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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Active Member
Dec 28, 2019
We laugh but from what I can see there are 2 omicron vaccines

1- let's call it the UK vaccine is targeted at Omicron, helps with BA.4 and BA.5 but not targeted to it, and is tested on humans
2- let's call it the US vaccine is more specific to BA.4 and BA.5 and has not completed tested in humans, just mice

I wonder which we are getting ?
I was actually laughing with you. I have not gotten the clot shot and don't intend to.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017

Blood damage explains many harmful impacts of COVID ‘vaccines’​

Ah yes, an article from Lifesite News. HERE is what the Internet tells us about Lifesite News:

"LifeSiteNews (or simply LifeSite) is a Canadian Catholic conservative to far-right anti-abortion advocacy website and news publication. LifeSiteNews has published misleading information and conspiracy theories, and in 2021, was banned from some social media platforms for spreading COVID-19 misinformation."

In other words: Typically incorrect, dishonest, far-right bullshit.

You might want to get your information from some other source...possibly even an honest and accurate one that has not already been outed as far-right misinformation, lies and propaganda.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Getting back to serious things

The US Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday authorized updated Covid-19 vaccine booster shots from Moderna and Pfizer. This is the first time updated Covid-19 vaccines have received emergency use authorization in the United States.

Both are bivalent vaccines that combine the companies' original vaccine with one that targets the BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron sublineages. Both companies submitted applications to the FDA for emergency use authorization for their updated vaccines last week.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Getting back to serious things

The US Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday authorized updated Covid-19 vaccine booster shots from Moderna and Pfizer. This is the first time updated Covid-19 vaccines have received emergency use authorization in the United States.

Both are bivalent vaccines that combine the companies' original vaccine with one that targets the BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron sublineages. Both companies submitted applications to the FDA for emergency use authorization for their updated vaccines last week.

yes, as per my post, that is the US one

Not sure if this is what Canada is getting


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Faisons le point....Santé Canada donne le ok à une ''nouvelle version'' du vaccin MODERNA originelle....dit ''adapté'' aussi au variant OMICRON non spécifiquement aux variants BA.4--BA.5 comme adopté aux U,S,.......Santé Canada affirme que les études

disponibles à ce jour ne sont pas encore assez concluantes,......belle prudence.....sera disponible/livré dès demain.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Erreur... Il a déjà été testé et s'est avéré sécuritaire et efficace. C'est pourquoi les autorisations ont été données aux USA et au Canada entre autres.
Le vaccin approuvé par le Canada n'est pas celui approuvé par les EU. Celui des EU n'as pas fini d'etre testé sur des humains

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
@gallantca J'ai retiré mon post car tu as raison et je ne veux pas semer de confusion.
J'ai reçu mon booster (pfizer) fin juillet, serai prêt pour ces nouveaux vaccins en décembre ou janvier, selon les recommandations qui seront en vigueur.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Voici pourquoi ne pas avoir attendu les tests chez les humains.

Jeudi, le comité (aux USA) a vu de nouvelles données de modélisation suggérant qu'il y avait des risques substantiels à attendre pour déployer de nouveaux boosters.
Selon les prévisions du CDC, les rappels administrés aux adultes américains en septembre pourraient éviter 137 000 hospitalisations et 9 700 décès de plus que si les rappels avaient lieu jusqu'en novembre.

D'autre part, le Dr Melinda Wharton, directrice associée de la politique vaccinale au National Center for Immunization and Respiratory du CDC a déclaré "Je voudrais juste rappeler au comité que chaque année, nous utilisons des vaccins antigrippaux basés sur de nouvelles souches sans qu'aucune étude clinique ne soit effectuée".

Les boosters ont été approuvés sur la base d'études sur des souris élevées pour avoir des récepteurs ACE-2 humains – les portes que le coronavirus utilise pour pénétrer dans nos cellules – mais les données d'essais cliniques montrant à quel point ils peuvent fonctionner chez l'homme ne seront pas disponibles pour un autre mois ou deux.
Ceci est similaire à la façon dont les vaccins annuels contre la grippe sont étudiés et approuvés, mais c'est la première fois pour les vaccins Covid-19.

Concernant le vaccin autorisé au Canada: En approuvant les vaccins, les régulateurs des USA ont également examiné les données derrière différents rappels à deux souches. Ceux-ci portent des instructions pour combattre la souche originale de la variante Omicron, BA.1, ainsi que le virus original. Ces rappels ont été étudiés chez environ 1 400 personnes. Leur utilisation a été autorisée au Royaume-Uni et au Canada, mais ne sera pas disponible aux États-Unis.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
A new mental illness has appeared about
people refusing blood tranfusion with blood donners that have received Covid vaccin.
The blood banks don't have that information anyway.
They prefer a high probability to die in case they require a surgery.
The surgeons should proceed to surgery on those persons.
Why use hospitals for their cases when there are lots of surgery delayed already.
In New Zealand, parents of a 4 months baby refuse a surgery that would save his life.
The authorities asked the Court to retire the child from his parents.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
A new mental illness has appeared about
people refusing blood tranfusion with blood donners that have received Covid vaccin.
The blood banks don't have that information anyway.
They prefer a high probability to die in case they require a surgery.
The surgeons should proceed to surgery on those persons.
Why use hospitals for their cases when there are lots of surgery delayed already.
In New Zealand, parents of a 4 months baby refuse a surgery that would save his life.
The authorities asked the Court to retire the child from his parents.

A doctor once told me " definition, half of the people you meet are stupider than average."

I was awe-struck for a few moments because it simply explained so much human behaviour.

Much of modern society is aimed at curbing stupidity but obviously stupid people find a way.
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