It's almost been +-5 months that i keep witnessing a LTS-type of presence in post symptomatic covid infections on non-vaccinated patients. For the non meds: it's basically a BAD narrowing of the larynx that could lead up to air collapse and complete respiratory failure if not diagnosed properly. The only cases I have seen prior covid were in patients that had a tracheotomy an eternity ago, forgot their anti-inflammatory dx -> lead to fibrosis and eventually death.
Now, I can affirm that the ORL community is very-WELL aware of this issue happening but we also know that correlation does not imply causation. However, we know that lots of airborne transmitted infections, such as influenza, can have a devastating effect on the upper airway areas as a whole but also small life-lasting things. Tinnitus for example can be caused by a light symptomatic influenza type infection, one that we're most likely "herd immune".
I'm completely sick of this whole covid restrictions/laws/mandates myself but everyone needs to start thinking about the long-term effect of the infection and as it is right now, vaccination is the safest option to get rid of this thing. And yes, some people might have bad reactions to it, the same goes with lots of things even fucking claritin.