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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Odd that during the covid spike the flu cases dropped, one fuck of a lot.

Found this clip today....

At this point in last year's flu season, Canada had already recorded 711 positive cases of influenza.

So far this year, there have been just 17.

"Influenza is way behind the eight ball here," said Dr. Gerald Evans, chair of infectious disease in the department of medicine at Queen's University in Kingston, Ont.


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Jul 11, 2003
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My brother’s friend died earlier this month from COVID in Portland, OR. He was 63, 100% healthy, an avid tennis player and mounting bike rider. Diagnosis: bad luck

That is unfortunate. I texted my buddy in NYC today. He is 57, retired, in excellent shape, usually visits me for long weekends 2-3 times a year, typically built around big sports events. He reported to me today that he feels a little better than Sunday but is very fatigued. He is eating and drinking. Said he has been resting and watching a lot of Netflix. He mentioned 2 shows, "Medal of Honor" and "Unsolved Mysteries." He is living with his wife in NYC. Their daughter is away at grad school. The wife tested negative. She must be freaked out, being alone with a Covid positive person. But part of the marital vow is standing by your spouse in "sickness and in health", so she has to suck it up, I guess.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
It was a pretty mild season saully in the lands down under. Well, not sure about Brazil. But Australia and New Zealand had mild flu seasons.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
That is unfortunate. I texted my buddy in NYC today. He is 57, retired, in excellent shape, usually visits me for long weekends 2-3 times a year, typically built around big sports events. He reported to me today that he feels a little better than Sunday but is very fatigued. He is eating and drinking. Said he has been resting and watching a lot of Netflix. He mentioned 2 shows, "Medal of Honor" and "Unsolved Mysteries." He is living with his wife in NYC. Their daughter is away at grad school. The wife tested negative. She must be freaked out, being alone with a Covid positive person. But part of the marital vow is standing by your spouse in "sickness and in health", so she has to suck it up, I guess.
My brother’s friend worked in a senior position for a major corporation and had an excellent health insurance. He received basically the same treatment as Tramp did. He was improving and was discharged from the ICU. He talked to my brother 2 days before his death via WhatsApp and told him that he believes he is out of the woods. Then his lungs rapidly collapsed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

We are going into lockdown again. I’ll do anything within my power to avoid large gatherings and wear my mask and keep my distance. I just have no confidence in the ruling class particularly in the Blue States. Why should we listen to them? They make all these proclamations and then violate nearly every rule that they make? Even R2D2 has to admit it. They’re a bunch of hypocrites. Nancy Pelosi was caught without a mask getting her hair done. She is hosting a dinner party for members of Congress. Lori Lightfoot, the Mayor of Chicago and Bill De blasio were out celebrating the election. They said that this spontaneous celebration was ok. Before this riots were ok. She also violated her order and was caught getting her hair done. She said she had to. She’s the mayor. Never mind she looks like the bride of Frankenstein. Gavin Newsome attended a birthday party in-doors in Napa Valley and just apologized and yet he has established some bizarre rules for Thanksgiving for everyone else? Even the Turkey has to be served with a mask on...Biden took his mask off to sneeze into his hand? WTF? Chuck Schumer was out celebrating. Anyone see the Dems passing around that bottles of champagne? California law makers travel to Hawaii. Whitmore’s husband used his wife’s name (Big Gretch) in order to take his boat out. Why is this ok? The riots were ok. WTF?
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I thought you were from Michigan??

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Why is it odd Sol T ? It should be quite logical.
People are taking precautions against catching Covid19 that also work well against catching influenza.

Why? Because people are saying no influenza because we are wearing masks etc. and at the same time saying the covid-19 spike is because we are not wearing masks etc. Think about that before you answer.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
Why? Because people are saying no influenza because we are wearing masks etc. and at the same time saying the covid-19 spike is because we are not wearing masks etc. Think about that before you answer.

Nobody is saying "no influenza"... but less, yes. Also remember that covid is not the flu, and its rate of transmission is different. It's logical to assume that, like in Australia, masks and some degree of other precautions help lower the influenza rate.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Yea but saully, not disputing your point but in some of those countries like Australia and NZ they don’t have much covid either as well as no flu

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Nobody is saying "no influenza"... but less, yes.

Less, Canada going from 700 to 17 is a lot more than less.

My point is the same people hailing that masks made this possible also blame the spike in covid-19 to people not wearing masks.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
How dare you Patron? This guy wrote a book. He’s going to follow the politics...err...I mean Science. I’ll say it again: He signed the order which forced the hospitals to send their institutionalized patients back to the institute. This was a death sentence. At the same time he was ok with the BLM protests/riots and the election celebrations. How can anyone try to curb these spontaneous celebrations? But church or Thanksgiving? Out of the question!

There was a cartoon where a patient asks her Doctor, “Doctor, how long should the shut downs last?” The Doctor said “How should I know? I’m just a Doctor. I’m not a politician.”

Did you happen to listen to Cuomo talk about closing down the schools again? He admitted that the schools are not a problem but said that they agreed that if the disease went over a certain number like 3% that they would shut the schools down again. This goes against the beloved science that the left is alway talking about on yard signs. Cuomo is well aware of this and made some political double speak admitting so. I don’t know why? It could be because of that wonderful teachers union he is trying to placate.

Closing the schools makes about as much sense as a recent ruling that NY State made last year that was signed by Governor Cuomo. Cleaning compounds such as cleaners for your wood floor would have to reduce the concentration of 1-4 dioxane to less than 2PPM by December 2022 and less than 1ppm by December 2023. At the same time, cosmetics (products that you use on your body) must contain less than 10 PPM of 1-4 dioxane. BTW - the lower levels were below quantifiable limits. Cuomo, a member of the party of science, (Think about the yard sign slogan: “Science is Real”) understood this but signed the bill anyway. Why? Because Revlon and a few other cosmetics companies are NY State based. That’s why it’s ok to put on a mascara with 9.9 PPM of 1-4 dioxane or a foundation but it’s not ok to use a car cleaner or a deck wash with the same level. I give you this example because this is the thought process that law makers use when touting science - especially Democratic lawmakers
because let’s face it. They tend to represent dumber people. I’m not talking about the minorities and union people. I’m talking about the wine and cheese crowd of fashionable libs that reside on both coasts and the scores of Millennials and other that are graduating with advanced degrees in Critical Race Theory and Gender Studies. Defund the Universities!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
It is mostly upstate NY. I wonder if they discussed the police prioritization policy under c-36 in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver before deciding not to go to homes with lots of cars and count people. Does this guy give any thought as to looking like an idiot before he says and does things? Why not just keep saying We Strongly Recommend that Gatherrings be Limited to 10 or Fewer People, as opposed to trying to make a law.

I remember Governor Cuomo discussing his own family and gathering for dinner. Although not directly related to gathering during a holiday, he did say something like "what I do with my family is my business", when asked by a reporter. I agree that large gatherings are probably not the smartest thing to do, but I don't think its up to big brother to tell me what I can do with my family for the holidays. Rioting and looting is OK, but don't you dare try to have some sort of normalcy with your family during the holidays. Do as I say, not as I do.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yes Waloo I agree but if you’ve read the Pulitzer Prize winning 1619 project. (Read it and look past all the factual errors and just try to appreciate the spirit of what’s written.) Why should anyone give thanks for the genocidal maniacs that came over here to enslave a race and kill off another? For what? Religious and political freedom? Come on! This is the patriarchy. Why I bet if you got a time machine and you brought one of the pilgrims back to the Connecticut State High School Women’s track finals they would say “Not fair! Those are boys racing against the girls.” The pilgrims wouldn’t have the years of Critical Race Theory etc. to understand the new science that the Democratic Party has embraced that says if you put a ribbon in your hair and apply make-up, eye shadow, and flail your wrists and suck a cock that you are in fact a girl and should be able to break established track records of other girls in your state and even go to the University and compete internationally as a woman? Why not. Did you see the braids and dangling earrings? ...But I digress.

I can see parties of >10 getting together to say torch a Wendy’s or to loot a Target or even to topple a statue of a founder but to go to Church or have a family get together? No way. Science is Real!
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Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I remember Governor Cuomo discussing his own family and gathering for dinner. Although not directly related to gathering during a holiday, he did say something like "what I do with my family is my business", when asked by a reporter. I agree that large gatherings are probably not the smartest thing to do, but I don't think its up to big brother to tell me what I can do with my family for the holidays. Rioting and looting is OK, but don't you dare try to have some sort of normalcy with your family during the holidays. Do as I say, not as I do.
Wasn’t there some hooplah about Chris Cuomo breaking quarantine and hangin out in LI?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Since I wrote my earlier post with examples of the hypocrisy of the Democrats and their crack down on Thanksgiving, a new edict came to light. The Governor of Oregon, Kate Brown, proclaims new edicts about Thanksgiving while Oregon lawmakers fly to Hawaii. Like George Orwell said, some animals are more equal than others.
So the summer of love was OK and all the riots were tolerated but you can’t have Thanksgiving?

meanwhile, here are police taking pictures into apartments to enforce regulations.


The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Those look like bird watchers to me dude
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