% of the time.

What I'm trying to say is the SP you were with most likely is STD free to begin with and you are worrying about nothing.

Whenever this kind of things happen, you should go to st Luc hospital, they will give you a 1 month HIV treatment and get you tested.
Now after three weeks, not much to do if you already got the virus, the sooner you start the treatment the better your prognosis would be.
For sure I am saying this if you got HIV. Usually all it takes is 1 second to get the virus transmitted.
When you pulled out, did you wash the used a new condom? Did you have any open wound or scar?

Usually HIV starts with no symptoms, for months and years sometimes. So pressure on your balls is not related to HIV.
By just posting on merb there is absolutely no chance to give you a diagnosis.. The sooner you get tested the better.. I think it's better also to check with the booker, just get informed if the girls regularly get checked?!

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt until you blew your credibility with the “1-second” comment, doc.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2012
It's very unlikely that the girl was HIV positive to begin with, and even she was it's very unlikely that you got HIV from her. That is two big IFs which makes the overall probability really low for a single encounter. So get tested for peace of mind (and other STIs) but don't stress over it.


New Member
Oct 29, 2011
I got tested yesterday and I'm clean, so the SP didn't catch anything from me. They still suggested that I take PEP since I did not know if the lady is clean or not. They gave me a prescription for one week of tri-therapy pills and told me I could stop as soon as the SP gets tested and received a negative results. So yesterday I literally harassed her and the booker to convince her to go the clinic since all she was saying is I don't need it i'm clean I got tested last December. In the end I convinced her by paying for the HIV test and paying her cab fare. It costed me close to $200 but I don't care, I would have paid $500 if I had needed to. I went to the clinic with her and she showed me the negative result, god I was relieved. I didn't feel at all like taking PEP for 28 days because of all the side effetcs.

Also, what the doctor told me is that chances of getting HIV because the condom broke are really low for a vaginal relation but much higher for greek tho, closer to 1%. She suggested PEP because this is what their guidelines say, but, she pointed out that some doctors will just tell you to go home based on their experience. But if the condom breaks you need to go see a doctor for medical advice within 72 hours of the sexual relation, regardless of what you read on the internet or this board.

That incident left a really bad taste in my mouth and I really feel like taking a break from the hobby now... Too much stress and I have the feeling that I'll always be worried that the condom breaks during the penetration in future encouters, which would kill my mood.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
I got tested yesterday and I'm clean, so the SP didn't catch anything from me. They still suggested that I take PEP since I did not know if the lady is clean or not. They gave me a prescription for one week of tri-therapy pills and told me I could stop as soon as the SP gets tested and received a negative results. So yesterday I literally harassed her and the booker to convince her to go the clinic since all she was saying is I don't need it i'm clean I got tested last December. In the end I convinced her by paying for the HIV test and paying her cab fare. It costed me close to $200 but I don't care, I would have paid $500 if I had needed to. I went to the clinic with her and she showed me the negative result, god I was relieved. I didn't feel at all like taking PEP for 28 days because of all the side effetcs.

Also, what the doctor told me is that chances of getting HIV because the condom broke are really low for a vaginal relation but much higher for greek tho, closer to 1%. She suggested PEP because this is what their guidelines say, but, she pointed out that some doctors will just tell you to go home based on their experience. But if the condom breaks you need to go see a doctor for medical advice within 72 hours of the sexual relation, regardless of what you read on the internet or this board.

That incident left a really bad taste in my mouth and I really feel like taking a break from the hobby now... Too much stress and I have the feeling that I'll always be worried that the condom breaks during the penetration in future encouters, which would kill my mood.

What did I tell you? You were stressed over nothing. LOL.

The "much higher" HIV infection rates for greek pertains to the partner who is the bottom (the one receiving) vs the top (the one doing the penetrating).

I'm surprise the SP even entertained your calls to get tested. You're probably blacklisted by that SP for causing unnecessary drama. If you want to participate in this hobby, you need to understand your own comfort level of the risks involved. If you discover that you are going to get stressed out if/when a condom breaks, this hobby is not for you (your last sentence suggest you are coming to this realization).

My first experience with equipment failure was during greek and, like you, I too immediately pulled out. However the SP was not concern at all. She just took the broken condom off, got a new one, BBBJ me to get me back up (essentially performing ATM) and continue as if it was a non-event. Like you, I was a bit concern, and did my subsequent tests. Everything negative.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2012
Also, what the doctor told me is that chances of getting HIV because the condom broke are really low for a vaginal relation but much higher for greek tho, closer to 1%. She suggested PEP because this is what their guidelines say, but, she pointed out that some doctors will just tell you to go home based on their experience. But if the condom breaks you need to go see a doctor for medical advice within 72 hours of the sexual relation, regardless of what you read on the internet or this board.

No, you don't need to look for medical advice since some doctors would just send you home as your own doctor said. PEP is only for high risk taking (i.e. having a relation with an actual HIV positive individual). You just wasted time and money.
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